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2018-03-10 Dragons Keep - Orem, UT


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If anyone is looking for questions, here's my list (I missed my chance in Seattle last week):

On narrowing down Shards (my obsession):

1. Would it be feasible to put the 16 Shards into groups of four?                                                                                                                                                                                                              -[If no] Are they more random, then, and we're just looking for Patterns where none exist?

2. The Intents/names of Shards have often appeared on-page without referencing the actual Shards themselves (for example, Ambition being a theme in Elantris long before we knew of Shards; Endow and Devotion being common words). Is this ever intentional?                                                                                                                                                                                    -[If yes] Have you done this (intentionally) with Shards we haven't yet seen?                                                                                                                                                                                -[RAFO-bait-but-maybe-I'll-get-lucky-or-at-least-a-grin] In Oathbringer, when Hoid says "he and wisdom are often at cross-purposes", is he referring to the Shard that just wants to hide and survive?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -In the same scene Hoid also mentions Kindness and Cynicism, are these possible synonyms for the names of other shards we don't know about yet?

3. As of writing the essays in Arcanum Unbounded, does Khriss know the Intents of all 16 Shards?

Autonomy/Trell Questions:

1. As of Sixth of the Dusk, has Autonomy abandoned First of the Sun?                                                                                                                                                                                              -Why doesn't Khriss recognize Autonomy's influence on First of the Sun in her Essays?

2. [assuming Trell is Autonomy, maybe I'll trick him] Is Trell an "avatar" of Autonomy (like the one she mentions in the Letter in Oathbringer) or is he an agent working with the Set?

3. Was Autonomy directly involved in killing Aona and Skai (as in present, working with Odium)?                                                                                                                                                    -[If yes] Could Odium have done it on his own?

Assorted Questions:

1. What does Endowment think of Nightblood?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -[RAFO bait] Did she directly interfere with or influence his creation?

2. [has been RAFO'd but might be good to ask again] Is Edgli a dragon?

3. You've mentioned that the Dor is like a "plasma storm" and is very dangerous to travelers. Yet, we've seen many Elantrians on other worlds (Galladon, Riino, the Ire). Do Elantrians have an inherent immunity to the Dor as practitioners?                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -[if no] If the Ire had successfully taken up Preservation, would they have been able to restore the Dor, holding three Shards?

4. Was the infamous Worldhopping Kandra seen on-page in Oathbringer?

5. Can Shards have multiple Shardpools? For example, can Harmony have one in the basin and one on SoScad?                                                                                                                        -[If yes] Is this specific to Harmony as he holds two Shards, or could any Shard maintain multiple Shardpools?

Expanding List (hand out questions?)

1. How old is Silverlight, at the time of writing the Essays?

2. Do Cognitive cultural expectations affect a peoples' physical DNA? For example, Rosharans think of the Alethi as tall, dark-haired, lightly tanned. Does this make them more likely to grow to look that way?

3. What would happen if someone took a fabrial into Shadesmar? Specifically, what would happen to the spren?

4. Would a spanreed in the Physical Realm be able to communicate with its conjoined spanreed in the Cognitive Realm?

5. What would happen if an Elsecaller tried to transition to the Physical Realm while holding a glass bead from Shadesmar?

6. Is the first planet in the Iriali Long Trail Yolen?

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OK, I have approximately 2.5 hours of audio here, comprising the general Q&A session, a reading from upcoming the 3rd Legion book, and the questions people asked during signing.  The first two sections should be pretty clear, but once people started standing in line to ask questions, things got really noisy in there and I don't know how intelligible the audio will be.  Someone else set down a phone on the table to record at that point, much closer to him and the people asking questions than I was, so hopefully we'll be able to get a clear idea of what was asked and answered.

There were a few points there where Brandon looked up at me and said "this is off the record."  I'm going to go through and edit those out before posting the audio, so it'll be a bit before it's up.


I had the opportunity to ask a few Scadrial questions.

Q: "I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted."  I get how Kwaan could have figured out that Ruin was messing with records, but how could he have possibly known that metal was immune?

A: (paraphrasing) It was actually not too difficult to figure out, but I don't want to go into the details of it here.

Q: Will the Well of Ascension fill up again after another 1000 years, or did Harmony do away with that?

A: The people living there in his time believe that it's no longer a thing, and they have good reasons to believe that.

Q: Harmony was able to make it so the koloss reproduce like ordinary people.  Why didn't he do the same for the kandra?

A: (squirming a little) That kind of gets into details I don't want to discuss, but... I'll say this.  It was a conscious choice.

Q: When a metallic Invested object is melted down, it doesn't lose its Invested nature, such as the spike-bullet in Shadows of Self.

A: Yes...

Q: So if Wax were to take one of his ironminds, have it melted down and then alloyed into steel, and attempt to burn that, what would happen?

A: (paraphrasing heavily here) This is getting really deep into the mechanics of the magic system, but basically it wouldn't work, and he'd get the "there's a reserve here but I can't use it" effect, which is what you'd see in a lot of similar cases.

Q: If a Listener was on Scadrial, would they be able to hear Allomantic pulses like a Seeker?


Q: OK, similarly, if a thieving crew had an Aviar of the same breed as Kokerlii, would it be able to function as a Smoker for them?

A: Yes.  (This surprised me.  Why RAFO the one and answer the other?)


So that's what I've got for now.  I haven't listened to the audio yet. I'll post it to Arcanum after redacting a few things at Brandon's request and possibly trying to clean it up a bit.

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42 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

I'll post it to Arcanum after redacting a few things at Brandon's request and possibly trying to clean it up a bit.

If you miss any, we can mute the segment after it's been uploaded too :)


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1 hour ago, Mason Wheeler said:

There were a few points there where Brandon looked up at me and said "this is off the record."  I'm going to go through and edit those out before posting the audio, so it'll be a bit before it's up.

Just curious, what were the kinds of things that were off the record?  Were they spoilers, things that had previously been RAFO'd, things that he didn't want to cannonize yet?  

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A bunch of great questions. I'm particularly curious about that kandra one.

23 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Q: If a Listener was on Scadrial, would they be able to hear Allomantic pulses like a Seeker?


Q: OK, similarly, if a thieving crew had an Aviar of the same breed as Kokerlii, would it be able to function as a Smoker for them?

A: Yes.  (This surprised me.  Why RAFO the one and answer the other?)

This is an interesting pair of answers. I suspect that he is just holding back on telling us listener abilities until it becomes relevant in the text, so that he can have some surprises for the books.

My personal guess is that the listeners cannot generally sense bronze-pulses, though certain forms could gain this ability. My reasoning: we know that Kokerlii masks cognitive activity, while the rhythms originate in the spiritual realm and can't be blocked by a coppercloud (source). So if listeners can sense kinetic investiture, it wouldn't be by the same mechanism in which they hear the rhythms. Then again, we don't actually know where bronze pulses come from (unless I've forgotten an important WoB somewhere). The best theory I've seen is that they arise from the transfer of investiture between realms, which is (probably) what makes the investiture "kinetic" in the first place. So I'm not sure why Kokerlii's ability would mask such pulses.

My other line of reasoning contains Oathbringer spoilers:


If singers could detect kinetic investiture then they wouldn't need the screamers to find fabrials or KRs in Kholinar. It's possible that the screamer spren are just convenient because they have a broader range and faster movement, but my suspicion is that the ability is entirely distinct from hearing rhythms and is something that most singer forms lack.

EDIT: yeah, got that blocking rhythms thing wrong. Oops.

Edited by ccstat
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I don’t understand the WoB about the Well of Ascension. My guess is that Harmony has suppressed his perpendicularities for some reason, or that  he has combined them and allowed them to manifest somewhere else. Are there any more WoBs on perpendicularities that could be relevant?

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On 3/14/2018 at 6:27 PM, TheOneKEA said:

I don’t understand the WoB about the Well of Ascension. My guess is that Harmony has suppressed his perpendicularities for some reason, or that  he has combined them and allowed them to manifest somewhere else. Are there any more WoBs on perpendicularities that could be relevant?

Brandon, Circa 2008.


Does the Well of Ascension still exist in the new world? Or is it no longer necessary? I assumed that Preservation collected there like Ruin collects in the Pits of Hathsin, so if Atium keeps forming then the well should keep filling...

Brandon Sanderson
The Well (and the small wells in the Pits) are no more. For now at least.

Brandon, Circa 2015.


The metals that were formed from Shards, like atium and lerasium. Are they somewhat naturally occurring, like in pools of power, or are they specifically [?]?

Brandon Sanderson
They are somewhat naturally occurring.

Really? Even on other Shardworlds?

Brandon Sanderson
Oh. They could exist somewhere else. There are some special circumstances on Scadrial, but yes. The idea is that the pools are one state of this mythological matter. But, I mean, it's such a drop in the bucket compared to the actual Shards. So that it is a statistically insignificant amount, but it is an amount.

So Harmony's pool, wherever it is is statistically larger than...

Brandon Sanderson

Edited by The One Who Connects
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