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First Trilogy


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So, I just finished the first Mistborn trilogy, which is my first Cosmere book ever, and I was amazed. The worldbuilding was incredible, the magic system so detailed and well thought out. I loved every single one of the characters (okay, maybe except Ruin and Cett), and the transitions between their viewpoints were absolutely amazing, I never felt like I had to trudge through any characters' chapters. I was so intrigued in all of them. Sanderson managed to keep me guessing most of the time, and I never really knew what was gonna happen next. Except until the third book, where I managed to realize that the sword tip that was stuck in Spook was giving him the ability to "burn pewter," and that's why he saw Kelsier. However, I never guessed that Sazed had been writing the little things at the start of the chapter. I thought it had been Vin. 

I have some questions though. Scadrial was never mentioned in this trilogy. Did you figure out the name through Sanderson, or was it mentioned in the Alloy of Law series? Also, same about Sazed being named Harmony. Was that from a later book or from Sanderson?

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Name of the Planet: I'd almost certainly say that we got that from Brandon. (Mainly b/c I don't remember it being in AoL.)

Sazed goes by Harmony in the future. We may have gotten it from Brandon around the release of AoL, but it was definitely in the books.

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I think Scadrial was first mentioned in the annotations for Well of Ascension. Brandon seems to have first mentioned Harmony at a signing in March of 2011 and then the sample chapters released in June, July and August contained plenty of references to Scadrial's new god, before the book itself came out in November.

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@The One Who Connects, @Spoolofwhool, @Weltall: Thanks for the answers, I figured that it was a mix of both. Also, is it worth it to read the annotations of the books?

1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

If you just finished the trilogy, can you remind me: did Elend have a beard at the end of HoA? I can't remember...

Yes, I believe he did.

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

@The One Who Connects, @Spoolofwhool, @Weltall: Thanks for the answers, I figured that it was a mix of both. Also, is it worth it to read the annotations of the books?

Yes, I believe he did.

Annotations are interesting. I found them worth reading.

Also, here's the back of Alloy of Law:


Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is on the verge of modernity, with railroads to supplement the canals, electric lighting in the streets and the homes of the wealthy, and the first steel-framed skyscrapers racing for the clouds.

Kelsier, Vin, Elend, Sazed, Spook, and the rest are now part of history or religion. Yet even as science and technology are reaching new heights, the old magics of Allomancy and Feruchemy continue to play a role in this reborn world. Out in the frontier lands known as the Roughs, they are crucial tools for the brave men and women attempting to establish order and justice.

One such is Waxillium Ladrian, a rare Twinborn who can Push on metals with his Allomancy and use Feruchemy to become lighter or heavier at will. After twenty years in the Roughs, Wax has been forced by family tragedy to return to the metropolis of Elendel. Now he must reluctantly put away his guns and assume the duties and dignity incumbent upon the head of a noble house. Or so he thinks, until he learns the hard way that the mansions and elegant tree-lined streets of the city can be even more dangerous than the dusty plains of the Roughs

I think this is the first time I saw Scadrial, though I didn't recognize it at first.

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