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Least Favorite non-Brandon Character

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Let's do the opposite if the other thread (Favorite Non-Brandon Characters) and talk about the characters we do NOT like. I'll start:

-The Lord of the Rings: Frodo, because I find him boring, and Wormtounge, because of how despicable he is.

-ASoIaF: Cersei, defenitely. Joffrey too. And Dany. I can't stand Daenerys Targaryen. Also, Bran, for having the chapters you ALWAYS want to skip.

-Star Wars: Luke and Leia. Again, they are pretty boring. I love Mark Hamill though, and The Last Jedi might change this. 

How about you?

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Just off the top of my head Denna from the King Killer Chronicles. Just a complete drama queen that I just don't understand. I get that she's had a tough life, but everything she does just ends up vexing me.

I read the first Twilight book, because I kept on hearing about it from every female I run into, and found Bella just so annoying.

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Mrs. Coulter from His Dark Materials (Golden Compass series). She was all over the place on all sides which really annoyed me. You'd think she was bad, but then she was good so you thought she was good and then she was bad and.... Yeah. Gave me a serious headache.

Haha, I used to get really annoyed by Lucy from Charlie Brown just because she always seemed to be so mean. But she's part of the Peanuts gang, so what can you do.

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I tried to read the 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey, but the female lead (Cassie was her name, I think) was so irritating I couldn't stand to finish the trilogy. So wishy-washy and indecisive, and she was a real chull to her "friends." I stopped caring about the story because she was the center of it.

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I'll third the anti-Denna camp.  I have never understood why she is supposed to be so great.


for a different series, I fnd Rand from Wheel of Time to be wholly intolerable. it starts around the 3rd book, but really escalates a bit later on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
56 minutes ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

Does it have to be from a book? If not then my least favorite character of all time must be Carth Onasi from "Kights of the Old Republic" (also know as KOTOR, a old starwars video game.) 

Book, movie, video game, it all goes. In fact, I åicked Luke and Leia in the OP, and they are primarily movie characters.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the maladroit said:

True, he is very young 

in one of the chapters where he works with Jojen on his green dreams, I get so frustrated with him because he tries to interpret his dream literally, and prophecy never works that way.

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Just now, Dunkum said:

in one of the chapters where he works with Jojen on his green dreams, I get so frustrated with him because he tries to interpret his dream literally, and prophecy never works that way.

It is one of the great fantasy tropes: wait! Let’s avert fate! That always works!

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8 hours ago, Ookla the maladroit said:

It is one of the great fantasy tropes: wait! Let’s avert fate! That always works!

this was more the "Sea rushing in over winterfell's walls", referring to the coming ironborn, and he says something along the lines of "but the sea is far from here, so that can't happen"  I don't feel like looking up the exact quotes, but it bothered me so much because prophecy is 100% always metaphorical.  that goes back at least as far as the book of Genesis, where Joeseph interprets the Pharaoh's dreams.

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Prim from the Earth Strike series.  He had the worst character arc I've ever seen.  It was so bad, I couldn't even finish the first book.  In truth, his arc was the reason I made it as far as I did.  But he realization and turn around made me put it down, and walk away from the series entirely.

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On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 1:19 AM, Farnsworth said:

Nynaeve, Elayne, Faile. They are all basically the same character anyways.

I am not sure I liked any of the female characters from Wheel of Time other than Morraine and Aviendha.  Oh and maybe Min.

I don't know that much about Robert Jordan, about who he was as a person.  So I could never decide if he was a full on feminist, or if he totally anti-feminist with how unlikable some of those characters were to me.

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3 hours ago, Wolven said:

I am not sure I liked any of the female characters from Wheel of Time other than Morraine and Aviendha.  Oh and maybe Min.

I don't know that much about Robert Jordan, about who he was as a person.  So I could never decide if he was a full on feminist, or if he totally anti-feminist with how unlikable some of those characters were to me.

Min was alright, and Moiraine got better.  I did like Egwene, but only towards the end of the series.  early on I couldn;t stand her.  The Aiel wise ones and Cadsuane were also generally competent and thus a lot more tolerable than most of the women.  Oh, and Verin was pretty good.

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