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3/11 signing - what should I ask?


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Hey guys! I'm going to my very first book signing on Tuesday -- going to meet Brandon at Murder by the Book. I'm really excited, but I have a problem: I really don't know what to ask him. It'd be fun to ask for a Cosmere clue, but I'm drawing a blank. Any suggestions?

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Ask if it is possible, with some judicious application of Hemalurgy, to fuse a spren and human permanently?

So that the bond would become unbreakable (or human incapable of breaking it), etc .

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Could you ask if Adonalsium was sentient? Probably RAFO but we can try.

Or ask how many entities currently exist that are equivalant-or-greater in power or knowledge compared to Hoid?


And to indulge my own curiosity, ask him if he were to create a Shard who can read humans easily and is very perceptive, what would it be called?

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Could you ask if Adonalsium was sentient? Probably RAFO but we can try.

Or ask how many entities currently exist that are equivalant-or-greater in power or knowledge compared to Hoid?


And to indulge my own curiosity, ask him if he were to create a Shard who can read humans easily and is very perceptive, what would it be called?


Oooh, I like that Hoid question. Will definitely try that one if my nerves don't get the best of me. Also the Adonalsium one, but I don't want to take too much of his time.


Ask if it is possible, with some judicious application of Hemalurgy, to fuse a spren and human permanently?

So that the bond would become unbreakable (or human incapable of breaking it), etc .


Interesting. Not sure how Hemalurgy would apply there. But I'm behind on my theorycrafting. Not really sure what the bond is supposed to be made of in the first place. Cognitive primarily, I guess?

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Interesting. Not sure how Hemalurgy would apply there. But I'm behind on my theorycrafting. Not really sure what the bond is supposed to be made of in the first place. Cognitive primarily, I guess?

Btw, I think Hoid was confirmed to the the strongest non-shard entity during Brandon writing marathon , but I may be wrong about that.

I guess my question should be rewritten as " is it possible to permanently fuse Spten and Human? Make the bond unbrokable or even fuse their bodies ? With Hemalurgy , perhaps?"

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One basic question that we really should have asked by now is "What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture? Is it primarily Spiritual, an even mix of Spiritual and Cognitive, or something else?"

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I second the confirmation that Hoid is the strongest non-shard entity. Anyways, my question would be one of these:

How aware of Hoid are the Shards? What is Sazed's stance towards him? I'm specifically asking about him because a while back Sanderson mentioned that Kelsier reaaally hates Hoid.

Does having two diametrically opposed shards prevent Sazed's mind from being molded by their Intents are does holding Harmony force him into passivity because they make a null intent?

If Hoid had to settle down, which planet would he choose?

Which two characters from different worlds would go the quickest from meeting each other to murdering each other?

Is there an in-universe reason for the similarity between the names "Kalad the Usurper" and "Kaladin"?

How is Hoid able to converse with people on so many different worlds? Do they share a language, does he simply learn each one, or is he assisted by magic?

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I will be at Murder by the Book as well. Ticket number 47 which I think puts me in the first or second signing group Truthless.

I am also open to suggestions on what to ask. I was thinking about going with a wildcard and asking him to right any hint he wants in the book when he signs it. I believe this is how a 17th sharder got the hint that Renarin sees a spren.

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Is there an in-universe reason for the similarity between the names "Kalad the Usurper" and "Kaladin"?

How is Hoid able to converse with people on so many different worlds? Do they share a language, does he simply learn each one, or is he assisted by magic?


I believe he has said that is just a coincidence.  (Keep in mind Kaladin was originally named Merin)


There is not a universal language.  However since the shards have a shared origin there are some linguistic commonalities between worlds.  Hoid's (and presumably the Heralds') ability with language has not been explained.

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Harmony's personality will be changed over a long period of time, this has been confirmed time and time again.

Brandon recently said that Kaladin's name is related to Kalak the Herald, so there's no Kalad connection there.

Also, Brandon made the request that we ask specific questions rather than asking for clues.

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Ooh, here's an interesting one: "Would holding Nightblood make Hoid feel nauseous?"


This is essentially asking what Hoid's ambitions/goals/motives are, but in a clever and cosmerical way. ;)

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One basic question that we really should have asked by now is "What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture? Is it primarily Spiritual, an even mix of Spiritual and Cognitive, or something else?"

Did this come up recently? I've never seen anyone suggest Investiture was anything other than completely Spiritual. It's good to ask since I guess we're only assuming, but I'm just wondering if there was a discussion about it I missed.
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Did the Recreance force/make Voidspren leave Roshar? or better yet: 


Is it possible for Voidspren to take control of another being if there are no 'Intelligent' spren active on Roshar. (i.e the Honorspren/cryptics and such. I suppose we could dub them Radiant spren)

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I am thinking maybe:


"How many Herald's did we see in WoR?"


Or "Would holding Nightblood make Hoid feel nauseous?" I like this suggestion.


Or mabe "Do Bondsmiths always bond with the Stormfather?" I am thinking of that chapter heading from Words of Radiance about there only being 3 bondsmiths at the time. Is this a stupid one?


Also no guarantees I will even be able to ask a question. I haven't been to a Murder by the Book event before.

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Did this come up recently? I've never seen anyone suggest Investiture was anything other than completely Spiritual. It's good to ask since I guess we're only assuming, but I'm just wondering if there was a discussion about it I missed.


No, no recent discussion. It's just been gnawing at me for the last while, since I'm partly to blame for the forum-wide assumption that Investiture is Spiritual, and we have a few suggestions that it might not be. It's just the kind of thing we really should nail down by now.

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I hope I'm not too late. My question would be why are the days in Roshar named after the first 5 heralds? What about the rest of the heralds?




A week on Roshar is only 5 days long, so that's why, I'd assume.

I have a question I thought of recently. Can Shardplate be stored and retrieved similar to how a Shardblade can?

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I got there late and my number was later than I expected, so sorry I didn't get around to meeting any Sharders! We got some good answers though :D go team! Crys (sp?) is definitely more knowledgeable than Hoid, and maybe Naz. I would assume those are characters from Dragonsteel - Chaos has read that, hasn't he? We need info o.o

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