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Duralumim and aluminum


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7 hours ago, hwiles said:

I wanna know what happens if you burn duralumin + nicrosil and boost another allomancer. Could you create an exponentially increasing metal burning rate?

We must go deeper! What happens when you duralumin + nicrosil a mistborn who's burning duralumin + nicrosil at another mistborn, etc...

In all seriousness, I imagine you could achieve the same thing with multiple nicrosil mistings touching a single target. I also imagine that they would explode.

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On 7/23/2017 at 11:10 AM, Shqueeves said:

So duralumim enhances the metal(s) being burnt. Aluminum wipes all metals. What would happen if aluminum and duralumim were burnt at the same time? 

I've proposed the following model for how I believe burning aluminum works in the past:

It's not particularly groundbreaking, just a simple and intuitive analysis.  I believe that @Oversleep is absolutely correct: The duralumin would augment and accelerate the burn rate of the aluminum.  This would be followed by the aluminum removing the allomancer's other metals (including the duralumin) and (possibly) other foreign substances/Investitures, then itself.  Aluminum already appears to burn/act quite quickly, so unless the user had swallowed a significant amount of metal (like whole beads instead of just the usual flakes), the change in the time-scale of the reaction would probably be inconsequential.  For perspective, the uses of aluminum and duralumin we've seen onscreen appear to take place in a matter of approximately 0.1 seconds or less.

Disclaimer: Sanderson has mused in the past that burning aluminum might be able to do things such as: removing non-metallic toxins from the user's body, cleanse the user of foreign Investiture, and maybe even heal the user of viral/bacterial infections.  To the best of my knowledge, the only firm WoB we have on the effects of aluminum, other than the fact that it removes the user's metal reserves, is that it could heal someone who had just been touched by a shade from Threnody; I believe all other effects are technically not yet canon, even if they have been discussed as possibilities by Sanderson.  Please correct me if you have information to the contrary, I just didn't want to accidentally spread possibilities as facts.

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I have a wild theory on this. We know that burning aluminum has the effect of "cleansing" the user of other investiture. We know that burning Duralumin flares the effect of the other metals way beyond what an allomancer would be able to otherwise achieve, thereby enhancing the effects. My theory is this: an individual who used Duralumin to enhance their aluminum will be able to burn away a hemalurgic spike - possibly without removing whatever attributes the spike provides. There's even an obvious plot point for this theory down the line: let's say a kandra obtains one spike that allows him to burn aluminum, and another to burn Duralumin. If he then burned both, he might be able to remove both spikes without losing his consciousness. He would still be a sentient kandra, but would no longer require spikes, and therefore not be subject to Harmony's direct influence. He also wouldn't have to have metal inside him, and since the world of Scadrial is rapidly approaching the modern era and the development of X-ray technology...this might soon become a very relevant plot point.

Edited by 11thorderknight
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13 minutes ago, 11thorderknight said:

I have a wild theory on this. We know that burning aluminum has the effect of "cleansing" the user of other investiture. We know that burning Duralumin flares the effect of the other metals way beyond what an allomancer would be able to otherwise achieve, thereby enhancing the effects. My theory is this: an individual who used Duralumin to enhance their aluminum will be able to burn away a hemalurgic spike - possibly without removing whatever attributes the spike provides. There's even an obvious plot point for this theory down the line: let's say a kandra obtains one spike that allows him to burn aluminum, and another to burn Duralumin. If he then burned both, he might be able to remove both spikes without losing his consciousness. He would still be a sentient kandra, but would no longer require spikes, and therefore not be subject to Harmony's direct influence. He also wouldn't have to have metal inside him, and since the world of Scadrial is rapidly approaching the modern era and the development of X-ray technology...this might soon become a very relevant plot point.

The biggest issue with this is that allomantic strength is directly tied to burn rate. This is why duraluminum burns the metal it empowers so quickly. 

Aluminum burns exceptionally fast already, so increasing it's burn rate doesn't seem like it's really going to add much. 

As far as burning a spike and keeping the ability... I don't know. I can see arguments to both sides, but I think it's possible. Not through aluminum though. Through the ability to burn whatever metal the spike is made of. 

Aluminium would burn the spike away and cleanse the investiture stored in it. Burning the actual metal of the spike would basically be using Allomancy and hemalurgy to compound. 

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On 7/24/2017 at 10:14 AM, Toaster Retribution said:

Why would they explode? 

I doubt they did it on purpose, but it might be a reference to this WoB.


bmanny (Reddit)

If I ate a Lerasium spike, that had be hammered through the heart of a radiant, then infused with stormlight, given breath, and filled up by a feruchemist with whatever property that metal holds... then burned it. Would the universe just explode?

Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

The Cosmere might... :)
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