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One of the epigraphs in Words of Radiance gave me pause when I read it.

There came also sixteen of the order of Windrunners, and with them a considerable number of squires, and finding in that place the Skybreakers dividing the innocent from the guilty, there ensued a great debate.

-From Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3

What are these squires that are mentioned? Traditionally, squires were the assistents of knights, helping them put on their armor and the like. Radiants of course, who seem to have once had a mechanism for making their armor appear and disappear, seem unlikely to need this service. But squires also were knights-in-training, awaiting an opportunity to become knights themselves.

A potential hypothesis that can be drawn here is that once Radiants were accompanied by men and women who were attempting or in the process of becoming members of the Knights Radiant. I believe that there is a small glimpse of this in one of Dalinar's visions.

Beyond him, the fight began in earnest, water splashing, rock grinding. Soldiers approached bearing hammers,and surprisingly, these men now also glowed with Stormlight, though far more faintly.

Initially, I thought that perhaps this woman's abilities as a Surgebinder allowed her to grant her followers the ability to use a bit of Stormlight. Now, I am not so certain. She almost certainly a Releaser or Dustbringer, her Surges are Division and Abrasion. Neither of these would seem to account for such a power. These men would seem to be her squires, or at least people who could be her squires. I also believe that this is what was offered to Dalinar by Harkaylain. He couldn't promise that Dalinar would become a Radiant, but he could give him a shot by making him a squire. Now, with Lopen's abilities, and mentions of other members of Bridge Four glowing, I believe that the men of Bridge Four are now Kaladin's squires.
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Wasn't that tefts group?

Not quite sure what you mean by that? I figured that all of them are ultimately deriving their powers due to their relationship to Kaladin, no matter who might be commanding them at the moment.
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I think we can be pretty sure that once there was an established order of Radiants, that the next generations were trained rather than having to discover everything for themselves. Starting as squires.


Not that they didn't need to embody the ideals of their orders, just that they were much more likely to do so than anyone else.

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I concur, Windy. Lopen has no spren, but can suck in Stormlight. His strong connection to Kaladin making him a sort of 'squire' would make perfect sense. (Also, curse you for beating me to this theory.)

Edited by Moogle
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As things stand now being Bridge 4 gives you super strenght. Given that they started showing their powers just after Kaladin had his upgrade and they don´t have Sprens, calling them Kaladin´s squires seems completly logical.

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Maybe it has something to do with the bridgemen and others who can see Syl, and presumably other spren, like sharing the investiture. I don't have quotes right now to back that up. Poke holes. 

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Yay, I was kind of right.  It is interesting that only some orders had "squires" though.  


Edit:  For the other squires, I seem to recall that some members of bridge 4 were surviving and healing from pretty nasty wounds.  

Edited by Daishi5
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We also have this evidence for Squires (proto-Radiants) from Dalinar vision in WoK




“Very well. But should you wish to put that mysterious training of yours to use, come to Urithiru.”

“Urithiru?” Dalinar said. He’d heard that name somewhere.

“Yes,” the knight said. “I cannot promise you a position in one of the orders—that decision is not mine—but if your skill with the sword is similar to your skill with hearth-tending implements, then I am confident you will find a place with us.”   - TWoK  Chapter 19 Starfalls


This with the other quotes lead me to think that the Squires or trainees gain some abilities along with training. But that to become Radiants will require a spen bonding them.


I would think living with and training with a Radiant, could also lead to those under them ending up with similar character traits, and actions, so would be more attractive to spren. Though not always, as Moash's actions point out, no matter what there is no promise or guarantee.

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The 2 bridgemen with Adolin (Skar and Drehy?), being able to survive all places where Adolin when and fought with a set of shards... I think they are squires as well... Lopen is one w/o even taking part in the fight...

I'm curious about Hobber, if he gets his legs back :D

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You should look for squires in the first book too. (And I'm not talking about the prelude.)


I think that I spotted this one. Many bridgeman (Hobbler Teft and Skar for example) cured fast that they should in book one. Teft said that the one of his injurries he did'nt hurt as at should and he didn't get any side affect from as would in the arm that should maked in "have dificult to fight"

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I think that I spotted this one. Many bridgeman (Hobbler Teft and Skar for example) cured fast that they should in book one. Teft said that the one of his injurries he did'nt hurt as at should and he didn't get any side affect from as would in the arm that should maked in "have dificult to fight"


They also fight much better than expected against the Parshendi.

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Thanks for the hint, Peter. I must admit that usually I rather fear (in a friendly and appreciative way, of course ;)) your comments, what with their crypticism and multiple meanings. This one seems rather straightforward, though...








IT'S A TRAP!!!!  :o

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Well at this point I think we can confirm Bridge Four as... maybe proto-squires? I'd be interested to see how exactly their abilities work. Do they get full Surgebinding abilities, only somewhat more limited, or do they just get the enhanced speed/skill/etc of Stormlight? Honestly the second seems much more useful to me as you don't necessarily need a ton of mage/fighter/tanks, but you definitely will need people to keep them alive.

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As things stand now being Bridge 4 gives you super strenght. Given that they started showing their powers just after Kaladin had his upgrade and they don´t have Sprens, calling them Kaladin´s squires seems completly logical.

They may have unknowingly been borrowing strength without realizing it. When they carried the bridge, I seem to recall some of them talking about how much lighter it had become.

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This is also something that seemed to stand out to me - I can't find the exact quote at the moment, but I believe that the Words of Radiance (in-world book) stated that the Windrunners in particular have very specific heirarchies. If we see that Bridge 4 gains access to stormlight through their loyalty to Kaladin (and I would imagine loyalty and honor are very close knit), it would make sense that windrunner heirarchies are so clean cut.


It is also implied that Moash has failed to become a squire - Kaladin more or less asks him if his loyalties lie with Kaladin or his cause. Moash chose the latter.


I was (very slightly) disappointed when Lopen's stormlight went to his arm instead of his attempt to test a full lashing. We could have found out if members of Kaladin's squires can surgebinding. Still, I can't wait to see Lopen glow to impress girls with while flexing his arms somewhere down the line.

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