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[OB] Do you think we will get a Kaladin chapter on Tuesday, Nov 7?


Do you think we will get a Kaladin chapter on Tuesday, Nov 7?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think we will get one more Kaladin chapter in Part one?

    • Yes, and both chapters next week will be from Kaladin's POV.
    • Yes, we will get at least one Kaladin chapter and one Dalinar chapter.
    • Yes, we will get at least one Kaladin chapter and one Shallan chapter.
    • No, Dalinar will have both chapters.
    • No, Shallan will have both chapters.
    • No, Dalinar and Shallan will have the last two chapters.
    • No, Adolin will get the end of Part one.

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This will be a short lived poll, but I want to know what you think. Will we hear from Kaladin again in part one? I think so because I don't think we will see him in part 2 at all and there was too much build up with the listeners for him to disappear for the rest of part one and all of part two. 

As the visual outline at the bottom of the post shows, one of the main three will not be in part 2. WoB is that we will get less Kaladin in Oathbringer, which we have already, but think this means he will be the missing POV in part 2 as well. Dalinar is going to be the POV character in all the parts. I don't think we are going to stop hearing from Shallan any time soon. So Kaladin will disappear after the thrilling cliffhanger at the end of part 1. Now I do think we are getting one more Dalinar chapter as well. So my guess it will be Dalinar followed by Kaladin, or the other way around.

Now what do you think?

Please let me know in the poll. ;)

OB outline.png

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I personally believe one of the chapters will be Dalinar, I wouldn't be surprised if both were Dalinar's. I voted Shallan gets the next one because Kaladin's story arc is mostly him moving around and waiting to get somewhere. He may not get there for a while. I wouldn't however be surprised if one of the chapters was his.

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Book is coming next week, so it's the last chance for Brandon to storm us. I think we see the attack on Kholinar or cliffhanger just before that.. Probably something like Kaladin climbing and the seeing a mass of 10 thousand Parshendi ready for the everstorm... .

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I very much doubt Shallan will get the next chapter, though she might get the last chapter (eg Mraize tells her about Helaran). Another possibility is that the last chapter has numerous viewpoints. If we don't see Mraize in the next two chapters we should see him early in Part 2.

Unless Kaladin reaches some kind of turning point or has some kind of significant reveal I don't think he'll get a chapter - it feels more like his story is going to go quiet for a while.

For the last two chapters I'm guessing we'll see the next highstorm arrive. In which case, we should see Dalinar's conversation with Queen Fen, or the aftermath. A short time after that the highstorm should hit Urithiru and we should see it light up like a Christmas tree, or something. That should make a nice way to end Part 1.

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2 hours ago, Necessary Eagle said:

There's no option for "Kaladin + Adolin".

Well you see Adolin doesn't need to share.:P

Sorry, I should have considered that. To be honest, don't think Adolin will get another POV chapter for a while and put his choice in as a joke. Don't be mad Adolin fans. :ph34r: I love him too.

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I am thinking a mixed set of 2 chapters, similar to WoR end where each chapter had multiple viewpoint split in sections.

Kind of like a semi resolution into the next part.

Edited by axcellence
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1 hour ago, eveorjoy said:

Well you see Adolin doesn't need to share.:P

Sorry, I should have considered that. To be honest, don't think Adolin will get another POV chapter for a while and put his choice in as a joke. Don't be mad Adolin fans. :ph34r: I love him too.

I am not mad. I have accepted Adolin was a background character :( I am not happy about it and I do think his character is wasted as such, but so is the story Brandon wants to tell.

I do not expect to read his viewpoint again until part 4 where he may get 2-3 short chapters. I don't expect anything out of his character anymore. Brandon made it clear we ought not to expect anything out of his character.

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2 hours ago, maxal said:

I am not mad. I have accepted Adolin was a background character :( I am not happy about it and I do think his character is wasted as such, but so is the story Brandon wants to tell.

I do not expect to read his viewpoint again until part 4 where he may get 2-3 short chapters. I don't expect anything out of his character anymore. Brandon made it clear we ought not to expect anything out of his character.

Some how I knew you would reply @maxal. I think we will get a bit more of Adolin than that at the end. We shall see. ;) Just no more in part 1

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16 minutes ago, StormblessDave said:

Dalinar's story seems to have come to an end, so no present time Dalnar, Shallan seems to have had a satisfactory conclusion to her arc too. I expect another short Kaladin pov and many different povs, hopefully some Hoid and Jasnah!

I would like to see Jasnah too, but I don't think we will until part 4 at least. 

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4 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

I am going to throw caution to the windspren and go with Kaladin and Adolin. I think Dalinar and Shallan are finished with part 1. Kaladin will arrive in Kholanar and Adolin's murder will be brought to light both ending on a cliffhanger. 

You dream your dream fellow sharder, for at least one more day. ^_^

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58 minutes ago, Subvisual Haze said:

We'll get a big revelation, an agonizing cliff hanger and Kaladin will drop out of the narrative until Section 3.  Already preparing myself psychologically.

Good news is a week after tomorrow you will not have to read the book 3 chapters at a time. I agree though I think these chapters will end with an agonizing cliffhanger. I am finishing up my WoR re-read and I forgot how many parts are left with cliffhangers. Almost found myself skipping interludes. 

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3 hours ago, Gigalemesh said:

Maybe put wheel of time spoilers in a spoiler block? Seems like something people on here might be interested in reading and wouldn't want spoilers for

Ironically, now your post is the spoiler :)


As to the topic at hand, I think there will be a Dalinar chapter because I'm still hoping Jasnah is going to bust into Urithiru as the end of Part 1. And if she does, it'll be during a Dalinar chapter. Unfortunately, it's probably not to be, as people have made a good point that Dalinar's story is at a good break point right now. (Although, I could see a scene where Dalinar is explaining his plan to the others and that's when Jasnah returns.)

So here's my prediction: Next chapter is Kaladin, and we will get some sort of cliffhanger there (i.e. he and the Parshmen will reach where they are going). Then, the next (and final) part 1 chapter will be Dalinar and company in meeting as above (maybe even just talking with Navani). Shallan, Adolin, and Renarin burst in with news of the stockpile of gems. That goes on for a bit, then Lyn bursts in (because it should be Lyn, who is still a messenger / scout) and Dalinar is annoyed by the constant interruptions, except Lyn announces Jasnah's return, who is right behind Lyn.

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2 hours ago, Govir said:

Ironically, now your post is the spoiler :)


As to the topic at hand, I think there will be a Dalinar chapter because I'm still hoping Jasnah is going to bust into Urithiru as the end of Part 1. And if she does, it'll be during a Dalinar chapter. Unfortunately, it's probably not to be, as people have made a good point that Dalinar's story is at a good break point right now. (Although, I could see a scene where Dalinar is explaining his plan to the others and that's when Jasnah returns.)

So here's my prediction: Next chapter is Kaladin, and we will get some sort of cliffhanger there (i.e. he and the Parshmen will reach where they are going). Then, the next (and final) part 1 chapter will be Dalinar and company in meeting as above (maybe even just talking with Navani). Shallan, Adolin, and Renarin burst in with news of the stockpile of gems. That goes on for a bit, then Lyn bursts in (because it should be Lyn, who is still a messenger / scout) and Dalinar is annoyed by the constant interruptions, except Lyn announces Jasnah's return, who is right behind Lyn.

Well, if she does return, the chapter better not end on her just walking in. I storming better see here hug her mother. After everything Navani went through in WOR, I want to see a fleshed out reunion. Now the chapter can end on a message from Jasnah. But if she opens an Oathgate and arrives in Urithru, I want to read about some hugs.

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