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NoVa/DC WoR Signing - March 20th


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I figured I would start this thread, since I will definitely be going to the WoR signing at the B&N in Tyson's Corner, VA.


This will be my first Brandon signing and will be taking my phone to record the proceedings.  I will also attempt to transcribe it as best as I can.


I'm guessing Soundcloud is the preferred medium?  Or whatever is free?  I have a few weeks to get that straightened out, thankfully.


Is there anything else that I am missing?

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Since you're going, we do have quite a lot of questions that need answering over in the Unanswered Questions thread... :P


May I suggest asking some of these?

  • Can you bond with more than one Honorblade?
  • How and when is the type of Misting you become determined? Is it possible to be naturally born an Atium Misting after the Ascension?
  • Would a Parshman who received a Breath become a Parshendi?
  • Is the woman bordering the chart at the back of TWoK intended to represent Cultivation?
  • Would a Hemalurgic spike steal one or two Surges? Or would it steal the spren bond?
  • If two Mistborn of the same-strength had a Mistborn child, would the child be weaker Allomantically?
  • How would Hemalurgic decay affect a Shardblade stolen with Hemalurgy?
  • Does Shardplate regrow by Soulcasting air to metal, or does it covert Stormlight directly into invested metal?
  • Is Stormlight the gaseous form of Investiture on Roshar?
  • Each world seems to have a material that Investiture 'sticks' easily to. Warbreaker had life, Roshar has gems, Mistborn had metal. What word should we use for it?
  • Is Szeth's black sphere permanently infused with Voidlight? If it isn't, is there an opposite to highstorms that infuses it?
Edited by Moogle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought Shallan's Memories were confirmed to be independent from her Lightweaving?

All Lightweavers have some memory trick, but how it works is personal.

These Lightweavers, by no coincidence, included many who pursued the arts; namely: writers, artists, musicians, painters, sculptors. Considering the order’s general temperament , the tales of their strange and varied mnemonic abilities may have been embellished.

—From Words of Radiance, chapter 21, page 10

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Just picked up my copy, and to get the scoop on the signing. It all looks pretty basic. Attached, please find the flyer they hand out explaining some ground rules, nothing unexpected.

I'm told the only food place that will be open past the end of the signing will be the cafe within the Barnes & Noble itself; I wouldn't hate it if someone were to prove me wrong.

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Just picked up my copy, and to get the scoop on the signing. It all looks pretty basic. Attached, please find the flyer they hand out explaining some ground rules, nothing unexpected.

I'm told the only food place that will be open past the end of the signing will be the cafe within the Barnes & Noble itself; I wouldn't hate it if someone were to prove me wrong.


I WILL BE THERE AS WELL.  Looking forward to it.  I do not see an attachment and I was planning on having B&N hold a book for me just for the signing (already have it on Kindle and Audible).

Edited by Kebran
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Since attaching the picture seems to be down, here's what the flyer for the event says:


Barnes & Noble welcomes best selling author, Brandon Sanderson author of "Words of Radiance" Thursday, March 20, at 7:00pm.


Please read the following guidelines to ensure we are able to accommodate as many customers as possible for this special event.


  • The wristband is your entry into the signing line. Please purchase your copies of the book prior to entering the signing line.
  • Wristbands will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis on our second floor beginning at 6:00pm on March 20.
  • We will issue a limit of one wristband per person. Everyone in line must have a ticket.
  • Customers must be present to receive a wristband. Wristbands are non-transfeable.


Autographing guidelines:


  • Multiple copies of Words of Radiance are allowed.
  • No other memorabilia, photographs, or non-book items may be autographed.
  • Books may be personalized.




Photographs will be permitted.


Event guidelines subject to change.

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  • No other memorabilia, photographs, or non-book items may be autographed.




I would probably check with the store personally, because Brandon usually has no issues staying after the general signing (for which those, or similar, rules tend to apply at every event) and sign / personalize pretty much anything you hand him.

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I would probably check with the store personally, because Brandon usually has no issues staying after the general signing (for which those, or similar, rules tend to apply at every event) and sign / personalize pretty much anything you hand him.


On that note, I've checked and by the time the signing itself is over, literally every food-place within miles will be closed, except for the cafe within the B&N itself. Also, keep in mind, this will be day 3 out of 4 (at least), and he'll have to be in Philly the next day. Hopefully, his plan is to spend the night in NoVa and travel up to Philly the next day, in which case we might be lucky and he'll agree to stay late to talk to us, but prepare yourself for the idea that he might not.


Ticketing doesn't start until 6PM? That seems close if they have a decent turn out. I am still surprised they wouldn't hold a copy for me for more than 48 hours for a signing.


I bought a copy of WoR when I went in before and kept the receipt, and for my friend visiting from NY I ordered a copy of WoK which should arrive tomorrow or Thursday morning, so we'll buy that and have a second receipt for him, then. I agree with you that it seems like it might be tight; I for one plan to see who I can sweet-talk at 5:30 or so into giving me my wristband early, and I will cite exactly this reason.

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Where to Meet


((Sorry for the double post but I wanted this to be distinctive))


My friend and I will be waiting at the McDonald's in the mall from about 4pm to 5:30pm. I will try to have my copy of Words of Radiance displayed rather prominently so you can find me.


The McDonald's is in the part of the mall north of the parking garage/bus stop. I picked it cuz it's pretty easy to find and it's not hard to spend a dollar and justify hanging out there.

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Hopefully I'll be there in time to get a spot - I work about half an hour from Tyson's Corner in decent traffic, and rush hour around there is not what I'd call "decent." So if you see somebody roaming the mall fighting people for wristbands, that might be me!

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