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Everything posted by Carfax

  1. Apparently you're the only one who guessed right
  2. There was a woman mentioned. Sivi i think...... Her name was thrown in too casually. She's in one of the warcamps. Looks suspicious to me
  3. Shallan strangling her father while singing a lullaby. First time Mr Sanderson has gone grim on me....
  4. Please ask if Zahel is Vahser or a Herald. Or at least, if he is more than an ordinary ardent. And whether Renarin's fits are actually health issues or ability related. If so, does that mean Renarin's been manifesting his ability since birth?
  5. Whether this book met our expectations or not, no one could really deny now that this man is one of the greatest fantasy writers ever. Alive, dead, Not born. He'd always be in that top 10. The book itself? Well ..... Lots of mixed feelings. Mr Sanderson dropped a little one there at the end for us, I'm sure..... "Give me an audience who have come to be entertained, but who expect nothing special. To them, I will be a god. That is the best truth I know.” If you've read all the previous books, there's no way you'll come here expecting nothing special. Hence a few disappointments, but overall, it was an awesome book. Kaladin's character has always been confused. I guess he's bound to be one of those terribly moral characters who'd never do anything for "the greater good" so you can expect him to be the perfect Radiant. Man, he couldn't even kill Moash and Graves(At this point, i don't mind BS killing him, But you can trust he's no GRRM). Shallan. Sweet Innocent Shallan. Wow... What did it for me was her calmly singing her lullaby while strangling her father. And thats just after paralyzing him. Slowly strangling someone who isn't struggling? This is a scene that'll make Steven Erikson's Bridgeburners shed a tear. Pattern also developed so fast. But what else will you expect from a Cryptic? Lopen. I'd like to see a two-armed Herzadian stick someone to the wall with stormlight. Thats if he's a radiant and not just a "squire". Szeth was a disappointment. I knew he was going to survive this book, but at least he could've smashed the stormlight outta Kaladin's butt for this fight. Someone so practiced with an Honorblade will lose a fight to a new Radiant? Blah. That was just painful man. At least Nightblood made up for it. Almighty Nightblood in the hands of Szeth. WOW. Total Nerdgasm. And yeah, Master Zahel is most definetely Vasher. But who's Nin? Jasnah could've stayed dead at least BS..... She's too immortal for my liking. Moash as a renegade shardbearer. Trouble lurking..... Taln with Amaram. More trouble lurking..... Adolin and Renarin's positions are about to be changed. Did anyone else notice Glys before the portal?
  6. Hi. I'm a fantasy reader just like everyone else on this forum. I just felt like finally signing up for "awesomeness".
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