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I don't see, Coop being active, as an elim quality...he's always pretty active on discord and the AG was overwhelming even for me and I'd think it'd be a nightmare for a new player. 

I do still think he could be an elim, but that's not really a reason.

Just got out of church so I'm back lol. I'll try and get some more analysis done and put up a vote after I get home and eat dinner. 

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Drought, I don't think you're being totally honest with us about your rule reading habits. Here you act like you've read the rules, but you later imply that you haven't read them. Which is it? Drought [\color] 

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37 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

Drought, I don't think you're being totally honest with us about your rule reading habits. Here you act like you've read the rules, but you later imply that you haven't read them. Which is it? Drought [\color] 

This is from a multitude of posts that came before it:

This one

 This one

And this one

I have been attempting to avoid the rules, but it is really hard to when most of the discussion in the past was based upon a rule, so, while I have yet to read the rules, I have still picked up on different roles, at least slightly. 

Did you expect me to ignore everything in the thread in the place of not knowing any of the rules? Although that's fun it is impossible to do both and also be able to respond to the thread as a whole, sadly.

Now I'm curious why you are tunneling in on me so much as well... this coincides with Coop tunnelling in on me, and it puts you on my suspicions list as well. 

My current Elim reads are Shqueeves and Coop, and I'd be open for lynching either of them, so I'll keep my vote on Coop for now, but I'll be willing to move it at a later point.

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3 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Droughtbringer I don't see Shqueeves tunneling? Did he vote on you before this? You seem a little extra defensive. I also suspect Shqueeves a little, but not sure why you suspect him just for suspecting you?

Tunneling probably wasn't the right word...

It is more that he is focusing in on something small to put his vote on me. And, that it coincides with Coop doing something fairly similar. 

But then again I'm kinda doing that with their posts... That's kinda where we're at in the game, right now. So maybe I over reacted, but I don't want to get lynched, and I don't think anyone really does. A mis-lynch now could cost us the game.

We all know that we are village, but no one else knows, for sure, that anyone else is village. So we're at the point where we look at small points in posts to try and find anything that could let us win... I think. 

Tl;dr I suspect him for, as stated above, placing his vote on me for something so little, as well as Coop doing the same. It feels like they are forcing a lynch

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Eärendil had had enough. He had sailed to the West, to the gods--or so he had believed--to seek help for his fallen people. But the gods were too busy fighting and murdering each other to pay him any heed.

Then he realized with a shock that the only god he'd ever known was Morgoth.

No. I refuse to believe that they're all like him. Everything I've ever been taught was that the gods are benevolent beings, not warmongers.

But they hadn't saved Gondolin, had they?

"That's enough." Eärendil finally spoke. "I will remain silent no longer. This has to end. Men, Elves...the Free Peoples are dying in Beleriand and all you can do is squabble about who to kill next. You're no better than he is."

Finally, the gods listened. Finally, they moved towards him. And finally, he confronted the truth, as their eyes were filled towards murderous rage--towards him.

"You never cared. Never.

"But I do. As Fingolfin stood against the wrath of Morgoth, so I stand today against the wrath of the Valar combined. And this time, my hopes are not in some false gods on another continent. They are right here with me...and those I defend." 

As he spake, a swan cried overhead.


Arinian. Voting on me by saying "this is how you've acted in previous games" is no justification at all. I could vote on literally anyone in this game (well, except a new player) and use that as an excuse. And with the mislynch last cycle, it seems that you're just trying to avoid suspicion.

Devotary--as you can tell, it's getting to crunch time and we haven't killed any of the elims yet. So when I thought Lopen was acting eliminator-y, I voted. My playstyle isn't going to stay static throughout the game when I'm about to lose.

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2 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Ecthelion (2): Devotary, Arinian

Coop (1): Joe, Brightness, Droughtbringer

Drought (2): Coop, Shqueeves

Arinian (2): Joe, Ecthelion

No Vote: @Bort, @BrightnessRadiant@MonsterMetroid,@RippleGylf

I don't see shqueeves as being all that suspicious. I don't see him as being villagery though, drought, i am slowly getting a better read on, and i am also getting a worse read on coop as they talk. I still don't have a read on Ecthelion at all, but he will die anyway, so not really a point in me lynching him.

I think I would lynch Coop or Arinian at this point.

Edit: @Ecthelion III ninja'd me.

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I think rollover is in a little under two hours? @Droughtbringer 

I don't have time to do more analysis and I can see Coop being a villager, but tbh my feelings that he could be an elim are still there and that it's why he believed extra that Mac was village and defended him so strongly. As I said before, I've done it as an elim and I don't suspect Ecth that much cuz there's not a lot to go on yet and Drought I'd like a closer look at (but I think I can say that I couldn't see a Drought/Coop team but would like to see one or the other's alignment) 

All in all, thinking through it, I'm gonna have to switch back to Coop

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8 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

@Drake Marshall the rollover time isn't working for me... What time is rollover at? (Time from now would be best)

if it is the same as usual it should be 2 and a half hours from now

Sorry guys I just got back from my church meetings and ate dinner it was great but I am exhausted and I cant do proper analysis for the life of me.

So as a result I am going to vote on Brightnesss Radiant not because I necessarily suspect her but because I dont want to die and she doesnt have any votes (sorry)

If I am still alive tomorrow I promise some good analysis (and some actual RP)

dang ninjad by drake himself

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Also, I need to look through Arinian's posts again, but I've got a bad habit of just thinking he does things that look suspicious but then he flips village so I want to look closer.

That's probably it for me tonight...so hopefully I'll see you later.

Also also, the elims have a kill because I went and re-read some rules and it specifically says they do. So, I'm guessing they're avoiding using it to hide from sentries and are waiting until it gets down to the wire to use it so please think through your votes and don't just vote to avoid the filter.

Ninja'd by Monster...lol...I just advised against doing that, but I meant as we get lower on numbers xD xD

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I really don't like this current Lynch. We have not had a single tied vote like this end in our favor. Not only that, but all 4 of the current players that can be lynched are voting on eachother. I think it rather likely that many of them will switch their votes out of self preservation.

I will switch my vote to Coop because of that. I would rather Arrinan died, but coop is my second biggest suspicion.

Ecthelion (1): Devotary, Arinian

Coop (4): Joe, Brightness, Droughtbringer, Brightness, Joe, Devotary

Drought (2): Coop, Shqueeves

Arinian (1): Joe, Ecthelion

Brightness (1): Monster


Bort and Ripple still need to vote.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
Updated Vote Tally
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51 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Voting on me by saying "this is how you've acted in previous games" is no justification at all. I could vote on literally anyone in this game (well, except a new player) and use that as an excuse. And with the mislynch last cycle, it seems that you're just trying to avoid suspicion.

Devotary--as you can tell, it's getting to crunch time and we haven't killed any of the elims yet. So when I thought Lopen was acting eliminator-y, I voted. My playstyle isn't going to stay static throughout the game when I'm about to lose.

Okay Ecthelion, thank you for responding. It's interesting that you're accusing Arinian partially for being involved in Lopen's death when you also participated in his lynch, but you are correct in saying that the time for making votes purely to stay alive is over. 

As Bort hasn't voted yet today and assuming he wasn't lying for whatever reason about his timezone, it's 4 in the morning for him and thus he's likely going to be inactivity killed. Monster hasn't been online for 18 hours and Ripple for 10, but they've both been online for rollover before so they still have a chance to make it. There's no point in voting for any of them until they come online, even if they were elims. If all three of them die and are villagers, we could lose tonight if there are five eliminators.

Since we're so close to losing, I think it might be time to ask for some help. Shqueeves, you have said you were in contact with an Awakener. Do our dead friends have any opinion as to who we should lynch?

Until/unless @Shqueeves responds, I will put my vote on Coop. You've said:

5 hours ago, Coop772 said:

I said 90% because I couldn't be sure he wasn't an elim that was lying to me. I was trying to protect him because I suspected (he had roleclaimed) him to be village, and I didn't have a good read on anyone else w/ a role, so keeping a village alive would be super important

Last cycle, you also said "I am not a captain, and you (anyone) can scan me if you don’t believe me (not sure if that would prove it, but it couldn’t hurt)." If you neither are a captain, nor know a captain, why did you get targeted twice in a row? Since the main thing the captain has done so far other than remove your vote has been the attempt to save a villager(Lopen) from dying, I'm inclined to believe that the captain is a villager. This makes me think that you're either lying about knowing the captain's identity, or a villager has reason to suspect you. Feel free to correct any errors I made in this analysis, @Coop772.

EDIT: Welcome back Monster. Glad to see you beat the filter.

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Tried to do an analysis to explain why I don't trust Drought, but it's just not happening tonight. Sorry. I am still sticking w/ Drought, tho; and will have good analysis up later if you let me live. Devotary: there is nothing wrong w/ your analysis, tho I'm not sure how you're proving your point. I still don't know who any of the captains are, and have no idea why I was targeted twice. The only way to defend myself is just to clarify that, and I understand your logic. I am not an Elim, and I will have good analysis tomorrow so let me live at least until then.

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If we lose Bort and Ripple to the filter, a villager gets lynched, and the elims finally use their kill, then there's a chance we could lose this cycle if there are 4 elims because there'd only be 3 villagers left and they only need to outnumber us. So, pleeeeease @RippleGylf and @Bort please vote. 

@Coop772 If we let you live this cycle then that might make us lynch a villager if you are an elim just trying to buy time. Sorry I don't think I should remove my vote at this point in the game since I think there's a chance you're an elim. Ofc, I have a bad feeling I may be wrong but I think that quite often in this game.

Part of me wants to lynch Devotary just because Lopen and, I think, Elenion both voted them before and they're both confirmed dead villagers now. I don't want to do it just for that tho...but they're vote on Ecthelion felt a little off to me. But then they also pointed out that we could lose if people don't all vote soooo...hmm...I'd love to look into it more, but now really probably will be my last post before cycle ends. If I get a chance I'll pop back on.

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Sorry, had a full day of IRL stuff to do.

Voting on Joe so I don't die, and I don't particularly remember having a solid village read of him. It kinda feels like he's been flying under the radar a little bit. It is also entirely possible that in my sleep-deprived state that I am running low on logic. I'll go through everything tomorrow and have more solid suspicions then.

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That means we are only missing @Bort.

@Drake Marshall, does the game end when the eliminators have more players than us, or equal players to us?

@Everyone else, There is half an hour left. I think we have only 1 captain in play, and i think she is village. The vote as it stands is 


Ecthelion (1): Devotary, Arinian

Coop (4): Joe, Brightness, Droughtbringer, Brightness, Joe, Devotary

Drought (2): Coop, Shqueeves

Arinian (1): Joe, Ecthelion

Brightness (1): Monster

Joe (1):  RippleGlyf Glyph Gyl Gylf

I will remain online in case Coop is an elim, and his comrades attempt to save him, but, there isn't actually anything i can do to prevent a Coop save. But @Arinian and @RippleGylf are viewing the thread. Would you two consider staying online to try to prevent a hammer?

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1 hour ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Part of me wants to lynch Devotary just because Lopen and, I think, Elenion both voted them before and they're both confirmed dead villagers now. I don't want to do it just for that tho...but they're vote on Ecthelion felt a little off to me. 

  Elenion did not vote for me. From cycle 2:

Straw (4)- Joe, Elenion, Shqueeves, Mac
Devotary (3)- Livinglegend, Lopen, Monster       

I voted for Ecthelion today because he voted on Lopen wanting to hear Lopen's reasoning for voting on Elenion, but then after Lopen responded Ecthelion never removed his vote or even acknowledged Lopen's response, despite posting later in the cycle. 

@Coop772, you're the best lead I have at the moment, and we can't afford to split the vote and allow the elims to manipulate the lynch. If you are a villager, you can share your analysis with any village Awakeners tomorrow, especially as Drake's ruling makes it unlikely that we'll lose tonight unless the elim team has five members and you're not one of them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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Okay, time to come clean. First off, I am an Awakener. I have been talking with the dead, and keeping track of them. And I’d like to point off a few things going on with Shqueeves as part of it.

So, Shqueeves has talked about an Awakener Contact, as well as a secret Worldhopper type role. Well, both of those are true to a degree, but shrouded in lies,

So, there is someone in the dead doc, who only shows up once every 3-ish cycles. They apparently have a rotating Role, that will give them one of 3 roles every cycle. Awakener, (this one I know what it does, due to actually having it :P), Captain, and whatever the third one is called. (maybe it is just a vanilla role). We have been working, and have determined that, due to balance reasons, Shqueeves almost has to be an elim. This is due to the fact that the balance for an elim team compared to the Worldhopper (apparently it is called a Returned) has to be fairly large and powerful, and we have seen no evidence of that.

Elenion, Randuir, and Lopen were all super nice and did a deap dive through old docs and threads, looking for whoever matched up with Returned’s posts, and they came across quite a few things that matched Shqueeves decently well.

Beyond that, in doc, the person recently expressed that they trusted me, Drought, when Len asked about it, but Shqueeves obviously does not, which would make a liar of him, further putting for the idea that he is an Elim.

We have also seen slight vote manip going on, every now and then, that could easily be chocked up to whenever Shqueeves has rolled the Vote Manip role, and used it to his advantage.

This means that, there is someone with a secret role, and that Shqueeves is most likely that person.


Due to how late we were able to figure this out, I’ll be keeping my vote on Coop, as changing over to Shqueeves last moment will not be effective, and I think that the info we will get from Lynching Coop will be very useful.

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Is there any other awakeners that can collaborate your story?

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

Okay, time to come clean. First off, I am an Awakener. I have been talking with the dead, and keeping track of them. And I’d like to point off a few things going on with Shqueeves as part of it.

How many other awakeners are there? Can we get a list of who you have roleblocked so we can verify this?

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

So, Shqueeves has talked about an Awakener Contact, as well as a secret Worldhopper type role. Well, both of those are true to a degree, but shrouded in lies,

Did I miss this? Where?

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

So, there is someone in the dead doc, who only shows up once every 3-ish cycles. They apparently have a rotating Role, that will give them one of 3 roles every cycle. Awakener, (this one I know what it does, due to actually having it :P), Captain, and whatever the third one is called. (maybe it is just a vanilla role). We have been working, and have determined that, due to balance reasons, Shqueeves almost has to be an elim. This is due to the fact that the balance for an elim team compared to the Worldhopper (apparently it is called a Returned) has to be fairly large and powerful, and we have seen no evidence of that.

There are two different names there, returned and Worldhopper. Which one is this person claiming, and why did the name change at some point?

Sentry. The third one is called Sentry.

I would like to see these reasons. I see no reason that a worldhopper role as you describe would be all that powerful. If anything, they are less powerful. They cannot really confirm whether or not their actions had an effect for several turns. I could easily see a team of 3 eliminators with each a unique role being balanced against this type of player.

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

Elenion, Randuir, and Lopen were all super nice and did a deap dive through old docs and threads, looking for whoever matched up with Returned’s posts, and they came across quite a few things that matched Shqueeves decently well.

May I ask what things those are?

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

Beyond that, in doc, the person recently expressed that they trusted me, Drought, when Len asked about it, but Shqueeves obviously does not, which would make a liar of him, further putting for the idea that he is an Elim.

No? i cozy up too people I am suspicious of all the time. Admittedly, I do it as an elim as well, but i don't see that behavior as all that suspicious.

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

We have also seen slight vote manip going on, every now and then, that could easily be chocked up to whenever Shqueeves has rolled the Vote Manip role, and used it to his advantage

hmm. During the rollover, I'll check when vote manip happened. For now, what turns did this player have the awakener role?

16 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

Due to how late we were able to figure this out, I’ll be keeping my vote on Coop, as changing over to Shqueeves last moment will not be effective, and I think that the info we will get from Lynching Coop will be very useful.

That is one of the few points in your favor here.

EDIT: Ahh! Sorry Drake, didn't realize you had posted.

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Bort the Brute rolled out of his bedroll, groaning. He didn't feel well, at all. He tried to get up, but found he was too dizzy to stand properly, even leaning on his favorite spiky club. He sat back down on his bedroll, shivering. There had been talk about disease spreading in the camp, but nothing like this. He hollered for a soldier to come.

"Stay back," Bort cautioned.

"What is it, sir?" one of them asked.

"I've caught something. I feel bloody horrible. Tell the othe--"

Bort was interrupted as he had to lean over to throw up. The soldier ran to go call for help.


"I don't like this. What if Captain Bort was poisoned?" Jeo speculated.

"Hm, that actually makes a lot of sense," Ivy said, nodding.

"Well... If our captain was poisoned, who'd want to kill him? Maybe somebody who Bort discredited?"

"So... Salthis," Zaffer concluded.

The four stared at Salthis. The other soldiers seemed to be nodding their heads, and the marshal wasn't in sight to stop them.

"Did you poison Bort?" they asked him. Salthis tried to respond, but was pushed to the ground, where they started kicking him.

He didn't get back up.


Later that night, the camp held a burial service. They dug a mass-grave close to but not over the perimeter imposed by the lifeless, depositing all of those who had died in the past few days. The soldiers stood in a loose ring, their heads bowed, while the marshal said a few words, ending on "...and may Austre give them rest."

They kept their heads bowed, as one by one, the members of the camp approached the grave to say their respects, each uttering a few words of respect over the dead.

When they looked up, it was obvious that something was very wrong. At some point while paying their respects, heads bowed, eyes closed, all the color had drained from the bodies of the fallen. A quiet moment of dread permeated the camp as comprehension dawned on them. Bort began to pick himself up, quickly followed by others.

The ring around the grave scattered, fleeing for the town hall. They barricaded themselves in, breathing heavily, praying that the lifeless would not be able to enter.

"It was you," Zaffer said in a quiet voice, looking at Shu. "I saw you do it. You created those creatures from our dead, just now."

The others in the hall glanced between the two of them, stunned.



Vote Tally

Coop (4)- Joe, Brightness, Devotary, Drought
Drought (2)- Shqueeves, Coop
Arinian (1)- Ecthelion
Brightness (1)- Monster
Joe (1)- Ripple
Ecthelion (1)- Arinian


Coop has been lynched!

Identity of the deceased:



Bort has died of plague!

Identity of the deceased:




Player List

1. A Joe in the Bush as Jeo the Yellow
2. Elenion as Gormund Oscarson Idrian
3. Randuir as commander Jaaver Idrian Captain
4. Livinglegend as Lucky Idrian Sentry
5. Shqueeves as Shu
6. Bort as Bort the Brute Idrian Captain
7. BrightnessRadiant as Ivy
8. Straw as Straw Idrian
9. TheMightyLopen as Vaati Idrian
10. MacThorstenson as Mac Idrian
11. Devotary of Spontaneity as Fahmexa
12. Ecthelion as Eärendil
13. Coop772 as Salthis Idrian
14. MonsterMetroid as Roid
15. Droughtbringer as Zaffer
16. RippleGylf as Sarcoline
17. Arinian as Elien




Edited by Drake Marshall
improved title art
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Drought, would you be okay sharing who you've blocked as an awakener? Because either the elims aren't trying to directly kill anyone, or awakeners are doing a really good job. For my sanity, I hope it's the latter.

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