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[OB] Oathbringer roll call


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1 minute ago, Fourth Of The Night said:

What if you did a twitch stream where it was literally just you sitting in your chair, reading silently and reacting to the amazing things that happen?

We are Sharders. We would zoom in on windows in the background and check the reflections to get a glimpse of the text.

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So I'll admit I was at my local bookstore at opening, hoping to at least hold the fabled manuscript, hoping against hope that the booksellers didn't care about release dates. They didn't buy into my crem, though. 

And then later on, my friend actually did manage to get a different person to pull it out of the back and begin the transaction, but then she saw the release date and took it back. It was literally in his hands and was then taken away. He didn't even have time to look at the art in part one! I'm reasonably sure that killed him and I'm now talking to a soulless ghost. I certainly wouldn't have lived through that.

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3 minutes ago, Rider of Storms said:

So I'll admit I was at my local bookstore at opening, hoping to at least hold the fabled manuscript, hoping against hope that the booksellers didn't care about release dates. They didn't buy into my crem, though. 

And then later on, my friend actually did manage to get a different person to pull it out of the back and begin the transaction, but then she saw the release date and took it back. It was literally in his hands and was then taken away. He didn't even have time to look at the art in part one! I'm reasonably sure that killed him and I'm now talking to a soulless ghost. I certainly wouldn't have lived through that.

I would have ran

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12 minutes ago, Rider of Storms said:

And then later on, my friend actually did manage to get a different person to pull it out of the back and begin the transaction, but then she saw the release date and took it back. It was literally in his hands and was then taken away.


8 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

I would have ran


Know this fellow Sharders, if any of you are in a similar situation as described by Rider and you react in the way Steeldancer said, I will personally donate towards your legal defense. Also, be sure to pay with cash so if they try to take it back and you run, you can at least claim you left the required payment on the counter.

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2 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

Know this fellow Sharders, if any of you are in a similar situation as described by Rider and you react in the way Steeldancer said, I will personally donate towards your legal defense. Also, be sure to pay with cash so if they try to take it back and you run, you can at least claim you left the required payment on the counter.


This time on: "How to get away with stealing books"

This could work :ph34r:

Edit: I don't even think the bookstore has those radar-detecting-thingys that beep when you steal things :ph34r:

*Calls friend*

Image result for we have to go back

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10 minutes ago, hypatia said:

I'm outing myself - I HAD it - and then I wraped it in giftpaper and sent it to my daughter as a birthday present.

I'm crying since I left the post office....

Man I love my kids and all but they would have gotten a very slightly used copy. 

EDIT: The least your daughter could do is read it to you on the phone. 

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With this deed I - the Shard of Sacrifice - will destroy you, Odium.

I will claim your power to prevent something like this in all the future...

Oh yes, she will call me on the phone, but as I know my child she will only tease me.

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21 minutes ago, hypatia said:

I'm feeling more like an idiot....or the most motherly mother of this whole f..ing earth.

It was the last one.

This is the ultimate sacrifice!:wub: Forget about donating a kidney ! To be honest, if someone wasn't in mortal danger, there would be no chance of me giving that book away.

This is equivalent to what Lily did for Harry :(

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The Sanderson's offered me an advance copy. I turned it down so that my wife would get to enjoy the discovery with me as I read it to her starting late on the 13th. My adult daughter and I will be at the release party, buying 17th Shard pins and acting far younger than we are. I have fought hard and long to not spoil those next few planned days off work. My young kids are at relatives, food bought, and no need to leave the house till Friday. Family first, even when it hurts.

I second the motion to have @hypatia leading us as the shard of Sacrifice. Well done.

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1 minute ago, 1stBondsmith said:

The Sanderson's offered me an advance copy. I turned it down so that my wife would get to enjoy the discovery with me as I read it to her starting late on the 13th. My adult daughter and I will be at the release party, buying 17th Shard pins and acting far younger than we are. I have fought hard and long to not spoil those next few planned days off work. My young kids are at relatives, food bought, and no need to leave the house till Friday. Family first, even when it hurts.

I second the motion to have @hypatia leading us as the shard of Sacrifice. Well done.

Pssst. Send it to me instead. No need for it to go to waste:lol:

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26 minutes ago, 1stBondsmith said:

The Sanderson's offered me an advance copy. I turned it down

So I don't have it @Steeldancer. The Sandersons are particulary generous with their time, attention and patience with us, the fans. You don't see that in many successful writers. If I had taken it, I would undoubtedly have read it, and be sworn to secrecy till the release. But I am really looking forward to the artwork and style of the Hardbound copy. It will set a new standard for books that will be hard to replicate in the future. 

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Before you ask, no, we didn't steal anything.

So there I was, feeling antsy, sitting and wishing I had Oathbringer. Remembering my friend's escapade from yesterday (you can read about it above), hatched a plan. I figured I'd let my friend in on it, combining my optimism and his luck (any time he's in the car with me, green lights all the way).

"So," I say, "We should go to the bookstore downtown (the one from yesterday's story was a different one. They already knew our tricks) and...and just see if they have it. Maybe we'll at least get to hold it, and page through Part One for art. Yes I'm desperate."

"Okay," He said, "Pick me up at 3:50." He was clearly only into this for my benefit, but I didn't care. I really was desperate.

So the time comes and he gets into the car, and off we go to the bookstore. We knew it probably wouldn't work, but there was at least a chance, and we were gonna take it. We get our stories straight that we are just two average young adults who heard the book was coming out this week, and do you have it in the back?

That story wasn't necessary. 

We arrived at the bookstore to find that the book was ON THE SHELVES! We took a minute or twenty to look through at a few things, like art, and who has the chapters in Part Two (yenno, nothing spoilery), just in case this was the only chance we had, and we met the fate that my friend did yesterday: Walking out book-less.

Then my friend realized: He didn't have his wallet, and we only had half an hour 'til closing! We left, trying not to think of the fact that that may have been our last experience from Oathbringer this week, and trying to look as innocuous and nonchalant as possible.

We get to his house, grab the wallet, and practically race back (that is, until we were followed by a police car, and couldn't speed). Looking at the time, my pulse quickened even more, and I started shaking. Would we make it in time?

Getting to the store for a second time, hoping they didn't recognize us from before, we promptly walked over to the books. They were blessedly still there.

As we only had time to go back for one of the wallets (and the fact that I have no money), my friend paid for the book while I wondered the stacks, stroking another copy of Oathbringer, ready to hide it in case they came to put them away, having discovered the release date. It all came down to this moment. Would they notice, or was our blessed book free?

I heard words spoken, but I was too far away to make them out. I heard the beeps of machines, but that could have meant anything. 

Then I saw my friend, my dear friend walking down the aisle of novels towards me, with a grin on his face, Oathbringer in hand. He'd done it.

Trying our hardest to look innocent while shaking, we left the store. It was nearly impossible not to skip and whoop for joy, but as soon as we made it to the car, whoop we did.

Pinging my friend @RandyD

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@Rider of Storms Your story was so detailed I was sure you were screwing with us and at the end you were going to say something like the cashier was Hoid. 

Gratz on getting it! Now I’m wanting to spend the day tomorrow scouring bookstores.

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10 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

@Rider of Storms Your story was so detailed I was sure you were screwing with us and at the end you were going to say something like the cashier was Hoid. 

Gratz on getting it! Now I’m wanting to spend the day tomorrow scouring bookstores.

Me not saying that was an egregious wasted opportunity. Head-cannon accepted. Purple-hair cashier is now confirmed to be Hoid's newest alias. Be on the lookout.

Here's the book on my shelf and me with the book in case you're still doubting :D

Spoilered for size:

IMG_9989 (1).JPG


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