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Help a girl out, wouldja please?


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So uh, I feel like a jerk asking this but, uh,

I'm having a rough time mental health wise. You might've picked up on that from a couple of my posts. And I like you guys and well I guess I've gotta stop beating around the bush and go fishing (mixed metaphors yay!).

What do you like about me? 

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@Ookla the Delightful Believe me, you are the last person I'd think of as begging for attention. You are such a strong person. I don't even know everything you've ever had to deal with, but storms, hearing about the crem you've had to endure and the fact that you just keep fighting and pushing through Hell--I hope if I ever have kids, especially daughters, that they have such unbreakable spirits as yours.

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13 minutes ago, Ookla the Ornithophilic said:

@Ookla the Delightful Believe me, you are the last person I'd think of as begging for attention. You are such a strong person. I don't even know everything you've ever had to deal with, but storms, hearing about the crem you've had to endure and the fact that you just keep fighting and pushing through Hell--I hope if I ever have kids, especially daughters, that they have such unbreakable spirits as yours.

You're gonna make me cry you wonderful person. 

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I've always remembered seeing you ready to step in and help people when they had questions or concerns back in 2014 when I was active. While we haven't interacted much since I've been back again, that's about the most wonderful thing I could ask of a person anyhow.

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On 11/26/2017 at 1:18 AM, Ookla the Delightful said:

So uh, I feel like a jerk asking this but, uh,

I'm having a rough time mental health wise. You might've picked up on that from a couple of my posts. And I like you guys and well I guess I've gotta stop beating around the bush and go fishing (mixed metaphors yay!).

What do you like about me? 

I'm fairly new here, but just the fact that you have the confidence to ask this is a HUGE deal! :D

I wish I was that confident...

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speaking as a longtime depression sufferer, don't listen to those voices - the ones telling you how bad it is, how bad you are, always asking what's wrong with you. They lie. They filter everything that happens through the worst possible filter and pour it back on you mixed tenfold. 

I don't know you well enough to offer much in the way of positive reinforcement.  I just want you to know people care. The people here care.  You're not weak for asking.  I think it's fair to say that we're around if you need us.

I'm an expert in self-hatred and loathing, have been for probably 30 years.  It's never easy to deal with but some days are a lot harder than others.  Hang in there, don't let the bad days win, okay?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've suffered from depression, for a long while.  Though I didn't know it was depression at the time (it felt like I was just seeing the world for what it is, still feels that way, but less lately).  I'm seeing a psychologist about my depression, and he's helping me to overcome that depression.

I would recommend getting help.  I know such things have a stigma attached to them, but you might be surprised by how effective seeing someone professional can be.  Hang in there, and feel free to send me a PM if you want to talk.

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