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Who will die in Oathbringer?

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I have seen the future and it is with great sorrow that I have to reveal that Lopen isn't going to make it. Through an amazing sequence of events that demonstrate Brandon's mastery of the craft, Lopen and the man who calls himself Taln will meet. Then, we'll learn that Taln's real name is actually Lopen. Saddened to learn that he is no longer The Lopen, our favorite Herdazian will throw himself from a cliff.

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Among the main characters, in Oathbringer? No one, I think.

If we extend the time period to the end of the first arc, then I expect Szeth and potentially Eshonai and/or Renarin to die. Maybe Dalinar too. Perhaps Adolin dies as well, but I see him as having stronger chances of survival than the other ones. Renarin, I am almost sure he dies, if not by the end of the first arc, then he dies in the second arc. The reason I see both Szeth and Eshonai dying merely is I feel these are characters who's story will likely end with the first arc: they won't have an on-going arc through both halves of the series.

I don't expect Kaladin nor Shallan nor Jasnah nor Lift to die. It has been more or less confirmed Kaladin would remain one of the major character in the second half of the series. More or less, too many comments have been made by both Brandon and Peter which went in this sense to think he might die.

I could also be horribly wrong, but these are my current thoughts.

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22 minutes ago, maxal said:


His Parshendi blood. I think either he will be bonded by a voidspren or, more likely, there will be attempts to wipe out Parshendi in light of the Everstorm and this will extend to racism against those with Parshendi blood like the Unkalaki (maybe not extending to the Herdazians though). 

But mostly because he's so awesome and the dark part of me wants to see him as a tragic lesson about fear.

Btw I don't think Renarin will die, he's a second arc character. Brandon has said that we can have a flashback character who is already dead (so I could see it with Szeth) but I can't see it with a full second arc character.

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I think Aesudan will die. With the unrest in Kholinar combined with the confusion of the Desolation, it seems it would be relatively easy for someone to kill her. It could also cause serious trouble for Dalinar's goal of uniting Roshar, as well as Kaladin's goal of bringing order to the city. 

I doubt any of Bridge Four will die while Kaladin is gone. The death wouldn't be as significant without him there. 

I think Nalan or one of the other Heralds will die permanently, though that seems most likely to happen during Szeth's book since it relies on Theories and Speculation about Nightblood. 

I think Gavilar will die in the prologue. B)


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2 hours ago, Extesian said:

His Parshendi blood. I think either he will be bonded by a voidspren or, more likely, there will be attempts to wipe out Parshendi in light of the Everstorm and this will extend to racism against those with Parshendi blood like the Unkalaki (maybe not extending to the Herdazians though). 

But mostly because he's so awesome and the dark part of me wants to see him as a tragic lesson about fear.

Btw I don't think Renarin will die, he's a second arc character. Brandon has said that we can have a flashback character who is already dead (so I could see it with Szeth) but I can't see it with a full second arc character.

He also said being dead didn't prevent anyone from being a major character. He mentioned this in a thread asking about Renarin specifically.


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9 minutes ago, maxal said:

He also said being dead didn't prevent anyone from being a major character. He mentioned this in a thread asking about Renarin specifically.


Aah i didn't see this one, only the flashback one. Have a WoB I can see @maxal? The failed lawyer in me likes references :)

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5 minutes ago, Extesian said:

Aah i didn't see this one, only the flashback one. Have a WoB I can see @maxal? The failed lawyer in me likes references :)

Q:  (Until the second five books, where our primary characters will shuffle. So you Renarin fans will have to be patient.) Do you worry that assuring us that a character will likely survive the first arc of the series removes some of the tension in their scenes?

(While you've discussed the idea that a main character can have a book about them while they are dead when Dalinar was expected to be central to book 5, this seems different)

A: I have said many times before that Renarin and Lift are main characters for the next five, but--as you point out--I've also said that I have no problem having a main character who is actually dead, and their story told through flashbacks and the stories of the other characters. Renarin is not safe, but you will see a lot more from him in the future, even if he does die.

To say more would be to give too many spoilers about the nature of the back five books.


Obviously, this is not 100% conclusive, but my interpretation is Renarin is at high risk of being this dead character... Look at the answer, he mentions Renarin and Lift, but later only speaks of Renarin when it comes to dead character.

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Speaking of a character getting focus chapters via flashback even though they're dead, assuming that 'Taln' is really the Herald, not only will his eventual book be the perfect place to give us some deep background info but in a very 'Jedi-certain-point-of-view' sense, he's already dead. Heralds were recently confirmed to be cognitive shadows so he's effectively an undead of sorts already. And killing him off wouldn't necessarily remove him from the story permanently either. Actually, any character with Investiture could potentially die and hang around as a cognitive shadow, getting flashback chapters while still technically being dead. But if Taln really is Taln, he's already in that situation so..

Now, if I had to pick another character most likely to get a focus book despite being dead, I think it would be Jasnah. Whether Brandon would do that after not-killing her already I don't know but narratively it's easy to imagine Shallan discovering a journal Jasnah kept, reading it and imagining the important scenes vividly via some application of Lightweaving.

And in a more serious answer to the original question, Nale seems like he could be on a path to dying before the first arc is done, perhaps next book. And if the universe really wants to keep kicking Kaladin, it's got a perfect opportunity to do so next book with one or both of his parents.

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9 hours ago, Weltall said:

Speaking of a character getting focus chapters via flashback even though they're dead, assuming that 'Taln' is really the Herald, not only will his eventual book be the perfect place to give us some deep background info but in a very 'Jedi-certain-point-of-view' sense, he's already dead. Heralds were recently confirmed to be cognitive shadows so he's effectively an undead of sorts already. And killing him off wouldn't necessarily remove him from the story permanently either. Actually, any character with Investiture could potentially die and hang around as a cognitive shadow, getting flashback chapters while still technically being dead. But if Taln really is Taln, he's already in that situation so..

Now, if I had to pick another character most likely to get a focus book despite being dead, I think it would be Jasnah. Whether Brandon would do that after not-killing her already I don't know but narratively it's easy to imagine Shallan discovering a journal Jasnah kept, reading it and imagining the important scenes vividly via some application of Lightweaving.

And in a more serious answer to the original question, Nale seems like he could be on a path to dying before the first arc is done, perhaps next book. And if the universe really wants to keep kicking Kaladin, it's got a perfect opportunity to do so next book with one or both of his parents.

If I am not mistaken, Brandon mentioned the possibility of doing more than one flashback book from a dead character's perspective. Taln certainly is a contender, but a too obvious one to justify the amount of drama being put into it. In other words, I doubt anyone is going to cry nor rip their shirts over Taln turning out being really dead: he hardly is a character within the story and while many find the Heralds very interesting, none truly have any emotional attachment to any of them. 

I also doubt it is Jasnah because Jasnah sort of already died once. I honestly do not think Brandon would re-kill Jasnah twice even if she wasn't really dead the first time around.

Thus, among the remaining flashback characters, the one susceptible to create the largest amount of drama and the one susceptible to have the most interesting post-mortem story arc would be Renarin... Little Renarin who can't find feel useful within real-life ending up finding his true path in the cognitive one... I could see it working, but it would really hurt a lot of reader to kill Renarin. Heck, it would sadden me and he isn't one of my favorite characters.

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The stick.


The scene will play out during the final climatic battle. Shallan will be backed into a unwinnable dead end situation. Fumbling around in what looks like her final moments her hand will grasp something in the bloodstained crem.


I am a stick!


This plea in her final monents will be filled with raw emotion. The desperation of the plight of the human race on roshar will make Stick see that in a world of only Odium there will be no sticks to be sticks and for the first time in its existence it will desire to be more than itself. It will become stickblade, the shardblade that is a stick.

Shallan will then summon pattern and kill all the void bringers and Oduim like a dual wielding anime shardblade goddess. Roshar and by extension all of cosmere will be saved! However the victory will be bittersweet. You see, stickblade is a cognitive entity and only wanted to be a stick. It held itself together as a shardblade by pure willpower for the sake of sticks everywere and now that the threat is gone it has no reason to continue existing and fades to nothingness.

Later all of roshar gathers for a funeral. The Lopen plays a funeral dirge the flute that Kaladin lost. Hoid gives up trying to put adonalsium back together because it is were stick is now and it would be wrong to bring it back. Renarin never marries because no one will ever be as good a stick and giant monuments are constructed to commemorate sticks sacrifice. Reminding humanity if what true greatness is as they begin their way through their new golden age side by side.


I can see the reviews now.


"I thought stormlight archive was going to be ten books but Brandon has managed to tie it up in the most beatiful trilogy I have ever read!" - Generic Sanderfan #1

"When stick disappeared it was literaly sadder then when me grandma died, truely, Sanderson has a gift with words." - Generic Sanderfan #2

"I've decided to pull a robert jordan and die so Brandon can finish my books as well" - GRRMartin

"It was somewhat adequate i guess. 8/10" ING

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/5/2017 at 5:58 PM, Datan Nomlibash said:

"I've decided to pull a robert jordan and die so Brandon can finish my books as well" - GRRMartin

Bloody brilliant +1


Back to the topic at hand...

Edgedancer spoilers:


I would not be surprised if Nale dies for good since his role as a shadowy threat against all proto-Surgebinders is presumably over.

I don't think any of our new Radiants will die. If I had to pick someone, probably Elhokar or a prominent member of Bridge 4. 

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