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Quick Fix Game 22: Ghosts in the Night


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QF22: Ghosts in the Night
Or: Two-Headed Elimination

The Ghostbloods are well-known for being a secretive organisation. It could be said that this secrecy is the only reason they have existed for such a long period of time. They carefully pick and choose their people, evaluating each individually before adding them to their members. They operate in small groups, each only aware of the one they report to and the others in their group. Everything has been done to minimise risk should one of their number be caught.

The secrecy the organisation has thrived on has now bled completely through into the very lives of their members. It is said that a half-decent Ghostblood could walk out the door, and suddenly they would be a completely different person. A different face, different hair, all changed within a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that they are known as ghosts, an ethereal presence that many doubt even exists.

But through time, they have become complacent, and their hidden nature has started to work against them. Their recruitment methods have become lax, slowly, and they have been infiltrated by their enemies. The Sons of Honour walk amongst their members, their own secrecy preventing them from finding out who they are. The order came down from someone - who, no-one knew - to purge the Ghostbloods of these people. The ghosts are grim, but determined in their task. The Sons of Honour are their enemy, they know this, and if they are left unanswered, they will slowly dismantle the organisation from within. They must be eradicated before that can happen, if the organisation is to have any chance to survive.

In the quiet, forgettable town that this division operates in, an unnatural hush has fallen over the night. The normal folk go about uneasy, keenly aware that something is not right but unable to figure out what it is and entirely powerless to stop it. Within the houses, Ghostblood agents make careful plans to deal with the threat from the Sons of Honour, using their skills of subterfuge and skullduggery to fool their neighbours, friends, and even their family. But when every potential threat in the town is two-faced, how can one tell who is a friend, and more importantly, who is a foe?

The Rules
The variant is the same as a normal set of Elimination, but with one major difference; At the beginning of the game, the GM assigns half the players to be Day Players, and half the players to be Night Players. Players are then paired up, Day/Night, until everyone is in a pair (all pairs will be completely Village or completely Eliminator). In the event of an odd number of players, one player is both Day and Night. Day Players may not post in the main thread unless it is the Day, and vice versa.

The pairings between players are hidden, and only the player knows who their partner is. However, all players start the game aware of whether each player is a Day or Night Player. Each player pair shares an Alignment and has the same Role, and they share a Role/Action PM. If a player dies, then the paired player dies with them. Day Players may not talk in PMs unless it is with their pair. Players may talk to their other half via the PM, regardless of whether it is a Day or Night Turn. In the event of one half becoming inactive for a complete Cycle within both thread and PMs, the active half may request to the GM that they take over both Day and Night. This will be stated to happen publicly if it occurs.

During the Day, Day Players can discuss in the thread and place votes for another Day Player to lynch. Night Players cannot be voted for. This Turn will last for 48 hours. During the Night, Night Players may target other Night Players with their Action and if PMs are open, talk to other Night Turn players. Day Players cannot be talked to via PM or targeted by Actions. This Turn lasts 24 hours. There are no cross-Turn Actions. It is possible that the game will be Role Madness, but not by any means definite.

Rollover will be at 9PM GMT, and the game will begin on Tuesday 14th at 9PM GMT.


  • Assassin - The Assassin's job for the Ghostbloods is to take out anyone who may be a threat. They have the ability to use a Kill Action every Night.
  • Backup - The Backup has been trained in one of the other Roles, but lacks the go-ahead to use his skills. If a player with the Role that the Backup has dies, then a Backup is randomly selected among the eligible Backups to become that Role. The Backup Role cannot be detected until they become that Role. The Backup is aware of their Role.
  • Hired Goon - The Hired Goon's job is to be a target while other Ghostbloods carry out a mission, and is hardened and tough in combat. The Thug's first death is nullified.
  • Messenger - While at least one Messenger is alive, players may send messages to other players within their Turn.
  • Shadow - The Shadow is able to conceal his own nature, and potentially that of another as well. Players targeted by the Shadow's ability cannot have their Day Player, Alignment or Role discovered.
  • Spy - Who said that the Ghostbloods didn't have their own agents amongst the Sons of Honour? Each Night, the Spy may dig up information on a player, confirming whether or not they are a Son of Honour.
  • Stalker - The Stalker is able to stealthy follow a player back home each Night, and is informed the identity that they go by during the Day.
  • Strategist - The Strategist is privy to knowledge that most are not. Each Night, they may use their Action to discover another player's Role in the organisation.
  • Surgeon - The Surgeon's task is to prevent the deaths of the Ghostbloods. They may save a player (excluding themselves) from death each Night.


Alas, despite the theme of the game, Kas is buried in work, so I have no co-GM. Anyone want to volunteer? :P

Mission Countdown



Quick Links:

Player List



  1. Hemalurgic_Headshot (Harvey)
  2. Magestar (Enoemos)
  3. Elenion (Brandir Sebarial)
  4. DroughtBringer (Groot)
  5. Sart (Sart)
  6. TheMightyLopen (Revali)
  7. _Stick_ (Stick)
  8. Bartimaeus (Bart)
  9. Jondesu (Thorot)
  10. Arinian (Arvian)
  11. Drake Marshall (Mestow)


  1. Straw (Dave Davenport)
  2. STINK (Odd Man)
  3. Manukos (Whiler)
  4. Ecthelion III (Amnar the Watcher)
  5. Arraenae (Neiha Solam)
  6. Elbereth (Senja)
  7. Amanuensis (The Soulcaster)
  8. OrlokTsubodai (Locke Tekiel)
  9. Figberts (Hak)
  10. phattemer (Seixa)
  11. Randuir (Battadin)
Edited by Alvron
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4 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I was going to ask for a spec link anyway, since I'm too busy to play. What do you need the Co-GM to do? I might be able to help.

It was more a joke than anything else, don't worry ;)

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I told myself I wasn't going to play anymore QF games. I lied (to myself). Sign me up as Thorot. This will be my first character who is actually a skilled fighter and assassin.

Edited by Jondesu
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I am in the new LG, but since the cycles are long I think I can make this one work.

Signing up as Brandir Sebarial, an amateur astronomer. Rumor has it that he has a habit of stalking people with his telescope, but rumors are just rumors, right?

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Neiha Solam tilted the mirror up to her face and inspected it. Inside a house, Neiha Solam stood in front of a mirror. A pile of makeup brushes, sponges, moisturizers, and palettes littered the table beside her.

Neiha tilted the mirror up to her face and inspected it. She was almost 17, but looked younger, which she often used to her advantage. She squeezed out a little bit of primer onto her hand and dabbed it onto her face. Once she had smoothed it evenly, she reached for her makeup brush and applied foundation to the center of her face. Afterwards, she took a sponge to blend the foundation outwards.

Neiha picked up the concealer, then hesitated. She ran through her mental plan for today. No heavy socializing, so she didn’t need too much makeup. Besides, today she wanted to go for a natural look. She set the concealer down on the table.

She still needed to do something about her eyes. Neiha’s eyes naturally didn’t stand out from her face, which was a total bummer. People with eyes like hers suffered socially, unless they were smart like Neiha was and augmented them a little. Ever since discovering that trick five years ago, people had been much friendlier. Neiha took an eyeshadow brush, dipped it in pigment, and smoothed copper eyeshadow on top of her right eyelashes. She took another brush and applied a darker layer of bronze on top of it. Next, she used eyeliner to mark out the tip of her wings. She picked up a third brush to fill in that wing with a smoky brown. She blinked a few times and inspected her right eye in the mirror. This look had been her first, and was still her favorite. She repeated the entire process for her left eye.

A few minutes later, Neiha was done. She batted her eyes in the mirror twice and blew a kiss. Then she smiled. She took a few steps backwards and looked over her outfit. She wore a lavender havah, with a loose, draping sleeve over her left arm. The entire dress was covered with a flowery design. Neiha posed and nodded, satisfied. This look would do for today.

Neiha stepped away from the mirror and exited the house. Her face was perfect, her outfit was cute, and her chin was lifted high with confidence. She was ready to be judged by the eyes of the world.

Sign me up as Neiha, a social butterfly. Wyrm, what's the name of this town?

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4 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Sign me up as Neiha, a social butterfly. Wyrm, what's the name of this town?

There's no name, it's just a generic town really. I am happy to take suggestions for names :P.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmhero said:

There's no name, it's just a generic town really. I am happy to take suggestions for names :P.

I suggest Nwotemos.  That's a cool name for a town if I ever saw one. :P 

7 hours ago, Sart said:

Sart surveyed the land, and soaked in the beauty. He then ruined that beauty by playing a rock song.

"Ah," thought Sart, "it was truly great to be a bard."


Rock Music only adds to the beauty of the natural world.  Rock on, my friend. :P 

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6 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

@Wyrmhero, how will RP function in this game, if each player is confined to a Night or Day cycle?

Each player can only post in the Day or Night, so RP will be confined to that Turn. Otherwise, I am not sure what you mean?


Spec Doc links will be sent out once the game starts.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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9 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

Each player can only post in the Day or Night, so RP will be confined to that Turn. Otherwise, I am not sure what you mean?

I think he's talking about the fact that there are two different characters per player pair. Are they role playing as two different characters?

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