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[OB] About Warbreaker...


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The first review just popped up on reddit and the reviewer strongly recommends reading Warbreaker before OB. Why do you think this is? Simply more Nightblood goodness or maybe Vasher having a more prominent role? Vivenna? Speculate away! 



Btw, got chills just from reading the review. Is it the 14th already?


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1 hour ago, Bean Delphiki said:

It HAS to be Vivenna, what else from Warbreaker could it be?

Could also be more Vasher and Nightblood.  There's a chance Vasher helps Shallan interpret her drawings (returned can do that), which would be out of the blue for someone who didn't read Warbreaker.

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10 minutes ago, Patrick Star said:

Could also be more Vasher and Nightblood.  There's a chance Vasher helps Shallan interpret her drawings (returned can do that), which would be out of the blue for someone who didn't read Warbreaker.

It's also possible that we might see Vasher use his Divine Breath on someone at some point...

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I'd be more excited if its Nightblood we see in OB. I like Vivena, and will enjoy seeing her. But Nightblood is so mysterious. We have no real clue of what he does, of what his limits are, and most importantly what powers he will have on Roshar. We've seen many WoBs saying Nightblood is not normal, and is a lot more powerful than it should be. Why?

But I guess Nightblood is out of the cards considering the review. Maybe Vasher makes a lifeless?

Edited by WhiteLeeopard
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My bet is an appearance by (or evidence of) Yesteel.

In his annotations on Warbreaker, Brandon indicates that Yesteel knows the process Vasher and Shashara used to Awaken metal. That seems like it could be relevant to The Stormlight Archive to me.

Of course, I also expect to see or hear from Vivenna.

Edited by KidWayne
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20 minutes ago, KidWayne said:

My bet is an appearance by (or evidence of) Yesteel.

In his annotations on Warbreaker, Brandon indicates that Yesteel knows the process Vasher and Shashara used to Awaken metal. That seems like it could be relevant to The Stormlight Archive to me.

Of course, I also expect to see or hear from Vivenna.

Probably Vasher managed the Yesteel-problem before SA.

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I'm not buying that it's Viv. It could also be a more in depth dive into Zahel/Vasher or Nightblood's nature. The review mentions those things but doesn't give any details. WoR likewise was scant enough with details that "read Warbreaker" is advice not for the appearance of a new character but more focus on the existing ones. 

Also I find Viv showing up now (with SA happening a few hundred years after Warbreaker last I checked) to mean she's either returned, and thus not really "Vivenna" anymore, or she's of the Fifth Hightening. And even Rosharans would probably notice an aura that strong. I doubt she can suppress it since we have seen that even the masters of Awakening like Vasher and Denth could only suppress their one divine breath but not the whole mess of those on top of it.  

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48 minutes ago, Zalocx said:

I'm not buying that it's Viv. It could also be a more in depth dive into Zahel/Vasher or Nightblood's nature. The review mentions those things but doesn't give any details. WoR likewise was scant enough with details that "read Warbreaker" is advice not for the appearance of a new character but more focus on the existing ones. 

Also I find Viv showing up now (with SA happening a few hundred years after Warbreaker last I checked) to mean she's either returned, and thus not really "Vivenna" anymore, or she's of the Fifth Hightening. And even Rosharans would probably notice an aura that strong. I doubt she can suppress it since we have seen that even the masters of Awakening like Vasher and Denth could only suppress their one divine breath but not the whole mess of those on top of it.  

If she's a Worldhopper she might have other means of prolonging her life that we are nit aware of. Whatever Khriss or Hoid do could work for Viv just as well if she figured it out or was taught. 

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@Zalocx we don't know what Vivenna is actually capable of. The Royal locks function as a partial divine breath.

I believe it's in the annotations, but it's explained that Vivenna could learn to fan that partial divine breath to greater life and learn to change more of her appearance, like a mini returned. 

I think it's absolutely possible it could allow her to achieve the lesser heightenings, and need less breath for greater heightenings. 

Learning to suppress that portion and store away the rest seems entirely plausible as well. 

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It's probably a combination of Vivenna and Nightblood. 

I can see Vivenna to Shallan as Vasher is to the male protagonists, a semi mentor. After all, she does know quite bit about denying truth that is staring her right in the face, living multiple roles, possibly changing appearances, and would be quite experienced at this point.  

Nightblood is almost guaranteed to play a role in Oathbringer. You don't create a Chekhov's gun like Nightblood, make it most powerful object in the Cosmere, refuse to answer any detailed questions about it in WoB except to confirm how overwhelming overpowered it is, indirectly hint that he may grant surges, and not show it off a tiny bit! You can only build up the hype for so long!

While it would be amazing to have a Nightblood interlude, all we need is a Szeth POV to see more of Nightblood. And I am calling it now, Nightblood will say something to Szeth that he won't understand/disregard but we will lose our minds over it and speculate for years until the next SA book. 

If you can't tell, I am especially excited about Nightblood since he was in the original plot of the Stormlight Archives, and that Warbreaker was created to be a backstory for Nightblood. This is more than a simple crossover, like the Mistborn/Elantris characters. 

Edited by shadowwisp
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I suspect that Vasher and Hoid will interact with one another in this novel, and discuss something that happened during Warbreaker. My guess is that Szeth will experience Nightblood unleashed, and Hoid will reveal something about Nightblood’s nature that gives us a big clue about what he really is.

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This is all exciting.

However, I think it has to do with Urithiru being a cosmere Mecca. During my reading of the Oathbringer weekly chapters, I keep getting the impression that Urithiru has touches of different magic systems.

I feel the Warbreaker recommendation has to do with a Breath-holder/user being able to read the strata and give the new KR some epiphany that those who are Warbreaker ignorant will be mystified by.

While I am sure Nightblood and more of Zahel/Vasher will be in OB, I don't believe that's enough reason to recommend reading Warbreaker before it.

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I would say it has something to do with breath, but  also probably the nature of the Returned, as we know that Vasher is Zahel and, due to his ability to change his appearance, it's not unlikely that he's also someone else we've seen... Maybe Nalan... I mean, how else would he get Nightblood, really?

That said about Vasher, I think there will be interaction between he and Shallan that will be much me meaningful with more context, and some of what he says in those interactions may reference Warbreaker.

Edited by Sazedezas
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I doubt it'll be something as explicit as Awakening or Zahel going full Returned and growing to superhuman size or something. My guess is that Szeth draws his new Blade and everybody is stunned at what happens, but a reader of Warbreaker will be all like yep, that's Nightblood, all right. And maybe Nalan mentions getting it from someone who will be Vivenna?

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I think it's the szeth and nightblood chapter(s) that we'll hopefully be getting! Judging by NB's character he wouldnt be coy or even subtle about the fact that he's not from here and how he misses treeledees or yesteel. Szeth is sharp and inquisitive enough at this point to wonder and ask questions. Hopefully we get some of NB's journey from nalthis when szeth inevitably asks "where are you from and how In damnation did you get here??'

Edited by Head Crabs
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Well this has been a fascinating read!!! I'm the one who wrote that review and Warbreaker recommendation. I've been a lurker here for years but I'm only just now making this account haha.

It's really interesting to see how varied the guesses are. I'm afraid to say anything for fear of accidentally spoiling something. It's been SO HARD to not have anyone to talk to about this dang book! Although I will say (since WoB have already confirmed this) that there are some Szeth chapters starting in the later parts of this book, and they're really fun!

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20 minutes ago, Wrender said:

Well this has been a fascinating read!!! I'm the one who wrote that review and Warbreaker recommendation. I've been a lurker here for years but I'm only just now making this account haha.

It's really interesting to see how varied the guesses are. I'm afraid to say anything for fear of accidentally spoiling something. It's been SO HARD to not have anyone to talk to about this dang book! Although I will say (since WoB have already confirmed this) that there are some Szeth chapters starting in the later parts of this book, and they're really fun!

you should not have revealed yourself. The temptation to pry... no... must... wait... not many more days...

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