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Suggestion: Shut down the WoR forum till release!

Michael Portz

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We're almost there, don't give up now!


I'm just sad, that the release, will be in the same day when my new semester starts...

Not that it matters, I still have to wait 1-2 weeks after that until my book arrives in the mail.


*mumble*lucky USA bastards*mumble*


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We're almost there, don't give up now!

I'm just sad, that the release, will be in the same day when my new semester starts...

Not that it matters, I still have to wait 1-2 weeks after that until my book arrives in the mail.

*mumble*lucky USA bastards*mumble*


I was wondering where you hailed from as i am in exactly the same boat as you are haha. Lucky Americans indeed haha.
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We're almost there, don't give up now!


I'm just sad, that the release, will be in the same day when my new semester starts...

Not that it matters, I still have to wait 1-2 weeks after that until my book arrives in the mail.


*mumble*lucky USA bastards*mumble*



Folks from ouside USA unite to put down this horrible discriminartion against us!!!

Let's make clear that we intenational readers derserve read Mr; Sanderson books in the same day that everyone else. 

It's time to Revolution!!!! 


More serious it's is in times like this that I love my Kindle. I will have to wait only two days to read my copy. Two days where I will hate every bastard that read the book before me (amazon why you do this to me) but hey better that than nothing  =)

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I wish this forum would shut down AFTER release.  As a tax accountant, I can't think of a worse time for this book to come out.  I'll hardly be able to read the book for a month and a half, yet I'll be at my computer, with this board just a click away...


 ..... out of curiosity I tried it in chrome and it works fine, but clicking quote button would not work in IE

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Hmm, someone should start a dedicated thread for those of us who will read the whole book in a day or two. Otherwise, new topics popping up will potentially spoil things for readers with less time to read. Imagine popping in to the forums the second day after release and seeing a topic titled, "Speculation: What Do You Think Jasnah Will Do With Shallan's Shardblade Now That Shallan Is Dead?"

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I get it the 6th because mine is a kindle book, but I can finish it in a few hours. Should be back on forums by lunch... eh, dinner. Definitely dinner. Can I skip school that day? :wacko:

I will write you a permission slip for school.

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The forum will die on March 4th....and then explode back into action haha


Like a fenix more powerful than everrrrrrrrrr =)


From the ashes to a new wolrd of wild teories and crazy especulation =)



@Shash Will you email my school and tell them that?  :D



That remembered me of my youth when The Order of Fenix are released and for two consecutive days I worn my school uniform taked the bus and stop in a park nearby to read the book at a shadow of a tree =)  Not that I"m saying to you do the same but man that was fun =)

Edited by Natans
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 That remembered me of my youth when The Order of Fenix are released and for to consecutive days I worn my school uniform taked the bus and stop in a park nearby to read the book at a shadow of a tree =)  Not that I"m saying to you do the same but man i was that was fun =)

I feel really old now for some reason. :P

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I will one-up Chaos on this one.

Not only will I write permission slips, but I will legally adopt you to become your legal guardian thereby granting me the authority to do so.

Tips for older fans:

- Tell your boss you have just become the victim of Identify Theft and have scheduled an appointment with your banking institution on March 4th to get it straightened out.

-Your "nephew" is coming home from a military deployment on March 4th, and it's imperative that you see him.

-(This one is too little too late, but converting your boss to a Sanderfan probably would have worked.)

-You are having marital problems and March 4th through 7th are the only days both you and your spouse could possibly attend counseling sessions.

-When no one is looking, create a safety hazard at work (you'll know what type of hazard would be best foe your particular job) then publicly injure yourself on the safety hazard.

-Fake a break in at your own home shortly after the midnight release. Hide a few valuables. File a police report, call in to work because you are 'shaken up', then collect insurance payments for your 'missing stuff' while you read WoR.

-Download the eBook on your smartphone and just read as often as possible throughout the day.

-Go to work and vomit in a very conspicuous location (there are several subtle ways to induce vomiting.)

-Quit your job and open your own business. Need a good business idea? Have mine: "Make It Happen, LLC. 'No matter how inexperienced or unqualified we may be, no matter how legal or moral the job, we'll 'Make It Happen' for less than our competitors. Need a new roof? We'll 'Make It Happen. Need a dissertation written? We'll 'Make It Happen. Need a rival gang leader to disappear? We'll 'Make It Happen. And we'll 'Make It Happen for less.' "

- For those long term, Big Picture kinds of guys - become Peter's assistant.

-Spend a few hundred dollars on cosmetics and hire local aspiring actors to stage the outbreak of the Zombie Apocalypse at your work.

-Fake your own kidnapping. If you're clever, have a coconspirator tie you up in an abandoned building, leave you there, then tip off the police and collect a reward...which the both of you will split, because your coconspirator will have called in to work to lead the search effort for his missing buddy.

DISCLAIMER: These are all satirical suggestions. You should do none of these things. They are dangerous, illegal, or morally bankrupt. Shash is not responsible for any loss of work or incarcerations that results from following these suggestions.

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