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15 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Right now, I'd rather as many people get involved in the lynches as possible, as that will give us much more information when Meerkat flips elim than if we don't vote. So Meerkat.

When they flip elim? :P so sure already lol

@Sapphire Elephant I'd hardly call my giant post on the previous page involving why to lynch meerkat a flimsy reasoned post. ;)

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AG4/AN1 - Night 4: United in Fear

The pounding on the door was getting louder, as were the angry shouts outside. Durthu grunted as someone rammed their body against the frame, making the wall shudder. He glanced over his shoulder at the boy watching. His anxious eyes had seen this whole thing before.

"Elysian," Durthu called. "You have to leave!"

Elysian shook his head. "Not again!" he cried.

Durthu sighed, and heard the smash of glass outside. "Elysian, you have to leave! There's nothing you can do, so it's best to leave while you can. Go out the back way. Hopefully... hopefully no one will see you there. Go!"

Elysian stared at him, then swallowed hard and dashed for the back door. Durthu closed his eyes. He had never been very religious, but he prayed to the Almighty that the boy would be safe. He doubted anyone would take the child in now, after both of his guardians had been mobbed. They’d think he was cursed, or some other crem.

The shouts were getting louder, and the door cracked as someone began to take a hammer to it. He shook his head and stood back. There was nothing else he could do now.

When the door burst through, they saw Durthu standing there, arms folded.

“I bring unity,” Durthu said. “That is what I’m supposed to do. Why can’t you see that? Why do you accuse me of all people of dividing you?”

The crowd didn’t care. “You are bringing unity, you murderer,” yelled one. “Unity in us wanting your death!”

“All I want is peace,” Durthu pleaded, but the crowd had no ears for him. They only had fists.

Durthu was left bruised and bloody on the ground, the slowly spilling blood mixing with chalkdust in the street.

As sunset fell, the fear that had unified the villagers split them apart to barricade them into their houses, and the night began.


Credit to Salmon Meerkat for contributing to the writeup.

Salmon Meerkat has died! They were a Village Bondsmith.

Vote Count
Salmon Meerkat (9): Chartreuse Penguin, Mint Heron, Onyx Flamingo, Quartz Zebra, Ivory Dragonfly, Sunburst Toucan, Magenta Albatross, Violet Axolotl, Plum Rhinoceros
Mauve Crocodile (2): Salmon Meerkat, Amethyst Scorpion, Pearl Chameleon

Night Four has begun.  It will end in 24 hours time, at 10pm GMT on the 25th January.



Player List

  1. Amethyst Scorpion
  2. Azure Mouse
  3. Amber Vulture
  4. Charcoal Hyena - Cannoc - Villager
  5. Chartreuse Penguin
  6. Coral Swan - Elyle - Village Lightweaver
  7. Cream Tuatara - Villager
  8. Emerald Falcon - Aldrick
  9. Fuschia Ostrich
  10. Indigo Weasel
  11. Ivory Dragonfly - Nolan
  12. Magenta Albatross
  13. Mauve Crocodile
  14. Melon Dingo - Quentisan - Village Edgedancer
  15. Mint Heron
  16. Onyx Flamingo - Squawk
  17. Opal Lion - Villager
  18. Oxblood Beagle - Jai - Village Willshaper
  19. Pearl Chameleon
  20. Plum Rhinoceros
  21. Quartz Zebra
  22. Saffron Iguana - Emalia - Village Lightweaver
  23. Sage Kangaroo
  24. Salmon Meerkat - Village Bondsmith
  25. Sapphire Elephant
  26. Scarlet Octopus - Village Edgedancer
  27. Sunburst Toucan - Vanna
  28. Taupe Gecko - Villager
  29. Turquoise Gorilla - Village Dustbringer
  30. Violet Axolotl
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Well, I think you can narrow down my Bondsmith contact to the 9 people that voted for Meerkat.

This is why I wanted the village to discuss more beyond Meerkat and Crocodile in the chat today, because I didn’t really suspect either strongly. Come to think of it, I should have just kept my vote on Ostrich. But it’s easy to say that in hindsight, of course. 

Crackpot theory: Are there secret rules in AGs? If so, I have a weird feeling that lynching the GM might do something.

I think that as a village we need to become more wary of any lynch that passes with so little resistance. The Elims will come out of the shadows to defend one of their own. The fact that Meerkat was killed with near-unanimous support should say something. The D5 lynch really needs to have a lot of candidates up for lynching, to force discussion and bring out the Elims so we don’t have these unanimous bandwagons. 

So, analysis of people:

Plum Rhino: Interesting player. Mostly inactive the first few cycles, but then got a pinch hitter and got around to posting some analysis. Voted Meerkat last cycle after posting an apparently large post, which was mostly just summary of Meerkat’s posts. They did have commentary on Meerkat, but it was really a one-sided assault and not really an objectively considered case. Has village read on Zebra, a fairly safe target for such a read, and an Elim read on...Kangaroo, for only voting villagers or not voting every cycle. Which is literally everyone in the game. When this is pointed out to them, they say that they aren’t really suspicious of them for that reason, but that because of it they still have mild suspicions. What? This all gives me a slight elim read on Rhino. 

 Short on time again (dinner/ homework), but I’d like to use this opportunity to reiterate my suspicions of Ostrich. Where are you? Please post something.

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Ok - @Plum Rhinoceros, your massive post was certainly not an example of the problem I was addressing. And I didn't mean to imply that everyone on the Meerkat vote was just bandwagoning. But I had a big issue with what felt like half of the active or semiactive players jumping on a lynch because "so many people's guts can't be wrong." Well, apparently they could.

And, of course, after I read through later posts I ended up jumping on the wagon myself, so maybe I could take some of my own advice.

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This is Fuchsia Ostrich 2.0 reporting in. I regret to inform you of the inactivity death of Fuchsia Ostrich 1.0 but I am glad to join in the party. Looking over the game state we don't appear to be doing so well. I don't know exactly who Ostrich 1.0 is, but I have an assortment of "what do you think about the game?" PMs so I think it may have been Straw. I have initial village reads on Ivory Dragonfly from the thread and maybe just a bit of one on Chartreuse Penguin from PMs, but it's not much and based on them appearing to be focused more on enjoyment than strategy. When I have more time I'll attempt some in-depth analysis.

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@Ivory Dragonfly lol it was sort of an assault on meerkat because I was listing my reasons for suspecting them. :P I wanted them lynched because I really thought they were an elim. Darn xD I go full out on why I suspect them rather than bandwagon.

@Sapphire Elephant yeah true...a lot of people did just jump on, but that's also helpful to look at because the pile-on shows that elims might've latched on to the lynch. 

@Fuchsia Ostrich welcome 2.0!

Edit: oh yeah, forgot to mention the thing about Kangaroo addressed by Dragonfly. I was saying it looked odd about his votes all being on villagers who have been confirmed village now (even his votes that he's removed) and that it wasn't proof or grounds for hard suspension, just something that struck me as a possibility in my elim section bulletin board in my brain lol. Yes, he is still on my suspicion list but mostly for lack of seeing him do much to clear him off my list. (Which mostly everyone is on xD)

Edited by Plum Rhinoceros
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If I die tonight, I want to have run through every player at least once. Also, I don’t think I mentioned this, but Meerkat was not my contact. Though, since I did have a PM with them, I slightly regret the intense inner turmoil they might have been going through as I consistently mentioned this other Bondsmith. “How could he have possibly found out?” Well, I didn’t. So there you go. 

Quartz Zebra: Initially doing 1 long post a day with analysis and commentary. I liked his comments on Ostrich, but hopefully our new Ostrich can be more active now. Most of his posts were suspicions of the PM group. This is understandable to me, as I can see how a bunch of players swinging the lynch twice could attract suspicion. Zebra definitely seems to have good points against us, considering the evidence he had available, and I won’t fault him for spending a lot of time on it. That said, I’d like commentary from him on other things now, which he has already started to provide. Village read, with a small asterisk next to it. 

Sage Kangaroo: I’ve been waiting to do this one for a while. Starts off talking about Elsecallers (?), saying that lynching one would be bad. Kind of a weird first comment to make. However, I think that post has new merit, as Elsecallers and Windrunners are kind of flying under our radar right now. Get it? Flying, Windrunners, heh, heh...

Anyway, they then launch into full gear for their suspicions of the PM group. However, unlike Zebra, Kangaroo’s posts about the group feel decidedly wrong. Something about the posts seems fishy overall, and they don’t really provide much logic for their positions. While they confess to being wrong later, that doesn’t clear them by far. You can easily say sorry for having messed up, so I see that post as NAI, even if it was well-intentioned. So, slight Elim read.

Sapphire Elephant: I won’t really dive into their posts too much, as while they’re mildly helpful their PM content gives me a lot more info about them. He role-claimed in the trust group PM, edition 2, and from his other content, I think I can call him a villager with reasonable certainty. Still worth keeping an eye on, though. Oh, and a random thought that I got from looking back at his posts: he supported the Tuatara lynch but not the Meerkat one. Worth looking at? I’m not sure. 

Sunburst Toucan: I get a headache trying to read her. It’s hard. RP is great in small doses for me, but too much just makes it really hard for me to figure out what Toucan is trying to communicate. At least her journal entries are in regular format, but I haven’t been reading those much, as I wanted to have my opinions of players be uninfluenced by hers. Definitely will comb through them once I’m done, though. 

Violet Axoltol: LAST ONE WOOHOO! Seriously though, I should think this through rather than rush through it to be done. So...I know this is a bit of a touchy subject, but I feel that Axolotl 1 was suspicious, and Axolotl 2 hasn’t really made me feel much better about that suspicion. The unexplained/poorly justified vote on Meerkat rings alarm bells, and the mystical “new voting system” seems like a great way to deflect attention for a while. Probably my strongest Elim read. Alright, some RP since I haven’t done any in forever. It’ll be brief though:

Nolan paced the library. His research was coming to life before his very eyes. The Surges were returning. Men dying in fires from the Surge of Division. Bondsmiths and Willshapers, influencing the thoughts of the town. He knew one...the thought staggered Nolan. He knew a Bondsmith. Of course, why should he be surprised? The books he carried said any man could be a Radiant, so long as he attracted the proper spren. Storms, he could be one of these Knights Radiant, and just not have realized it yet.

”Will that be all, sir?” The voice of the librarian drifted over to him. He held a small stack of scrolls that held information on the Ten Surges. He would do that next as part of his research, now that he had catalogued the town for the small government. Vanna had worked on it as well, though he had tried to avoid looking at her work. He had felt the need to do it himself. Help take his mind off the recent murders and violence. 

“Yes, that’s everything I need. Thank you,” Nolan said with a tight smile. The librarian gave him one of his knowing looks, and retreated behind his desk. Nolan began thumbing through the scrolls, lost in thought. Now, which one explains that weird incident yesterday...



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Well darn, I was really hoping Meerkat would turn out to be elim, but as the cycle went on and more and more votes piled on Meerkat without opposition I began to get worried. Oh well, I still feel that by that point we needed to follow through on the lynch just to be sure. 

(By the way, what does “NAI” stand for? Based on the context I suspect that everything I just said is NAI, but I still can’t figure out what the acronym stands for) 

can someone who knows and/or with more free time than me and/or who isn’t on mobile like I am right now post who claimed to have a gut read on Meerkat before the lynch train started? I know there were 4: I was one of them, and I think @Ivory Dragonfly was one, but I don’t remember who the other two were. 

I’m wondering if the Eliminators saw that everyone had a gut read on Meerkat and instigated the lynch intentionally. 

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37 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

(By the way, what does “NAI” stand for? Based on the context I suspect that everything I just said is NAI, but I still can’t figure out what the acronym stands for)

Not Alignment Indicative.  Personally, I never read anything as NAI as everything someone says reveals something if you know where to look.  For the most part NAI is used in that a post or poster isn't giving away information that reveals that they know more than they should.

2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

Violet Axoltol: LAST ONE WOOHOO! Seriously though, I should think this through rather than rush through it to be done. So...I know this is a bit of a touchy subject, but I feel that Axolotl 1 was suspicious, and Axolotl 2 hasn’t really made me feel much better about that suspicion. The unexplained/poorly justified vote on Meerkat rings alarm bells, and the mystical “new voting system” seems like a great way to deflect attention for a while. Probably my strongest Elim read.

Heh, if I wanted to deflect attention then I wouldn't have voted at all.  As for my new voting system, it's a fun one.  And that's what this game is about isn't it?  Fun.

Edited by Violet Axolotl
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49 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

Friendly reminder that I, Mint Heron, exist in this game. :P Seems like not too many people have looked at me and I'd hate to slip through the cracks. I wanna share in the analysis love too. :>

This post just screams Elim.  Think about it.  What kind of villager would want to be looked at?  Clearly Heron is evil and should be lynched immediately.

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4 hours ago, Violet Axolotl said:

This post just screams Elim.  Think about it.  What kind of villager would want to be looked at?  Clearly Heron is evil and should be lynched immediately.

I see it the opposite way. What Elim would post something like that? It’s basically a dead giveaway. Except maybe they know that, and really are an Elim trying to easily get trusted. Or they’re a villager pulling a weird double bluff trying to get trusted by the rest of the village. Or... yeah, this is probably the best example of a NAI post, because you literally can’t tell anything about the person without going into IKYK territory. The same kinds of posts were made by Gecko in the first cycle, but he flipped villager. So “suspicious” posts like these don’t tell us much. Even if I thought they did earlier.

I have a strange feeling that I might die tonight, and if I do, it’s been a great game. I urge all villagers to be active tomorrow if I’m dead, and to get a lot of candidates up for lynch. Let’s hit an Elim this time.

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Vanna was back at home working on a painting. Not the one she'd started when all of this began. She'd put that one away for now, as the final image she suspected it held had started to scare her. 'No hope to be found there.'

Instead she'd started work on a series of portraits. She was planning to make 12, and hoped that number wouldn't increase any more. Each portrait depicted one of the villagers that had died in the past days of turmoil. Vanna had already made good progress on a depiction of the blacksmith, and hoped to have laid the groundwork for depictions of Dingo and Iguana before it became too late.

"I might not have been able to do anything to save you, and those that killed you haven't been found yet, so the least I can do is ensure you are remembered." She felt a tear spilling down her cheek, but ignored it and continued painting.

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Apologies everyone - school's intensity ramped up massively for the first part of this week, which has made it hard to be on for long enough to get proper rereads done and apply a critical eye to individual players. Still got a fair bit of stuff to get done, but I've got a bit more time for the moment anyway. So I'm going to try focus on getting through player analyses - going to jump around a bit and try and get through players who I think have fewer votes:

Amethyst Scorpion - Update since last cycle - posts seemed useful. Probably a slight town lean.

Amber Vulture - Update - still sorta neutral. I may need to revisit after doing others, or consider the broader context of the posts to make a better judgement.

Chartreuse Penguin -

Emerald Falcon -

Fuschia Ostrich -

Indigo Weasel - There's something about their tone that I don't necessarily like. Hard to pin down though. Really don't like their vote on Meerkat though... probably slight maf lean.

Ivory Dragonfly -

Magenta Albatross -

Mauve Crocodile -

Mint Heron - I'm getting a townie vibe from Heron actually. I haven't paid them much attention, but I see they made a PM safety now, which actually sorta explained why it was a problem, unlike some of the one line comments I got at the start that weren't very helpful. Seems they're maybe suspicious of Penguin, but I'd like to hear more about their suspicions in general I think.

Onyx Flamingo -

Pearl Chameleon - Not necessarily super active, but their posts have all been pretty high quality so far, and have been sharing their opinions. Probably leaning town on them.

Plum Rhinoceros - There's a bit of a slow start with their posts, but they've seemed to pick up some momentum. They're doing some good analysis I think. Leaning town.

Quartz Zebra - Some good content and analysis - reading town on them.

Sage Kangaroo -

Sapphire Elephant -

Sunburst Toucan -

Violet Axolotl - Don't like this line:


I'm trialing a new method for my votes and it's taking some time to hammer out the details.  You won't get any substance from me as that would interfere with my new method.

Seems counter productive to the village efforts... As far their response to Heron's post - I can appreciate where Heron might be coming from, because I've felt it a bit myself - I promised to give some analyses in a timely manner a cycle or so ago, and told people to poke me if I wasn't. I didn't get poked though, and then you feel like, "I'm town, but if the others are ignoring me, then what about any lurking mafia? They must be slipping through the cracks too. You know what, I'll remind the town that I exist and that they have to pay attention to the lurkers". I know I've posted with that sorta idea in my head before too. Unsure about my thoughts. Maybe slight maf read, but it's very close to neutral.

Edit - Out of time, so I'll finish the rest when I can. May or may not be this cycle, but should definitely be able to get it done by next cycle this time. Then I might actually be able to be a bit more useful.


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...Okay.... does someone care to explain what the heck happened here? Yesterday was an utter mess. A nine to three bandwagon with vote manipulation on top of that? And no one thought that was sketchy while it was going on? (I was, unfortunately, otherwise occupied. I get off work about 30 mins post rollover, and had an early night the day before.) 

To respond to a comment from yesterday, @Onyx Flamingo just because the consensus has a village read does not make someone above suspicion. Several of Dragonfly's comments of the last two cycles have stuck me as off, at least from an outsider perspective (seeing as I just started paying attention to this game) and I plan to continue watching them closely. No quotes right now unfortunately, as I'm just about to leave for work. Expect actual analysis tonight, however.

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I'm sorry everyone I messed up. I'm Sorry Also to you Ivory I was also suspicious of Ostritch but a bit more of meerkat so I thought to bring it up to get a discussion going but once again we just murdered an innocent man...

Though now I guess it makes sense why he didn't vote day 2 and 3 because he was probably using his power right? I'm guessing a bondsmith could use their power even if they didn't vote?

While it is the night cycle I was hoping to get something clarified though. I really liked @Mint Heron post with assumptions and I think he is in a different time zone than most of us but hopefully he can still answer this question. One of his assumptions was this

[ASSUMPTION 2]: There are no secret roles or mechanics. The game works exactly as specified in the rules and clarifications. (I know, I know, but it had to be said. :P )

What are secret rules and mechanics? like what kind of stuff could not be in the rules?

@Emerald Falconyou just posted as I was posting this and I am sorry I did mess up. I did tag you earlier hoping to get some input from you about day three but sorry it was a busy 2 days for you. I posted meerkat as a suspicion because I did suspect him and it appears I wasn't the only one to suspect him. But once meerkat responded and a lot of people starting voting on him I did begin to have doubts, or maybe the better word would be questioning what if he was innocent which is why I made that post where I tagged everyone who hadn't voted to please vote and express any thoughts they had on the matter.

when mint heron posted this: (sorry can't get the format to look right)

  18 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:


@Chartreuse Penguin

To everyone else who based their evidence on my past voting patterns and evidence: I see clearly the fault of my actions, and why you have gotten so worked up over them. I'll allow the next hour until rollover for everyone to make their decisions, then I will see what needs to be done. The choice is yours.

I'm on mobile now so I'll keep it short -- this post sounds evil as heck. It's appeasement and downplaying without a real defense. 

It did allay most of my concerns. But I was wrong I did put the first vote on meerkat hoping to generate discussion on multiple people but instead it turned out to be very one sided again.

Sorry I didn't post earlier I went to the gym last night and passed out afterwards since I'm still super out of shape, I should be on and off most of this cycle though.

Edited by Onyx Flamingo
added blue text
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@Amethyst Scorpion, @Azure Mouse, @Chartreuse Penguin, @Emerald Falcon, @Fuchsia Ostrich, @Indigo Weasel, @Ivory Dragonfly@Magenta Albatross, @Mauve Crocodile, @Mint Heron, @Pearl Chameleon, @Plum Rhinoceros, @Quartz Zebra, @Sage Kangaroo, @Sapphire Elephant, @Sunburst Toucan, @Violet Axolotl I would like to hear what your guys most current suspects are considering the most recent events since most likely one of us will die tonight so I think we should all leave at least our thoughts to help each other.

I currently trust Ivory the most and probably will continue to. Rereading falcons comments I realize now thatI totally didnt answer his concern there and you are right he is not above suspicion... but I trusted him more than i did beagle and I can't go down that road right now. He hasnt done anything to make him lose the trust that i had for him and feels vilager to the core to me.

people I am wary of 

Toucan: I like the analysis she has been doing but I do try to keep them separate from my own. However I have been told that one of the best ways for elims to blend into the villae and gain trust is through doing analysis and she was the first to start it. Couple that with her dedication to RP and it makes it hard to read any intentions as if she is just observing and doesn't want to interfere with the process directly. This by no means makes her an elim but it does make me wary.

People I suspect

Violet Axolotl: Some people have already pointed this out that most of his posts were involving vote tallies which while helpful most of the time just feel like a way to contribute posts without raising suspicion. In addition to this we have the new voting system he is working on which felt like just a way to be able to vote on people without fully explaining their actions. Lastly, this one is kind of meta and I'm not sure of, I imagine being an Elim is stressful. I haven't played an elim yet in SE but the way Axolotl just kind of gave upon day 2 makes me wonder if the stress of being an elim and being a lynch target got to him so he was really saying he was done with the game... I know that tlast one is a bit of a stretch but I can't stop considering it since it was because that post that he wasn't lynched and instead we went after swan which got the pm group into a huge mess, which got beagle killed. I don't think it was on purpose no doubt but that last reason has been on my mind for a while now.  I believe Axolotl did get a pinch hitter but I hope Axolotl 1.0 doesnt take offense that I brought that up if he reads this.

Those are the ones that stuck out to me most right now, I have some that I have gut feelings on but I haven't found anything that I can explain why to people yet about them.

What are your guys thoughts?

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"Really, Squawk. Do you have any idea how late it currently is?" Vanna muttered to herself after Squawk's shouting had disturbed her rest. She walked over to the town square where the chicken was shouting after making sure she was dressed decently.

"Can you keep it down? Normal people are trying to sleep right now." She admonished the loud bird. "I'll answer your questions fully tomorrow, as right now I've got neither the time nor the wakefullness to do so."She started to turn away, but then remembered something. "Though there is one thing I'd like to make note of, just in case. Albatross voted on Meerkat, after expressing suspicion of me. Yet I'd already voted against Meerkat before that. I find it odd that Albatross'd follow along with someone she'd expressed suspicion of, especially when she expressed no such suspicion of Meerkat."

With that, Vanna turned away from the square and returned home fro some rest. She got little enough sleep as it was without people suddenly starting shouting in the middle of the night. 


1 hour ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

 Lastly, this one is kind of meta and I'm not sure of, I imagine being an Elim is stressful. I haven't played an elim yet in SE but the way Axolotl just kind of gave upon day 2 makes me wonder if the stress of being an elim and being a lynch target got to him so he was really saying he was done with the game... I know that tlast one is a bit of a stretch but I can't stop considering it since it was because that post that he wasn't lynched and instead we went after swan which got the pm group into a huge mess, which got beagle killed. I don't think it was on purpose no doubt but that last reason has been on my mind for a while now.  I believe Axolotl did get a pinch hitter but I hope Axolotl 1.0 doesnt take offense that I brought that up if he reads this.

OC(as I can't find a way to talk about a meta topic IC (I understand the usefulness of cats now)): I've been an elim in past games, and though it can be somewhat stressful, I've never actually found being up for the lynch problematic. In fact, in the cases where I was up for the lynch with people bringing up legitimate arguments, I've always found that to relieve most of the pressure involved with being an elim, rather than add to it. If anything, being up for the lynch as a villager puts more pressure on me than being up as an elim. That might just be me though.

(edit: in case it needs to be said, I'm not actually angry at you, Flamingo, but your ping came relatively late in the evening for me, and this seems like a perfect way for Vanna to react)

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@Violet Axolotl I'm not getting that impression from Heron's post. I've seen players in past games propose to be scrutinized or even scanned in order to get cleared. While an elim could certainly bluff it, I haven't seen any contribution crusade comments this cycle, and so they would have a better chance of going unsuspected had they just feigned inactivity. An elim would have no motivation to post something possibly suspicious when they had not been suspected at all, but a villager would want to encourage contribution and analysis. While it's hardly concrete evidence, I'm going to put my vote on Axolotl for attempting to start a bandwagon.

@everyone Has Axolotl been this aggressive earlier this game?

Edit: it's night, isn't it? Well then, discount my vote. :P

Edited by Fuchsia Ostrich
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@Fuchsia Ostrich: it’s the night cycle (for 20 more minutes). Once the day cycle starts you can vote. 

@Onyx Flamingo: my suspicions and trusts haven’t really changed since I posted them last cycle. 


Also, I swear I made a post earlier today but it must not have gone through. -_- I’m still waiting with someone than more free time to name the people who voiced gut-feeling suspicions on Meerkat (I was one of them. I think @Ivory Dragonfly was another. Dragonfly, do you know who the others were?). I suspect that the Eliminators may have seen all the misguided gut reads and decided to instigate the lynch on Meerkat knowing they’d likely get an easy following. 

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11 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

I see it the opposite way. What Elim would post something like that? It’s basically a dead giveaway. Except maybe they know that, and really are an Elim trying to easily get trusted. Or they’re a villager pulling a weird double bluff trying to get trusted by the rest of the village. Or... yeah, this is probably the best example of a NAI post, because you literally can’t tell anything about the person without going into IKYK territory. The same kinds of posts were made by Gecko in the first cycle, but he flipped villager. So “suspicious” posts like these don’t tell us much. Even if I thought they did earlier.

11 minutes ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

@Violet Axolotl I'm not getting that impression from Heron's post. I've seen players in past games propose to be scrutinized or even scanned in order to get cleared. While an elim could certainly bluff it, I haven't seen any contribution crusade comments this cycle, and so they would have a better chance of going unsuspected had they just feigned inactivity. An elim would have no motivation to post something possibly suspicious when they had not been suspected at all, but a villager would want to encourage contribution and analysis. While it's hardly concrete evidence, I'm going to put my vote on Axolotl for attempting to start a bandwagon.

@everyone Has Axolotl been this aggressive earlier this game?

My post was meant to be sarcastic.  Clearly an elim wouldn't point out that they have been flying under the radar so blatantly.  Not unless they are very secure in them not being lynched/killed.  Maybe I should've added a smiley.

1 hour ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

Violet Axolotl: Some people have already pointed this out that most of his posts were involving vote tallies which while helpful most of the time just feel like a way to contribute posts without raising suspicion. In addition to this we have the new voting system he is working on which felt like just a way to be able to vote on people without fully explaining their actions. Lastly, this one is kind of meta and I'm not sure of, I imagine being an Elim is stressful. I haven't played an elim yet in SE but the way Axolotl just kind of gave upon day 2 makes me wonder if the stress of being an elim and being a lynch target got to him so he was really saying he was done with the game... I know that tlast one is a bit of a stretch but I can't stop considering it since it was because that post that he wasn't lynched and instead we went after swan which got the pm group into a huge mess, which got beagle killed. I don't think it was on purpose no doubt but that last reason has been on my mind for a while now.  I believe Axolotl did get a pinch hitter but I hope Axolotl 1.0 doesnt take offense that I brought that up if he reads this.

I have had some limited experience being evil and while being an elim was stressful, being lynched wasn't.  It felt like a weight was lifted.  I find it far more plausible that a villger has more stress on them when being lynched as they know they are innocent and really want to help the village.

Edit:  As for my suspicions, Weasel, Mouse and Zebra are my top three/

Edited by Violet Axolotl
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OK then Axolotl, suspicion lifted. We conveyed the same thought but in different ways.

For me it's about the same being lynched village and lynched elim. For both of them I'm concerned that it'll cause my side to lose and I try my best to swing the lynch away from me.

I'm really daunted by the backlog: 20+ pages of posts, many of them done by the dead. I don't think I'm going to be able to get through those, no matter how long I have for analysis. But I will start gathering reads from now on.

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1 minute ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

For me it's about the same being lynched village and lynched elim. For both of them I'm concerned that it'll cause my side to lose and I try my best to swing the lynch away from me.

For me, the Elims are a team and they should be more than capable of continuing on if one of them dies.  As a villager however, we are a group of individuals so losing one is always a blow.

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