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Darn it, Straw almost always dies early :( I didn't see much out of the ordinary in his playstyle. I do wish I'd been able to think clearer and do more analysis last night but I was so dead and had a headache. 

Well, I dunno if I've ever played a game with Straw when he was an elim so I doubt I'd know when he was. 

I'll probably try to get around to a full re-read eventually, but not making any promises because like I said, gonna be so busy during this game. 

I wanna look back at all of Shqueeves posts to see if he seemed suspicious day 1 to me and my other suspicions currently are Len, Ripple, Coop, and maybe a few others, but those either give me a bad feeling or have done something at some point that I didn't like so I'll look back through again that's just my before hand sus list. xD (I'm always suspicious of Len so I'm gonna try really hard to avoid that feeling and stick to analysis while reading through xD)

As for the no kill, it is curious and I think I might agree with Joe that they might be using other abilities first before putting in that action. Ofc they're always the possibility that they forgot to put in a kill considering I've been on an elim team where we forgot before. xD xD oooops (but there's also the chance it was blocked so I won't completely discount that)


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I suspect that the elims are purposefully not putting kills in in order to attempt to make us paranoid and mitigate the chance of one of them being scanned or roleblocked. With this few roles the chance that they have a vanilla is high, so it wouldn't just be due to every elim being busy; there must be a reason why they're holding their kill back.

I'm with the theory that Shqueeves is the Captain. An elim Captain would probably have tried to tie the lynch to look like they were attempting to save Straw, and I agree with Lopen that the way Shqueeves was playing it cool last cycle is indicative of him knowing he had an extra vote.

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Yay for full vote participation! I'd like to make a few requests this cycle,

1. Please vote :P

2. When you vote, please C/P the vote tally that I'll have at the end of this post, and update it, so that we can always attempt to have the most up to date vote count. This way there are no chance for errors, as people will only have to worry about updating their vote on the chart.


Shqueeves: The tone of your posts has been fairly off, and you have not contributed much to the discussion. This vote is partially for you to say more, but also partially because the tone of your posts seems almost uncaring, as if you have an elim team that could back you up, and prevent you from getting killed. You have pointed out 'something here seems off' but you didn't spend any time looking at the post, and trying to figure out what it is so that the village could benefit from it. This also reads slightly like an elim to me. (Also, see Elenion's post above)

I'll be taking a closer look at other players hopefully before the cycle ends, and try to make a post analyzing at least 3 more players. I'll probably go for Len, Lopen, and Joe as they have contributed the most and this way we can make sure that we aren't following an elim.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves(1): Drought


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5 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Coop's vote being cancelled: Either Shqueeves removed the vote, or else it was probably an eliminator. Only way I see it being a villager is if it was one of the Straw voters. Shqueeves voted on Straw 1 hour before rollover. I think I'm getting the impression that it was Shqueeves who cancelled the vote, because of him telling Coop it was okay for him to vote on him for survival last Cycle. Not something you'd usually see, unless he knew he could just cancel it.

"Roid tink that too.... but why Shu vote on Straw then if he knew not in danger? Maybe people want us to tink Shu is Captain? Or other captain not like Coops reason of voting? Other story is Shu is captain but evil captain... Roid not like tinking about other tinks" (sidenote how do you RP guessing that someone is a Captain? wouldn't you know? Like "Hey soldier I am honored and respected by all and I think you should toss away your vote.... But don't tell anyone that I am honored and respected by all let's keep it a secret ;)" is that how it goes? :P)


2 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

To @TheMightyLopen and @MonsterMetroid, is there anything in particular you find suspicious of me? I have never been extremely active in thread, I think my four posts on C1 were a personal record high.

"Roid been in army with Fahmxa(devotary) time before, Roid forget that Fam'exa not talk much, but now Fah" Roid paused his eyes showing concentration "mexa? Now it give Roid the tingles on back of neck, like Roid being watched but not seeing person watching." At this Roid started scratching the back of his neck nervously eyes looking about.


33 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

2. When you vote, please C/P the vote tally that I'll have at the end of this post, and update it, so that we can always attempt to have the most up to date vote count. This way there are no chance for errors, as people will only have to worry about updating their vote on the chart.

How do you guys get the single spaces on the vote tallies I was having  one heck of a time yesterday trying to do it.

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I have a huge CS project due today in addition to covering someone's closing shift tonight, so don't be overly surprised if this is the only post I make today. I'll probably get distracted into looking at this anyways, but if I don't show up again, you'll know why.

While I'm still not convinced of Mac's innocence, I'll admit I probably focused on one aspect of his post a bit too much last cycle. I'll vote on Shqueeves right now, mainly due to having some suspicion of him before in addition to the vote cancellation we got this cycle. Either Shqueeves is a captain or Shqueeves is an eliminator, and that's a stronger lead than anything else I have right now.


Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves(2): Drought, RippleGylf

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Shqueeves' general apathy toward the voting might be because he's an elim, or it might be because he's a villager with no strong suspicions and so he just wants to get a vote down every cycle to not die. I think I'd rather lynch Mac over Shqueeves. While I'm not as suspicious of Mac as I was before, just because he used an RNG doesn't mean he's not evil, and he was instrumental in getting Rand lynched C1. This is more just getting a vote down than a full-out accusation, but in case something happens and I go inactive later in the cycle I want my vote on Mac for now.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves (2): Drought, RippleGylf
Devotary (1): Lopen
Mac (1): Len

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3 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Yay for full vote participation! I'd like to make a few requests this cycle,

1. Please vote :P

2. When you vote, please C/P the vote tally that I'll have at the end of this post, and update it, so that we can always attempt to have the most up to date vote count. This way there are no chance for errors, as people will only have to worry about updating their vote on the chart.


Shqueeves: The tone of your posts has been fairly off, and you have not contributed much to the discussion. This vote is partially for you to say more, but also partially because the tone of your posts seems almost uncaring, as if you have an elim team that could back you up, and prevent you from getting killed. You have pointed out 'something here seems off' but you didn't spend any time looking at the post, and trying to figure out what it is so that the village could benefit from it. This also reads slightly like an elim to me. (Also, see Elenion's post above)

I'll be taking a closer look at other players hopefully before the cycle ends, and try to make a post analyzing at least 3 more players. I'll probably go for Len, Lopen, and Joe as they have contributed the most and this way we can make sure that we aren't following an elim.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves(1): Drought


I don't know, but Shqueeves tone sounds for me same as always, short posts with not much info, well that was always Shqueeves. But if you want you can lynch him *shrug*.

8 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

At the moment, I'd still like to put some more pressure on Devotary. Same reasons: he seems to be in that category of "active enough but not trying to be a leading voice" that elims are often in.

You also "not very leading voter" so we should lynch you? ;)  Or you always can vote for me Lopen. Also you elim? Right?

Well, cause I don't have any good suspicions soo...

1. A Joe in the Bush as Jeo the Yellow - don't know hmm... he somewhat blended in shadows... pretty usual for Joe, but still we should keep our eyes on Joe.
2. Elenion as Gormund Oscarson - feels like usual Len, active and aggresive, leaning village(very very VERY slightly village).
3. Randuir as commander Jaaver Idrian Captain he dead, now no one cares about him.
4. Livinglegend as Lucky - *shrug*
5. Shqueeves as Shu - Shqueeves, pretty standart Shqueeves I should say, also leaning village.
6. Bort as Bort the Brute - *shrug*
7. BrightnessRadiant as Ivy - leaning village.
8. Straw as Straw Idrian - well, again early death? Unlucky.
9. TheMightyLopen as Vaati - I don't understand why people turned against Devotary, cause I strongly leaning village for Devotary. Well probably I'm wrong as always *shrug*.
10. MacThorstenson as Mac - can be elim, but too much discussion was around him, my read can be flawed due to it.
11. Devotary of Spontaneity as Fahmexa - seems village to me.
12. Ecthelion as Eärendil - *shrug*
13. Coop772 as Salthis - *shrug*
14. MonsterMetroid as Roid - leaning village (VERY slightly village read).
15. Droughtbringer as Zaffer - gut says that he is bad guy.
16. RippleGylf as Sarcoline - leaning village or *shrug*... hmm....
17. Arinian as Elien - Glorious guy, we probably should build statue for him.

Voting for Drought, not because I suspect him very much, but more to put vote somewhere+possibility that my gut can be right.  

Edited by Arinian
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I have nothing major to go on, but there was something I didn't like about Elenion's first post. The stuff he was suggesting seemed more designed to reveal roles than protect anyone.

So, Elenian.

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2 hours ago, Arinian said:

2. Elenion as Gormund Oscarson - feels like usual Len, active and aggresive, leaning village(very very VERY slightly village).

I appreciate this comment because I've been feeling Elen is less involved than he was in MR so I was wondering but maybe the MR is the outliar


"Roid never think enough about why maybe people die, Roid be thinking about Straw and thing he say"

"Straw not like Mac he also not like Roid probably cause Roid point to him first... but Roid tink that finger for Mac will help show is Sal is Hallandren or no since Sal likes Mac." Roid nodded. "Mac also point at both people dead now, and not first, but after others point." Roid looked around then shrugged "Roid got not much more to say"


Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves (2): Drought, RippleGylf
Devotary (1): Lopen
Mac (2): Len, Monster
Drought (1): Arinian
Elenian (1): Bort

Thanks Mac for the ninja'd vote update! :)

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@MonsterMetroid My activity tends to fluctuate based on the point we're at in the game. Last MR, I didn't even post first cycle IIRC and I stayed active but not massively so for the couple of cycles after. It was when things got desperate that I kicked it up a notch, and I only started cranking out analysis after we finally got an elim. That's typical for me; that's what my analysis style does best. Right now we've got too many players and no dead elims for my analysis to work well, so I'm just trying my best to keep up and get accurate gut reads (not my strong suit).

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10 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

My laptop screen broke a few hours before rollover, so I wasn’t able to respond to votes 2 and 3.

In response to @livinglegend, I tend to be very cautious about role claiming in PMs because I can never be sure that someone is a villager unless they have been scanned or have lead a vote on an active eliminator. 

To @TheMightyLopen and @MonsterMetroid, is there anything in particular you find suspicious of me? I have never been extremely active in thread, I think my four posts on C1 were a personal record high.

It's also partly your tone, in that everything you say seems measured. In my experience, eliminators are usually the ones who are extra careful with their wording, whereas villagers often just post their thoughts without thinking about what might or might not look suspicious. If you posted more of a stream of thought post or got involved in a back and forth where your responses were only a few minutes after the most recent posts, I'd have less reason to suspect you of calculating your posts so as not to draw suspicion.

7 hours ago, RippleGylf said:

I have a huge CS project due today in addition to covering someone's closing shift tonight, so don't be overly surprised if this is the only post I make today. I'll probably get distracted into looking at this anyways, but if I don't show up again, you'll know why.

While I'm still not convinced of Mac's innocence, I'll admit I probably focused on one aspect of his post a bit too much last cycle. I'll vote on Shqueeves right now, mainly due to having some suspicion of him before in addition to the vote cancellation we got this cycle. Either Shqueeves is a captain or Shqueeves is an eliminator, and that's a stronger lead than anything else I have right now.


Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves(2): Drought, RippleGylf

I don't think that's entirely true. If Shqueeves isn't a captain, then the captain is probably an eliminator, but they could be trying to frame Shqueeves, so I don't think it's entirely fair to say he's either a captain or an eliminator.

5 hours ago, Arinian said:

You also "not very leading voter" so we should lynch you? ;)  Or you always can vote for me Lopen. Also you elim? Right?

9. TheMightyLopen as Vaati - I don't understand why people turned against Devotary, cause I strongly leaning village for Devotary. Well probably I'm wrong as always *shrug*.

11. Devotary of Spontaneity as Fahmexa - seems village to me.

I've given my thoughts on pretty much every lynch candidate and tried to drive the lynch toward those I was more suspicious of, so I disagree. I've considered voting for you. :P

You're strongly leaning village for him? Why? He hasn't done anything I'd consider obviously village. Another reason why I'm voting on Devotary is that I suspect that most of the players we've been focusing on so far(Mac, Shqueeves, you, Monster) are village, so I'm trying to make sure we don't let anyone just stay in the background of discussion and quietly make their way through the entire game(or at least these early Cycles). I think most everyone has gotten some comments on them at this point, but they haven't been close to being lynched, which is when the best discussion happens about a player.

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21 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

It's also partly your tone, in that everything you say seems measured. In my experience, eliminators are usually the ones who are extra careful with their wording, whereas villagers often just post their thoughts without thinking about what might or might not look suspicious. If you posted more of a stream of thought post or got involved in a back and forth where your responses were only a few minutes after the most recent posts, I'd have less reason to suspect you of calculating your posts so as not to draw suspicion.

Despite my name, I'm not actually good at spontaneous posting. It almost always takes me a long time and several rereads of the thread to decide how I want to put my thoughts into words. I do respond to PMs and summons, though.

34 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

so I'm trying to make sure we don't let anyone just stay in the background of discussion and quietly make their way through the entire game(or at least these early Cycles).

In an effort to drag more people into the discussion, I will vote on A Joe in the Bush, who through two cycles has never had a vote stick to him. Joe, you've posted at around this time before. 14 hours ago, you said you were going to look at Elenion, Shqueeves, Mac, and me. Has your investigation turned up anything?

With less than six hours left in the cycle, we're only at 53% voter turnout. @A Joe in the Bush, @livinglegend, @Shqueeves, @BrightnessRadiant, @MacThorstenson, @Ecthelion III, and @Coop772, make sure to get your votes in before the end of the cycle.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves (2): Drought, RippleGylf
Devotary (1): Lopen
Mac (2): Len, Monster
Drought (1): Arinian
Elenion (1): Bort                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Joe (1): Devotary

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have been looking at the more inactive players, trying to tell who could be a elim hiding trying to stay low. Out of the more inactive players I find Arinian to be the most suspicious. He is acting suspicious, placing votes without apparent reasoning. I can't help but think that this could be a cover for being an elim trying to appear kinda active but not posting anything of value. 

Also between this cycle and the last he still hasn't gotten rid of my suspicions, and I only switched my vote to survive last cycle.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Quick analysis (please note, this is my first full game so these prob aren't so good)

Shqueeves is an elim or a voteblocker I’m leaning more towards voteblock b/c an elim would want me dead via inactivity filter b/c he’s an elim

No elim kill is weird, village roles be careful

I feel like (just a gut read) Devo is village
BR why are you suspicious of me
Drought, that was honestly suspicious to me. We (or at least I) have a good number of reasons to trust Shqueeves as a village captain
Ripple, can you elaborate on your suspicion?

@Elenion, are you still on mac?

Again, I agree w/ Arinian that my gut says Drought is suspicious at least
Good point Bort, but flimsy for a vote
Roid, Sal can vouch for mac pending some things

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I don't have much time before I leave for work, but I did manage to get that CS assignment done, which is good. :) 

Admittedly, my earlier logic was probably not very well thought out as I had 5 hours of sleep, was stressed out about assignment, and worried that I wouldn't have another chance to get a vote in. My initial impressions leaned slightly towards Shqueeves being an elim, and I figured there was more of a chance of elim protection than just getting someone by gut reads on my part, since those have historically been lackluster.

Shqueeves brings up a good point of someone using their roleblock earlier and not changing it when Coop's vote did. So, I'll go with Arinian. We'll see if I make it on again before rollover.

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I can now confidently vouch for mac, I would say 90% sure he is village. I will vote Drought for 2 reasons: 1 b/c I don't want to die 2 several people have expressed suspicion for drought, and I am one of those. He has not, however, done anything about it, instead voting Shqueeves for reasons that seem kind of fishy to me and saying not much else w/ lots of words.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves (1): Drought
Devotary (1): Lopen
Mac (2): Len, Monster
Drought (2): Arinian, Coop
Elenion (1): Bort
Joe (1): Devotary
Arinian (3): Ripple, Shqueeves, Mac

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It had been a few days since anyone had asked for a cookie. As Mac lay in bed that night he was getting very concerned. He had made extra a few days ago, but he couldn't possibly eat them all and if he even if he could, he would die from all of the drugs in them.

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1 hour ago, Coop772 said:

Quick analysis (please note, this is my first full game so these prob aren't so good)

Shqueeves is an elim or a voteblocker I’m leaning more towards voteblock b/c an elim would want me dead via inactivity filter b/c he’s an elim

No elim kill is weird, village roles be careful

I feel like (just a gut read) Devo is village
BR why are you suspicious of me
Drought, that was honestly suspicious to me. We (or at least I) have a good number of reasons to trust Shqueeves as a village captain
Ripple, can you elaborate on your suspicion?

@Elenion, are you still on mac?

Again, I agree w/ Arinian that my gut says Drought is suspicious at least
Good point Bort, but flimsy for a vote
Roid, Sal can vouch for mac pending some things

Shqueeves is not a Captain. Or at least, he's claiming he didn't remove your vote. He's told me in PM and he just admitted it in thread.

39 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

I can now confidently vouch for mac, I would say 90% sure he is village. I will vote Drought for 2 reasons: 1 b/c I don't want to die 2 several people have expressed suspicion for drought, and I am one of those. He has not, however, done anything about it, instead voting Shqueeves for reasons that seem kind of fishy to me and saying not much else w/ lots of words.

Votes (Please Copy and Paste this when you make a vote!):

Shqueeves (1): Drought
Devotary (1): Lopen
Mac (2): Len, Monster
Drought (2): Arinian, Coop
Elenion (1): Bort
Joe (1): Devotary
Arinian (3): Ripple, Shqueeves, Mac

Could you explain your vouching for Mac? It sounds like you have more information on him than the rest of us.

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Uuuuuugh I'm sorry I didn't do much analysis today, I was waiting for a call about a job and was very anxious all day and couldn't focus on the game. And now I don't have time >>

Sorry, Shqueeves I'm gonna have to stick with my suspicion from last cycle.

Soooo sorry:(

Also, @Coop772 I'll get to that next cycle I hope.

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