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Could Wayne Eventually Become a Worldhopper


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This is my first (and poor) attempt at a theory.  But I was wondering, how likely is it that Wayn could eventually become a worldhopper?  I mean after the events of Mistborn era 2.  When I first saw a stranger mentioned on Threnody that was wearing a hat, I started thinking that if the person was a worldhopper, he might be Wayne.  After all, we all know his obsession with hats is ridiculous.  To be fair, we have no reason to believe that that character in Forests of Hell is worldhopper.  But he was mentioned by both Silence and Daggon in passing, and wouldn't it just be epic if Wayne actually was a worldhopper.  His skills seem to prepare him for life blending in with the cultures of other planets.  He's a master of disguises and an excellent actor, allowing him to move efficiently in any society without drawing attention.  He's charismatic, and can quickly make friends, so he can learn about various cultures.  Also, he's proficiencient with dueling canes, meaning he can be an effective fighter on planets without firearms and gun powder, even if he doesn't have access to bendalloy or gold reserves.  Plus, he seems like the kind of character who loves adventure, and I could see him traversing planets for this reason.  Now, as for how he would gain access to the cognitive realm, I have no idea.  Perhaps Kelsier, who must be extremely knowledgeable on the subject after being stuck there, could play a role.  Anyways, this theory is pure speculation, with little evidence to back it.  Still, I want to see what other people think about it.  If there are any characters that you think SHOULD become worldhoppers (even if they probably never will, like poor Wayne), please share your ideas.

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I don't want to say something on your idea of a Wayne's future as worldhopper (it could be after all)

Simply that character in the novella can't be Wayne as Wayne wasn't even born at that time.

Edited by Yata
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I don't know how likely it is to happen, but I would love for Wayne and MeLaan to become worldhoppers and travel around the cosmere. Both seem extremely well suited and since Sazed wants to learn about the greater cosmere I could realistically see him sending another kandra and a helper out to explore.

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10 hours ago, Yata said:


I don't want to say something on your idea of a Wayne's future as worldhopper (it could be after all)

Simply that character in the novella can't be Wayne as Wayne wasn't even born at that time.

Edited 9 hours ago by Yata


When did the events of forests of hell take place in relation to mistborn second era, then?  I didn't see the novella on any approximations of the cosmeres chronology...

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Wayne the Worldhopper. I like the sound of that. As to how he would get to the cognitive realm, Wayne just has that innate ability to do strange things and getting to that realm is top priority. He's made mention before about hearing voices in his head, though it could've just been a joke, and his relationship with Wax makes it seem plausible that being in that "career" more fun. Just imagine: Wax is in trouble and Wayne not only uses his bendalloy bubbles, but pops in and out of the cognitive realm to help him, but Wax has gotten so used to Wayne's antics that he just takes it for granted.

Question: can Mistings/Mistborns/Ferchumists/etc use their powers in the cognitive realm, or is it like in Avatar where bending is inactive in the Spirit World?

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53 minutes ago, ryshadium90 said:

Question: can Mistings/Mistborns/Ferchumists/etc use their powers in the cognitive realm, or is it like in Avatar where bending is inactive in the Spirit World?

Allomancy at least, yes (and as feruchemy is end-neutral I'd be surprised if it can't)


Q:Can you use Allomancy in Cognitive Realm?
A: Yes, you can.

That WoB is from the recent Warsaw signing. 

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Even though that person isn't Wayne, I think he would seem like a decent candidate for a world-hopper. Brandon seems to like using the "sidekick" characters in his books as worldhoppers. Wayne's ability to impersonate accents so well seems like it would make him a really cool traveler between worlds. 

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On 5/8/2017 at 10:25 AM, john203 said:

More than this, I want Wayne to become the father of the half-Kandra race, so all his kids not only can imitate accents, but faces.

And they all have an obsession with hats. Oh, better yet: they can self-duplicate hats! That power would come out nowhere though, so kind of a lame but fun to think about idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Thanatos said:

My little bro think Wax, Wayne and Marasi could be in era 4.

using Marasi slow down time skill. 

Well my theory about the end of mistborn era 2 is:

Wax, Marissa and Steris use an alomantic grenade charged with duraluminum, used in conjunction with Marissa's time bubble... shoots them into the future.

And on Harmony's suggestion, they go to the movie theatre to see "The Great Adventures of Waxillium Wayne", which is amusingly and obtusely not quite factual.


Also Wayne dies at the end and as promised Melaan gets his bones.

Melaan now quite upset with Harmony, tells him what he can do with his (non) intervention policy and buggers off Scadrial to share waynes love with the Cosmere.

P.s. we may or may not witness this in SA where we see a Rhysadiam horse wearing a hat who finds it amusing to take things..

!~ HIF ~!

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3 hours ago, Hoids Imaginary Friend said:

Wax, Marissa and Steris use an alomantic grenade charged with duraluminum, used in conjunction with Marissa's time bubble... shoots them into the future.

This would not do a lot as the fuel will be the amount of Cadmius in Marasi's stomach. It would be the same thing of a Nicrosil Misting using his power on Marasi

Edited by Yata
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28 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

I think Marasi burning cadmius and duraluminum could shoot them a good deal in the future.

if not far enough to era 4 then repeat the process till they get there.

Marasi with a Nicroburst (the same thing of Cadmius+Durallumin) will not obtain more than his usual "time gain" (without a Better term).

If She stays One hour with a *10 ratio or a minute with a *600 or a second with *36000 ratio. She will be at the same time in the future (numbers as example).

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36 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

Is there a duraluminum increase % as canon? 

like steel push × ???(amount)

Never heard any WoB confirmation but then i may not have read them all

Like John said Durallumin/Nicrosil didn't increase as a specific %. They simply burn all the metals in a few istants rather than seconds/minutes/hours.

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Someone in another thread mentioned a Lift and Wit teaming up after Lift attempts to stab Wit with a Shardfork.

I said I'd read a 10 book series solely about their exploits.

Give me Worldhopper Wayne and MeLaan gallivanting about the Cosmere 'trading' for important peoples things and stealing accents?

I'd read a 36 book series.

Assuming they crossed paths with Wit and Lift at some point.

(Slightly more serious, [because that was very, very serious] Wayne actually does make sense as a Worldhopper.  He and MeLaan even have a relationship developing, and I think there was even a 'wish you were a kandra' type line.  I can see Wayne 'dying' only to find his way back somehow to cruise the Cosmere, maybe even as a kandra.)

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@Yata @Thanatos

hmmm, was thinking a bit exponentially there. And I agree the "boost" i suggested doesnt increase the value of Marasi's reserve.

I still think we can do this.!


Do we know how long in real time Marasi can hold a Cadmium bubble on a full reserve?

I can remember a comparison to bend allow being kinda opposites; Waynes bubble is small and burns quick whilst Marasis bubble is large and burns slow. Pretty sure i didnt imagine that.?

We saw its use though in AoL where people came running from say a km away (or even miles away ;)) in a few seconds.. 

So for the sake of this idea lets say Marasis bubble slows down time x100 (hyperthetically) and on a full reserve she can Potentially jump at max up to 1 year, though i feel thats a stretch its still not getting us to era 3.

What if she conveniently and without the help of any deity found a cadmium earring, stud.. or spike. This would theoretically boost her to savant levels. Yes?

That hyperthetical max 1 year would turn into say.. A decade.

Still havent made era 3..

Hmmmm. Ok, im afraid im going to have to get a bit wacky with ideas..

1) Has anyone got a RAFO yet asking if wielding the BoM has a special side effect? Such as widening the "cracks" or S'DNA.? 

Im thinking it could possibly increase the potential of your existing allomancy / ferring powers. Either increased reserve, output or both.

** outside the box question: when wax healed himself with the BoM did that heal all his old wounds so now hes wax in his prime or that doesnt count as they were already "healed" **

2) Harmonium or a harmonium alloy gives a multiplyer to the burn? P.s. Harmonium is kinda "unkeyed" so anyone can burn it.. (unrelated possibility)

3) Harmony leads our tired heroes to a catch of convenient metals. Steris, we find out is a nicrosil or duraluminum gnat. Using these convenient metals Marasi and Steris jump to the future 1 leap at a time..

Yay!! Era 3! We made it.!

And if none of that sits well.

4) Harmony feeling guilty over letting Wayne die (ruin) decides to balance the scales by preserving Wax and co, waves his hand and says: "sleep my son and wake to a brave new world. I trust i will need you. We will all need you I think.."

Ok, so some of its a bit out of the bubble and I didnt even mention the lost metal!

!~ HIF ~!

Edited by Hoids Imaginary Friend
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1 hour ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

Someone in another thread mentioned a Lift and Wit teaming up after Lift attempts to stab Wit with a Shardfork.

Oh man, I didn't even think about that. I only thought about Lift and Lopen, but Lift and Wit, haha, and the Shardfork.

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