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Everything posted by melancholy

  1. The prison spren (dont know what there exact name is) that kaladin sees could also be a sensation spren.
  2. Im 90% sure if Heleran were infused with stormlight or capable of surgebinding that kaladin would be dead.
  3. Here you go its toward the bottom He says "for a while" and between that statement and Dalinar saying that the blade felt wrong some how to him makes me beleive that he had a nahel bond just starting to form with the stormfather and once he said the oaths and strengthened the bond he could then finally hear the screaming
  4. I beleive the stronger your nahel bond the more revived a dead spren becomes, I beleive there WOB saying dalinar had a bond before he took the oaths but he didnt hear the screams till after he spoke his first 2 oaths and then he had to summon and touch the blade.
  5. Didnt wyndle talk about the circle doing something to him so when he came into the physical realm his memories were protected and not damaged.
  6. I wonder if you could lash the person wearing the plate, szeth seems to only try lashing the plate which we know is full of investure but the person wearing it technically isnt, maybe this little distinction is the problem.
  7. Couldn't Urithiru be to high for the highstorm to affect it, the weeping doesn't seem to affect it and weve seen kaladin higher than a highstorm already.
  8. I feel like kaladin and syl (especially syl) wouldn't feel comfortable giving away the honorblade to some one unless they were bound by some sort of oath, wouldn't want another szeth flying around killing people and i beleive syl says something along those lines.
  9. Couldn't the squires be in the process of attracting spren or not yet be aware of a nahel spren sorta like kaladin while in amarans army?
  10. Do we know what he did with it or if he took it with him? And i beleive theres WOB saying you can bond more than 1 shard blade but i dont know about an honorblade and living shardblade
  11. If there exact opposites could they make an alloy or would they destroy each other like vin and ati?
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