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Least favorite Sanderson characters

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Be honest guys. It doesn’t matter how good a writer is, there’s always that character you just don’t like. 

Mine is Elend. I was a little too happy when he got his head sheared off. Don’t get me wrong I have no qualms with Vin and Elend’s relationship, their romance makes sense. But his charm just seemed plastic to me. He reminded me of a guy I knew who tried too hard to impress people. Not sure if Brandon was going for that or not. I loved all the other characters. Just not Elend. Anyone else?

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Zane (glad that he got murdered by Vin), Amaram ("Killing an entire group of people that just saved my life and accusing them of treason is totally the right and honorable thing to do"), Steris at first (I actually started to like her more as the series progressed), Odium (of course, but it's not just the "Is a massive antagonist who kills gods out of a narcissistic desire to be the most powerful being in the Cosmere" thing, he's also a massive douche), Tindwyl the first time I listened to (I have audible) the Well of Ascension (second time around she was kind of okay), Sadeas is a total slimeball and probably doesn't even need to be on this list, Straff Venture (of course), Shallan's "Brightness Radiant" persona.

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Same thing as Toaster said about Lift. I think sometimes she's a bit over the top goofy, and in my opinion this was prevalent in her most recent appearance. I get that it's a defense mechanism, she just needs to dial it back sometimes.  

Shallan. Sorry. It's hard for me to read her POV's when I'm more irritated than interested.

Vivenna. I've done 2 re-reads of Warbreaker and I found myself just skimming her chapters. It's not that she was a badly written character, it was more of the fact that her inner turmoil was tedious to me. 

Moash. For me I never saw him as a friend to Kaladin. Through his dialogue it just seems like he's using Bridge Four to meet his own ends. He was always going against and talking back to Kaladin. But it's stated that Kaladin was closest to Moash out of everyone in Bridge Four because Moash didn't treat Kaladin differently. I never saw it, I just saw Moash being a brat. 


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1 hour ago, Xaladin said:

Navani. She just represents everything I hate about women.

I usually see Jasnah described this way. But I mostly agree. When she first starts interacting with Dalinar it was lightly hinted that she couldn't be trusted. We've learned diferently since then, but I could never shake the feeling that there's more than meets the eye with Navani, and it's most likely bad. Also, I don't like how her first instinct is to bully people.

But, there is a few things that I do like about her. The first thing is that she doesn't care at all about social propriety, and only does when it suits her. The other is that I enjoy reading the parts where she goes full engineer, just as I like when Shallan goes full artist. 

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