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Is it just me or would Mistborn make a pretty good anime


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Yeah.  I think it would make a good one too.  If I had to choose between a good anime series and a good live action movie, though, I’d have to go with the movie.  For me, nothing beats live-action for level of epicness.

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I think any of Sanderson's work would be fine as an anime as long as they stayed away from terrible anime tropes. I used to really love anime. I've kind of grown to dislike all the super power levels, final forms, gratuitous fan-service, gratuitous screaming, single shots of everyone in the room half-laughing at something that isn't really funny, character stereotypes. It just all grates on my nerves now. I do still have a soft spot for my favorite series when I was a teen though. Hard not too as much time as I put into enjoying them.

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Honestly, an animated series in the style of Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the few ways I can see any of the Cosmere getting a screen adaptation that is faithful and not entirely made up of CGI.  It is the only way you can faithfully recreate the settings and the ethnic hodgepodge that the characters represent without anything feeling out of place.

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On 2/20/2018 at 9:12 AM, theuntaintedchild said:

I think any of Sanderson's work would be fine as an anime as long as they stayed away from terrible anime tropes. I used to really love anime. I've kind of grown to dislike all the super power levels, final forms, gratuitous fan-service, gratuitous screaming, single shots of everyone in the room half-laughing at something that isn't really funny, character stereotypes. It just all grates on my nerves now. I do still have a soft spot for my favorite series when I was a teen though. Hard not too as much time as I put into enjoying them.

"Gratuitous" is a subjective thing, but yeah, a lot of the stylistic elements of anime intentionally cater to exaggeration.

That said, anime-style "super power levels" and "final forms" is EXACTLY what I picture when Vin inhales the mists, or when Elend does the duralmin-atium-superflare thing.

Even more so if you cross over to Stormlight Archive, what with Kaladin's swearing the Second and Third Ideals, or in Oathbringer, when Dalinar finally UNITES THEM. (no spoilers!), or in Elantris, when Raoden does his "software patch" (not a spoiler either, I hope!).


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On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, robardin said:

Even more so if you cross over to Stormlight Archive, what with Kaladin's swearing the Second and Third Ideals, or in Oathbringer, when Dalinar finally UNITES THEM. (no spoilers!), or in Elantris, when Raoden does his "software patch" (not a spoiler either, I hope!).

I won't deny that Sanderson's writing is very anime-esque. If fact sometimes when I'm reading I find scenes that I think were completely inspired by certain anime series. I end up seeing a lot of Fullmetal Alchemist in Sanderson's work. Probably because that's one of my favorite series. And someone on this site once posted a Stormlight abridged where Sly was the most tsundere (I can't ever remember how to spell that) character ever and I found it hilarious. I guess what I should have said was  "instead of the over the top exaggeration that is anime" I would prefer "Overpowered/epic of a live action feature." If they made it into an anime series I would still watch it, because it's Sanderson. I would just always have that "What if it had been live action?" thought going through my head.

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  • 5 months later...

I haven't watched a lot of anime so my opinion could be invalid but I always imagined a Mistborn adaption to be a real grim and dark one. I am not sure I'll be able to find the Inquisitors and The Lord Ruler terrifying if everything's drawn in anime style and I don't think that mainstream audiences will either. There is a plus to having everything drawn though, people won't have any trouble with the cast. 

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They would definitly make a good Anime. As long as they don't cut it too short or delete too much. An anime definitly can capture the emotions and the fantastic moves/ effects possible through investiture.

I think I would perfer them as a movie though, because I love good movies based on good books. And especially in the fantasy/ Sci-Fi Sektion it's great to der the costumes and the world. But I think it would have to be a series, because no movie can include enough of the story to be good and complete.

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On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 5:59 PM, rioter10098 said:

I haven't watched a lot of anime so my opinion could be invalid but I always imagined a Mistborn adaption to be a real grim and dark one. I am not sure I'll be able to find the Inquisitors and The Lord Ruler terrifying if everything's drawn in anime style and I don't think that mainstream audiences will either. There is a plus to having everything drawn though, people won't have any trouble with the cast. 

I think it's your lack of anime "experience" is what's holding you back. I think the mainstream idea of anime is shows with all the cutie kawaii and school girls giggling. But anime can get extremely dark, grim, and scary just the same.

The entire time I was reading the Stormlight books I couldn't get out of my head how much, style wise, it reminded me of Full Metal Alchemist. The spren would make perfect anime-style reaction moments lol it would be perfect!

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