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[OB] Would have loved to seen the wedding


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Absolutely love Oathbringer could possibly be my favorite book of all time haha.  but was really really really looking forward to seeing Shallan and Adolins wedding hahahahah never wanted her to end up with Kaladin so this was extremely happy moment for me. Maybe we can get a short story of their wedding hahaha

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I was actually really looking forward to that, too. After all the mayhem and battling I wanted to see the characters in a bit of a lighter and more celebratory environment. Some characters, like Renarin, we didn't get to see at all after the battle and I wanted to see the family interactions. :(

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13 minutes ago, Foxx said:

I was actually really looking forward to that, too. After all the mayhem and battling I wanted to see the characters in a bit of a lighter and more celebratory environment. Some characters, like Renarin, we didn't get to see at all after the battle and I wanted to see the family interactions. :(

It would of be great. Im loving Renarin more and more also by the way

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8 minutes ago, IllNsickly said:

I have a feeling that something unfortunate is going to happen with/during the wedding.

That is why we didn’t see it in this book.

I was thinking that too but didn't want to say it. 


5 minutes ago, Ookla the Grey said:

The wedding was in the past tense for Dalinar's final scene in the book; it's already happened.

Yeah but Dalinar is old so he might have left before the party was over but not if he's like my father he was up for the duration drinking a million Miller Lites

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4 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Keep in mind that the current plan is for there to be a one year gap in-world between OB and the next Stormlight Archive book. Therefore, by the time we get back, the wedding will have already been a done deal.

I did not know that I mean Shallan could have had a kid and be pregnant with her second . I forget how long a Roshar year is but I know  it's much longer than a  standard Earth year.  I have a 9 almost 8 year old 6 year old all back-to-back-to-back pretty much in a three month old

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3 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I did not know that I mean Shallan could have had a kid and be pregnant with her second . I forget how long a Roshar year is but I know  it's much longer than a  standard Earth year.  I have a 9 almost 8 year old 6 year old all back-to-back-to-back pretty much in a three month old

Based on Jasnah's insult to Amaram, pregnancy on Roshar is seven months and one year has 10 months if I remember correctly. (1 rosharian yesr=1.1 earth years if you rather use that measurement; month have more days there)

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7 minutes ago, Aleksiel said:

Based on Jasnah's insult to Amaram, pregnancy on Roshar is seven months and one year has 10 months if I remember correctly. (1 rosharian yesr=1.1 earth years if you rather use that measurement; month have more days there)

Hmmm so i guess maybe one kid. But I rather them not have any kids untill book 5

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33 minutes ago, Ookla the Grey said:

The wedding was in the past tense for Dalinar's final scene in the book; it's already happened.

I still need to read the E-Book or Printed Version, I guess. I didn’t get the uninterrupted experience I was hoping for with the audio and evidently missed more than I care to.

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38 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Keep in mind that the current plan is for there to be a one year gap in-world between OB and the next Stormlight Archive book. Therefore, by the time we get back, the wedding will have already been a done deal.

That disappoints me. I actually really liked the ending, but I might also have enjoyed seeing the wedding, and looking at the forum has made me realize just how much got glossed over after the battle, especially Szeth, which I hadn't noticed at first. This led me to hope that the beginning of book 4 would back track a bit to cover the aftermath of the battle as well as the wedding and the Alethi reaction to Jasnah becoming queen. Now all of my hopes and dreams are shattered, OH WOE IS ME!

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7 minutes ago, Personification said:

That disappoints me. I actually really liked the ending, but I might also have enjoyed seeing the wedding, and looking at the forum has made me realize just how much got glossed over after the battle, especially Szeth, which I hadn't noticed at first. This led me to hope that the beginning of book 4 would back track a bit to cover the aftermath of the battle as well as the wedding and the Alethi reaction to Jasnah becoming queen. Now all of my hopes and dreams are shattered, OH WOE IS ME!

Maybe we can get a edgedancer it type of short stories going over all that type of stuff

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Would have loved to seen the wedding
44 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

Maybe we can get a edgedancer it type of short stories going over all that type of stuff

That is the ideal alternative, but the problem is that it would have minimal conflict and an already known end, unless of course it is just the beginning of it and then you see more conflicty stuff afterwards.

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1 hour ago, bdoble97 said:

I did not know that I mean Shallan could have had a kid and be pregnant with her second . I forget how long a Roshar year is but I know  it's much longer than a  standard Earth year.  I have a 9 almost 8 year old 6 year old all back-to-back-to-back pretty much in a three month old

1.1 Earth years. 10 months of 50 days each.

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3 minutes ago, Personification said:

That is the ideal alternative, but the problem is that it would have minimal conflict and an already known end, unless of course it is just the beginning of it and then you see more conflicty stuff afterwards.

Yea I just hope we get some type of edgedancer type of book brfore book 4.

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2 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

Oh man all this talk about something bad happening at the wedding gives me flashbacks of the Red Wedding. 

O the red wedding ill never forget horrible chapter. I don't think something that  dark could happen in The Stormlight Archives though

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I, for one, hope we never see the wedding. This way I can continue on with my head cannon that their marriage was officiated by Nightblood.

"You may DESTROY EVIL. I mean kiss the bride."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Obtuse said:

I, for one, hope we never see the wedding. This way I can continue on with my head cannon that their marriage was officiated by Nightblood.

"You may DESTROY EVIL. I mean kiss the bride."

Hahah Nightblood just another of the Endless amazing characters Brandon Sanderson is created

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There are so many loose threads at the end that I won't lose hope of seing them until SA 4 is out and the scenes are not there. Mainly with Szeth, a bit with coalition stuff, Jasnah and the wedding. Extra chapters or novella would be ideal. Because never seeing the conversation between Szeth and Dalinar...horrible thought. 

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24 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Because never seeing the conversation between Szeth and Dalinar...horrible thought. 

I don't see why people are so upset by this. The far more interesting conversation would have been Dalinar's reply to King T when he confesses his responsibility for the assassin in white. I can imagine that the Szeth/Dalinar conversation was as dull as dirt:

["Dalinar Kholin, I have sworn my third ideal of the Skybreakers to follow you."

Dalinar grunted. "Taravangian says he made you kill the world leaders with a magic rock."

"My oathstone held no magic, but he speaks truth. I am no longer bound to it. I serve you now." 

Dalinar nodded. The assassin, Szeth, had killed his brother, but they had larger problems to deal with now. Much larger. Best to move on. Vengeance had proven fruitless long ago.] 

And boom, they're past it. 

[Hey, that was really boring Szeth, you should draw me instead.]

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