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Early Release


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ok, this is a bit wierd.   Since i'm twitching a bit i contacted amazon to ask what time the kindle version would be available to download (so i can plan ahead for a nap before i start reading).  First they just throw money at me, which wasn't my goal so I contact them again, this time by chat.  Now they are telling me they don't know what time and have no control over it and its up to the author and publisher.  Any chance Peter can respond to this and if its true give us a general time frame for the ebook downloads?

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ok, this is a bit wierd.   Since i'm twitching a bit i contacted amazon to ask what time the kindle version would be available to download (so i can plan ahead for a nap before i start reading).  First they just throw money at me, which wasn't my goal so I contact them again, this time by chat.  Now they are telling me they don't know what time and have no control over it and its up to the author and publisher.  Any chance Peter can respond to this and if its true give us a general time frame for the ebook downloads?


On another thread( can't remember which) Peter said the ebook will be available monday night (tuesday morning) at midnight EST. I live in the PST zone, so I'm going to try downloading it on Monday at 9 pm.


If I am mistaken, Peter, please correct me.

Edited by eveorjoy
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I am so jealous of you all. I have pre-ordered mine on amazon.com in July 2013 - not status yet :(. At this point I am worried I will get late evening March 4th :(.

Hence why I didn't pre-order from Amazon. I tend to receive things late in the day, and I took the day off to read it. It doesn't make sense to take the day off if I get it at 5 PM. Unfortunately, my local bookstore has no idea if they'll even have it :( I might have to drive an hour to get it.

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On another thread( can't remember which) Peter said the ebook will be available monday night (tuesday morning) at midnight EST. I live in the PST zone, so I'm going to try downloading it on Monday at 9 pm.


If I am mistaken, Peter, please correct me.

For Steelheart, I had to wait for it to show up until 2:00 pm or so for it show up and I pre-ordered the kindle version. I live in PST as well and so I hope it does not get delayed. Good idea on the nap though :).


Hence why I didn't pre-order from Amazon. I tend to receive things late in the day, and I took the day off to read it. It doesn't make sense to take the day off if I get it at 5 PM. Unfortunately, my local bookstore has no idea if they'll even have it :( I might have to drive an hour to get it.

You know, I read on this forum or on tor.com Way of Kings re-read, that Amazon sends stuff out early, sometimes as early as a day. So I was hoping for such magic and I am still hoping - fingers crossed. If not, since Brandon is coming for the book signing to my city the same day, I will hopefully pick one up in a local store.

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So, first post, long-time lurker here, but I decided to finally sign up because I could not imagine having to go through WoR completely alone.

However, I also have been gifted with a copy of WoR already, thanks to amazon.de.

When I came home after Uni on Wednesday, it was sitting on my doorstep, looking all innocently. So I did the only logical thing - sat down and read it straight through for the next eight hours. I have to admit that I might’ve skipped a few chapters, mostly interludes, at the last fifth of the book because things were getting so intense I simply had to know what happened next. Also, it was getting quite late and I had to get up at 6 am. Of course now I’m feeling rather guilty and like I somehow wronged the book…

Anyway, a short spoiler-free review, here you go:

Since I would very soon run out of superlatives to use, because honestly nearly every chapter deserves them, let me just borrow Lift’s vocabulary: It is awesome. Everyone is so awesome. There are really, really awesome things happening, some of them long wished-for. Others are totally unexpected at least to me. Of course, WoR does have its fair share of not-awesome scenes (read: sad/tragic/painful/cruel/shocking scenes) that made me numb with shock or cry my eyes out at some points. Tip: Don’t start crying messily at 1 am if you have other people living with you. They tend to get disturbed. They don’t like sudden loud laughing either - and I did plenty of that while reading. Compared to TWoK, I’d say WoR has many more of these scenes and one-liners that just make you laugh because they are so brilliant. We all know who of the cast is partly responsible for that, don’t we?

Also I have to genuinely applaud you guys for your theories. While I haven’t read all the theories out here, it was surprising how many of the ones I read were at least partly right. Or spot-on, even. Other theories are proven wrong of course, and there are possibilities for a lot of new interesting theories.

WoR is, above all, very intense and manages to be during the whole read - the climax or rather the climaxes had me sitting on the edge of my seat, frantically trying to not squee with delight or alternatively, shiver with dread.

I could continue by yelling around various character names because they all do things that are at times amazing, then painful, then horrifying, then stupid, and many other adjectives. But certain names might be considered spoilers? Not sure.

I also liked the fact that the epigraphs at the beginning of the chapters are really informative and give room for yet another large batch of theories.

While reading, I can assure you the epilogue is absolutely something worth the wait. More than worth it. Really. Look forward to it.

To be a bit mean, have some some reactions to a certain few scenes, not in order and very subjective of course:

- Shock, sudden dread, worry, anger, fear. Then surprise, delight, and "STORMS YEAH".

- "I KNEW IT!"

- "No no no no no what did you do please no don't let it be true oh my god why" (more than one scene actually)

- "It's totally chliché, but Brandon makes it work more than well."

Summed up, WoR pushed TWoK down from the place of "my favorite Brandon book ever" and also took the title of "book I most yelled about".

I hope I managed to keep this as spoiler-free as possible and yet still be a bit informative ;)

Now I'm off deciding if I rather start rereading the whole book, read the chapters I skipped at the end, or just reread the awesome climax scenes. Hmhm.

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So, first post, long-time lurker here, but I decided to finally sign up because I could not imagine having to go through WoR completely alone.

However, I also have been gifted with a copy of WoR already, thanks to amazon.de.



I'm curious, Silver: Did you use Amazon Prime or just the regular Amazon? I just ask because I ordered using Prime and I desperately want my copy to arrive on time. To have it come early is beyond hope for me. :)

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MAN, Silver, you capture it perfectly! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who laughs maniacally during WoR! Heck, I had to bust out the evil laughter before I even STARTED reading it because I was too excited about the early copy.

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Well, my book is come. I'll read it outside, for the weather cleared up just for this :) I must say, chapter 7 validated a lot of my ideas, like the flames. Heh. Also, I do send out spoilers now, but only those I've got myself <_<

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I'm curious, Silver: Did you use Amazon Prime or just the regular Amazon? I just ask because I ordered using Prime and I desperately want my copy to arrive on time. To have it come early is beyond hope for me. :)

I have the one year-free trial Prime membership for students, so I used Prime!

I was really surprised by the early delivery, because up until a day before Amazon told me it would arrive on March 14 (imagine my joy).


Silver, if you skipped Lhan and Taravangian, you're going to regret it. :)

eveorjoy, I don't know for sure what time it will be available. There are only rumors.

I already read Lhan and now I'm in the middle of Taravangian. Boy, you're right! Lhan gave me a good idea of really-not-good things happening there, and Taravangian... hm, I didn't like him that much in TWoK but I find myself at least understanding him.

I'm regretting the skipping more and more. But well, nothing's to be done now but read them as fast as possible. Several times :D


MAN, Silver, you capture it perfectly! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who laughs maniacally during WoR! Heck, I had to bust out the evil laughter before I even STARTED reading it because I was too excited about the early copy.

I was also maniacally laughing when I was finished. Jumping around might've been also involved.


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eveorjoy, I don't know for sure what time it will be available. There are only rumors.


Thanks again for making that clear. Maybe I should just leave my Kindle alone until Tuesday morning or afternoon. This is such torture.

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Yay! My wife just texted me that it arrived. This will be the storming best weekend ever!


I just hope the pack contains the correct book.


But Amazon wouldn't make such mistakes. Would they?


Great, now I need her to open the pack and verify the content is WoR! Here's to paranoia!

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I also got my book yesterday, amazon ,de really divilvered it the day after I ordered it, i was really suppriesed at that. Been reading alot of it im coming up on the last 200 pages now. Have read everything exept what we got to preview but I skimmed them so to make sure i got the setting right and not messing things from memory.
So far I have to say its a good book really good but somehow I also feel anoyed at some things, although i still have al of the ending to read :)


My feeling at the moment with the book in the spoilertag

heh funny thing how alot of people here on the forum wanted Kaladin to stick a spear in Amaram asp after the preview chaper. Right now I feel like the only one I want to stick a spear into is *--------*



Edit: changed a lill in the spoilertag

Edited by Dru
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Good to hide that behind a spoiler tag. I'm not sure if it goes as far as violating spoiler policy of the forum, but it certainly has a spoilery feel.


Also, this comment intrigued me even more. I actually asked my wife to open the amazon box. I can now confirm that my copy of WoR is waiting at home. Which is just awesome. I will start reading in .... about 4-5 hours. I might be tempted to skip dinner to make that 3-4 hours.

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So far I have to say its a good book really good but somehow I also feel anoyed at some things, although i still have al of the ending to read :)

I'd like to add that I felt rather annoyed at some of the cast at times (never the book itself) - certain someones do some things which were so obviously not the best idea that it made me want to bash their heads against the wall. Repeatedly. But well, we do need some bad decision-making in there or everyone would be perfect, right? ;)

By the way, that's not the first time amazon.de has sent me books up to a week before the release date, so didn't anyone (Author? Publisher?) sue them yet or something?

Not that I can complain as a reader, but I can imagine it might make some important people rather angry.

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