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Most epic deaths in fantasy fiction?


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Fingolfin from the Silmarillion is my favourite and Feanor was pretty cool too. Boromir's was heartbreaking (although it was better in the movie). Kelsier's was epic purely due to the fact that he showed no fear at all when facing off against the Lord Ruler.

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There are so many, but I thing the following character from Abraham's Dagger and Coin series really went out in style.


Sir Geder Palliako

I also thought the following characters in malazan and a epic exit. 


Stormy and Gesler

Also from Paul Kearney's criminally under read Monarchies of God series




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Not sure why I can't give an up-vote/rep point to the OP here -- you deserve it for this great toopic!

I also thought of Fingolfin and Feanor, and Beren too. I'd say Earendil as well, but he kind of didn't die, per se.

How about King Arthur, in almost any telling of that myth?

Agree with @Toaster Retribution re: Harry Potter. Other deaths were tragic too, but maybe not "epic" since they occurred off-stage.

(Spoiler tags are not working for me right now, so I've removed part of this post.)

Edited by old aggie
spoiler tags not working so I removed that part of my post
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Just now, Ammanas said:

@old aggie It looks like you tried to put a spoiler tag, but it isn't working and I can see your answers without clicking. That, along with the inability to give reps, makes two things I have never seen on the shard before on this thread.


Thanks! I just saw that after trying to post. I tried logging off, thinking it was just showing different for me since they were my own spoiler tags. But not.

This is a great thread - I'll try to come back and re-add my people when it's working right.

(Forums are probably overloaded re: Oathbinger preview!! :D)

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The deaths in The Lies of Locke Lamora, are epic, given the amount of theatricality. The 'teeth lessons' were gruesome, but it is the normal-ish deaths that hurt the reader the most.

This one that hurts the most. 


Calo and Galdo. They were the best characters.

and when they killed this one, I understood that Camorr was really brutal. This is too much even for Locke's standards as you see in book 3.




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Guest Edonidd
On 8/20/2017 at 10:27 PM, Briar King said:

Should probably do tags on each posts in case people have yet to read said deaths... would kinda ruin things.

mine is Malazan bk 7

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This.  So so much this.  First time I've ever cried while reading a book.  And not just a little bit.  Tears streaming down my face to the point it was so blurry i couldn't read any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I split my top deaths into two categories: middle-finger deaths and humiliating deaths. Middle -finger deaths are when the hero essentially says to the villain, "I'm going down but you are going down with me! My favorite is


Elend burning all the atium to prevent Ruin from getting it and then laughing at Ruin's lose before he dies

at the end of Hero of Ages. 

A humiliating death is when the hero dies for apparently no good reason, such as when 


Dumbledore dies wand-less and begging to be killed

in Harry Potter. Cried like a baby when that happened.

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  • 4 months later...

Have to agree with (HP spoilers):


Snape, and Dumbledore

But also (Grishaverse spoilers):


Baghra from Shadow and Bone


Mattias from Six of Crows

And (HP Spoilers):


Fred Weasley

Oh, and my biggest epic (but not tragic) death (The Raven Cycle spoilers):


Joseph Kavinsky



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On 9/17/2017 at 6:21 PM, Aon Ati said:

A humiliating death is when the hero dies for apparently no good reason, such as when 

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Dumbledore dies wand-less and begging to be killed

in Harry Potter. Cried like a baby when that happened.

Just be glad that


Snape killed him, not Draco.

I would have died if that happened.

Also, sorry for double posting...

Edited by Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper
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14 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

His movie death sucked. The movies could have been so much more.

It really did suck... And the movies could definitely have been more.  They missed great characters (Peeves), ruined great characters (Ginny) and (Just my opinion) they really should have kept Snape's task from the Philosopher's Stone (as in after the giant chess).

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