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3 minutes ago, Erunion said:


Do ALL the things!

This meme is about someone doing ALL the things. In this case, it's Mestiv getting ALL the votes. 

Cheers Erunion :) Consider me memeducated. 

Mestiv has kinda owned it. As the first person to vote for him, I can't take all the credit. But I'll certainly try. 

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8 minutes ago, Extesian said:

Cheers Erunion :) Consider me memeducated. 

Mestiv has kinda owned it. As the first person to vote for him, I can't take all the credit. But I'll certainly try. 

I'll claim credit because I mentioned him as the one who inspired me to reboot this. So there ;):P 

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I keep my vote pointed at Darkness Ascendant :)

If anyone didn't notice, my answers are in the OP :)

Or, as Chaos suggested, also here:


1. Pictures! I have three. One is from couple weeks ago with my cats. The other one is from 8 years ago in a "shardplate" :D The last one is with my fiancee :)




2. My real name is Maciek Strzelczyk (don't try to pronounce my surname, it will hurt your tongues ;)). Fun fact: my surname can be translated to: archerfish.

3. I guess it's WoR or Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. Can't really decide. Depends on the day.

4. I guess my biggest contribution is not done yet. Most of you probably heard about the new WoB Archive that will be released around Stormlight 3 release. I'm working on it, on the programming side at least. So far, I guess I didn't contribute that much. I guess I'm known for my signature that made some people scared for their privacy :P

5. I joined the forum after I got hooked on Sanderson. I wanted to read some opinions, theories etc. Learn more about this Cosmere thing. But what made me stay here was the social part of the forum, not really related to Brandon's work. The Shard is a magical place, like no other on the Internet :)

6. How many hours.... well... ALL OF THEM! Seriously, I'm mainly browsing on my phone, so any time I get a chance I check if there's something going on on the forums :)

7. I can't really pinpoint one single moment. The general climate of acceptance and friendliness is what comes to my mind when I think of the Shard. The time after I made my signature was fun too, when many people wondered what's going on with it :)

8. I think his greatest strength is how transparent his narration can be. When reading his books I feel like if I'm right there, taking part in the events he describes. I forget I'm reading a book, it's much more like watching a virtual reality movie I guess.

9. There is no romance written by him that I'd enjoy. Vin and Elend were meh, Wax and Steris were better, but still I didn't feel the chemistry between them.

10. That's a really tough one... I don't know :P My fiancee jokes that it's "Winnie the Pooh" :D

11. As many of you know I run a temporary house for cats. We take care of homeless cats, heal them, tame them etc, then look for a better place for them. Apart from that I like to tinker with computers, my signature and the new WoB Archive are the results of this. Now, I can't wait to read about other Sharders :P


Edited by Mestiv
Added my responses in spoiler tag
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I like the answers, Mestiv! Now I'm working on pronouncing your first name :P

Could I make a suggestion that the featured member also post his responses in this thread? The OP is good for archiving but as a browser you might like to catch up on the latest posts.

I have an unconventional nomination: myself. Let me explain! I am not trying to be a douche. I suggest this because I believe Silverblade tried to feature me eons ago and I guess I was very busy at that time, so didn't have much opportunity to respond. Oops. Sorry Silverblade. Sometimes I am super busy. I'm also busy now, but differently busy as I spend a lot more effort on the Shard and its related things :)

Still that's an unconventional selection and not in the spirit of this thread, so if that does not suffice, I nominate Pagerunner, who is super awesome and has very impressive spreadsheets on his WoB work. It's awesome and he deserves to be highlighted for that and his theory work. :)

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Are we allowed to nominate more than one person? If so I nominate @Chaos and @RippleGylf one for being an amazing admin and working so hard for this site and us, and the other for her work in SE, RP threads, and for being a sanderfan I know in real life:D

If I can only vote for one this round it will be for Chaos, he's just done so much for the community

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