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Which Shardworld would you most like to live on?


Which Shardworld would you live on?  

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  1. 1. Which Shardworld would you live on?

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AoL era Scadrial sounds like a good time; fairly stable economy, cusp of industrial revolution, benevolent god, and a fair enough chance that my kids will have magic if I marry the right woman. Hemalurgy exists, of course, should I lust for power too much.

If not that, I could go for Sel in Elantris under King Raoden's rule. There's a lot of coastline and countryside, exotic foods, good climate, and a race of gods producing all the supplies needed to maintain a healthy population. Healthcare is probably free, and the level of technology is livable, if basic.

Even Nalthis seems alright - the Hallendren economy is flourishing, food is reportedly excellent, and while crime may be a small issue, along with a fairly apathetic aristocracy, the weather is warm. I'm not the greatest fan of cities, but the jungle and bay should make for nice views and day trips.

Roshar...I would want to be very careful of where I settled. Reportedly aweful weather, on the cusp of an apocalypse, rife with religious zealotry and militaristic agendas, only rudimentary medicine and no magic healing for most, legal slave trade, feudal lords, armies gathering... I would want to wait at least until the resolution of the series before settling anywhere.

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Sel or Nalthis would be good. If it weren't for Yolen being eaten away by skull moss in Hoid's time I'd probably go there just to satisfy my curiosity... maybe see if I can find a splinter of Andonalsium that someone missed.


But Nalthis mostly become an awakener enough to awaken the fabric of time and space and then travel everywhere else but keep my abode on Nalthis.


But pretty much any world which has learnable magic would nice. Maybe hunt down Hoid and help him run from the 17th shard.

Edited by Darkarma
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I'd have to go with Nalthis as well... only one where if you have enough money/influence/charisma/manipulation you can become "immortal" through the acquisition of more power in the magic system, at least so far that we've seen. 


The ability to determine hues and have perfect pitch wouldn't be too bad either!


If I could ensure I had the sDNA, Allomancy would be my favorite magic system to play with that we've seen so far. 

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Scadrial in AoL time, for Swimmingly's reasons. Plus Allomancy and Feruchemy are my favourite magic systems, so having either one of those would be incredibly awesome :)


Definitely not Roshar. Much as I love the SA, I'd rather not be caught outside in the Everstorm. 

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What story is this from? I've never heard of it before.


Yeah Swimmingly is correct, The Silence Divine is a planned cosmere book that we've heard about over the years.  Ashyn is one of the three planets in the Greater Roshar system and magic there is related to illnesses/handicaps.  I.e. having the common cold gives you the ability to fly, the chicken pox  super strength, stuff like that.  If I remember correctly it is also supposed to have a modern tech level.

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Gonna go with Roshar. My ability to read and write is seen as inherently feminine? Awesome, I'm gonna go be a Rosharan cultural anthropologist and study religions, cultures, and people groups, thanks. Also languages. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ROSHARAN LANGUAGES. I mean, does Roshar have a Proto-Indo-European equivalent? Alethi and Vorin are supposed to be similar. Could I find a proto language from which they are decended? Let's go try to crack the Dawnchant too! I suppose I could become a poet and start writing keteks for a living as well.


I've got light eyes, so could pass for some kind of noble. Might need to dye my blonde hair with some black to pass for Alethi... maybe claim a little bit of Shin heritage somewhere back to explain away the eye-shape? I certainly want to end up wearing a havah because those sound super pretty and I feel so immodest with my left hand showing all the time. Safepouches seem like good places to store secrety things.


(Also I might as well go try to marry Renarin while I'm there. I think I could get used to being royalty if I manage to marry a prince... Hehehe...)

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Gonna go with Roshar. My ability to read and write is seen as inherently feminine? Awesome, I'm gonna go be a Rosharan cultural anthropologist and study religions, cultures, and people groups, thanks. Also languages. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ROSHARAN LANGUAGES. I mean, does Roshar have a Proto-Indo-European equivalent? Alethi and Vorin are supposed to be similar. Could I find a proto language from which they are decended? Let's go try to crack the Dawnchant too! I suppose I could become a poet and start writing keteks for a living as well.


I've got light eyes, so could pass for some kind of noble. Might need to dye my blonde hair with some black to pass for Alethi... maybe claim a little bit of Shin heritage somewhere back to explain away the eye-shape? I certainly want to end up wearing a havah because those sound super pretty and I feel so immodest with my left hand showing all the time. Safepouches seem like good places to store secrety things.


(Also I might as well go try to marry Renarin while I'm there. I think I could get used to being royalty if I manage to marry a prince... Hehehe...)

I personally think there's a Cosmere-wide Proto Language, contributing to Hoid's ability to speak all of the languages so well.

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Gonna go with Roshar. My ability to read and write is seen as inherently feminine? Awesome, I'm gonna go be a Rosharan cultural anthropologist and study religions, cultures, and people groups, thanks. Also languages. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ROSHARAN LANGUAGES. I mean, does Roshar have a Proto-Indo-European equivalent? Alethi and Vorin are supposed to be similar. Could I find a proto language from which they are decended? Let's go try to crack the Dawnchant too! I suppose I could become a poet and start writing keteks for a living as well.

I've got light eyes, so could pass for some kind of noble. Might need to dye my blonde hair with some black to pass for Alethi... maybe claim a little bit of Shin heritage somewhere back to explain away the eye-shape? I certainly want to end up wearing a havah because those sound super pretty and I feel so immodest with my left hand showing all the time. Safepouches seem like good places to store secrety things.

(Also I might as well go try to marry Renarin while I'm there. I think I could get used to being royalty if I manage to marry a prince... Hehehe...)

Feather, you would be a minor character stepping into the middle of an epic fantasy plot, wanting to get attached to major one. That's just about BEGGING to get killed.
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I'd say Roshar. Not surprising it isn't a popular choice. Nalthis wouldn't be too bad, seeing as how you could just eventually buy your power and way to the top.

But Roshar is the only world so far that your actions actually determine your powers. In Elantris world, you just randomly get hit by the Shaod. In Scadrial, it's your blood lines. Even on Nalthis, people have to buy, sell, trade, and/or con their way into more powers.

On Roshar, it's what you do that determines what you get.  You can forge your own path. It's just the world of Roshar seems way more vast and adventurous. why wouldn't I want to ride out a highstorm whilst cowering in a small hole I had to dig to avoid the weather? That's living, baby!
And I'm a dark-eyed? There's no way I'd be hanging around Alethkar, so that's not a worry for me.


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Feather, you would be a minor character stepping into the middle of an epic fantasy plot, wanting to get attached to major one. That's just about BEGGING to get killed.


*weighs options* Imminent possibility of tragic death... Getting to meet Renarin in person... Yep. Worth it.

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Hmm...we talking magically transported there, or actually born there? If the former, I'm leaning towards Sel, just because it seems most of its magic systems seem learn-able.


If the latter...I find myself leaning towards Roshar. I'd probably end up as an Ardent or Storm Warden, or something...Although I have Hazel eyes. They look brown from a distance, but up close they're actually 2/3 blue-green. What on Roshar would that make me? A semi-lighteyes?

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If the latter...I find myself leaning towards Roshar. I'd probably end up as an Ardent or Storm Warden, or something...Although I have Hazel eyes. They look brown from a distance, but up close they're actually 2/3 blue-green. What on Roshar would that make me? A semi-lighteyes?

I wonder about this too (mine are hazel as well). I'm guessing that the Alethi don't have people with that kind of eye-colour, they are either notably lighter or notably darker. I think they would find us rather confusing. Or, just think we were from a different race, which, I suppose, we are :P



I think allomancy is just too awesome, it might have to be Scadrial in AoL (or later) era for me.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Space era Scadrial has got to be the best place. Especially if you are born as a pure Mistborn/Feruchemist. Then I could steal other peoples magic via Hemalurgy and get immortality by buying breaths from Nalthis with my magic devices.

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Roshar has amazing possibilities more so than any other world- besides, I hear the Shin have quite a nice hidey-hole from highstorms.

Also roshar seems to be a nexus for fighting and its magic and fabrials will have so many interesting things.

Though I would hold out that some other worlds the cosmere such as Hood's could be better though not written yet. I have always liked dragons that would be a cool world but judgment is delayed till I get that book.

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I really want to go to Roshar, explore the vast world and finally get the chance to meet Shallan, asking her why she could draw so well (and if she could take me as her apprentice). But no I'm darkeyed that's not a good sign…

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