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What questions should I ask Brandon?


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A couple friends and I are going to the Brandon signing in Seattle this Saturday, and I want to contribute to the collective 17th Shard knowledge base; what questions do you think most need answering? I may have a couple that I could think of, but I'm looking for the ones that will get the most mileage (provided I'm not RAFO'd). Thoughts?

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Ask him how Kaladin and Shallan survived the fall into the chasm and what killed Syl at that moment (this is when she screamed in pain and disappeared). Kaladin couldn't surgebind and Shal has no useful surge for this situation. She could have healed with stormlight, but Kal no longer had access to stormlight. Brandon might RAFO this, but it's worth the shot.

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How Vasher lost Nightblood would be a good question as would how can Szeth draw stormlight for Nightblood when he should no longer have access to surges.


Or is Surgebinding contagious? does mere proximity to someone who can surgebind make it more likely that you will gain those abilities if you can distinguish yourself?

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Please ask if Zahel is Vahser or a Herald. Or at least, if he is more than an ordinary ardent. And whether Renarin's fits are actually health issues or ability related. If so, does that mean Renarin's been manifesting his ability since birth?

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Ask what encryption scheme the chapter 84 epigraph uses.  we're not getting anywhere until we know which basic encryption method is used, even if he won't tell us what the actual answer is.

Nah, just ask how many levels of encryption there are. No fun if we're given everything.
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As far as I remember he's either called Midius or just "jesk" in Liar, but if it would really just refer to his alias why does it pop up so often ?
Additionally, one could argue that he was just dramatic in TWoK when he said the gem lost all its value, but the letter clearly states that the gemstone is dead - how can a name die ? In the next sentence he asks if he keeps hiding behind his old masters name .. why should he waste 2 sentences asking him if he still hides behind 2 different names, when he could do it in just one ?

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Here's some things I'm curious about:


Spren bonding:

- Are Highspren the bonding spren for Skybreakers (I suspect the answer is yes)

- Is it possible for someone to bond with the Nightwatcher?  If yes, has it been done before?  (Possible alternate Bondsmith spren, RAFO bait)

- Is it possible for someone to bond with Cusicesh the Protector?  If yes, has it been done before?  (Possible alternate Bondsmith spren, RAFO bait)



- Is one or both of Honour and Cultivation's shardpools in the Horneater Peaks?  (Suspect reference to "life-giving lakes")



- When Kaladin was fighting Szeth, Syl turned into a hammer to bash Szeth instead of just cutting him apart.  Does this mean Syl is sadistic and wants Szeth to last longer so Kaladin can beat him up more?

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