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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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9 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


Thanks. :) I know I'm probably okay—the last time I spent an inordinate amount of time wondering if I was making a million mistakes that no one cared to tell me about, my supervisor said that he had trouble thinking of things for me to improve on—but I still can't help it. 


"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go--you're making everybody else look bad."

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Here's something random and very weird to me.

Last night, I had a vivid and engaging dream that had a scary number of details that were entirely accurate.

It started with me planning to go to some event or conference (my brain never filled in the detail of what) that Brandon had also decided to go to, and somehow, he contacted me and invited me to spend the night at his house before heading up to the event together.  I think about this point I was actually beginning to realize that this wasn't real, but it felt very real except for the fact that large portions of time just skimmed by without me realizing it (but in a dream, you're rarely aware of that happening, and I was aware of it).

Then, on the way up to whatever event it was, he stopped for a signing at a little bookstore, but there was hardly anyone there, and the only person I saw ask a question before me asked whether there was a bisexual character in the Stormlight Archives, to which Brandon responded "Shallan", and I commented that he'd already told us that in a previous event.  Which is totally true, basically.

Then, I started looking around for a book to buy and have him sign, since I hadn't brought my copy of The Way of Kings (which in real life is the only book by him I own in a physical form), but the only book I could find of his was Elantris, and I really wanted to get Arcanum Unbounded or White Sand.  Failing to find those, though, I went back and picked up Elantris, and took it to him to sign, and asked him the same question I had posed in the Ultimate Questions thread: "Have any Shards been shattered without Odium being involved?"  Unfortunately, my dream ended about there and he didn't answer. :(


So yeah, very weird to me.

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7 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

"They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

"They're fixing my eyeballs with laser beams!"

These two things carry the same rhythm cadence.

Thanks, now I have Legolas stuck in my head :P

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Anyone up for a game?

Password is 17thShard

IS ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING AN SE GAME? LG31 sign ups are on, and we need more players please!

What's SE you ask!

Well it's a forum based Sanderson Elimination game (Think mafia...but cosmere). We are currently having a Mistborn game called "A world without Vin"(I'll leave it up to your imagination). It is an LG however, so expect it to last up to a couple of weeks.

We really need a few more people, so please consider trying SE out and you never now, you might end up enjoying it!

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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1 hour ago, A Budgie said:

So I was on the train today, and there were two people reading Sanderson books. Two. I don't think I've even seen one before.
One was HoA, the other a Stormlight (I only saw the back cover so I'm not sure which one).

omg, did you talk to them??

That reminds me.

Do you guys remember Warbreaker girl? Well, turns out she was 2 years my senior and has left school :( So I probably won't get a chance to speak to her. But there is that random train person who reads on the train that I can convert!

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39 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

omg, did you talk to them??

No, because one of my friends was with me on the train. I was kinda tempted, though.

Me: *spots first person*
Me: ohfigginsthatpesonisreadingagoodbook
Friend: *shakes head slowly, continues talking*
~slightly later~
Me: *spots second person*
Me: figgins another person...
Friend: *facepalm*

It's amusing when I recognise people's books. There used to be this one old man who always took the same train who would always be reading a murder mystery.

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3 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

No, because one of my friends was with me on the train. I was kinda tempted, though.

Me: *spots first person*
Me: ohfigginsthatpesonisreadingagoodbook
Friend: *shakes head slowly, continues talking*
~slightly later~
Me: *spots second person*
Me: figgins another person...
Friend: *facepalm*

It's amusing when I recognise people's books. There used to be this one old man who always took the same train who would always be reading a murder mystery.

Aye, I know how you feel. It does get kind of embarrassing >> 

There's always this one girl who somehow can read, standing up, on the train (I would get sick), every day, I swear it's a new book. And I think I'll recommend sanderson to her

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Did you know? Your birth order affects your personality!

If you're the first child, then you're more likely to be a natural leader, a high achiever, bossy and a follower of the rules.

If you're the middle child, then you're more likely to be flexible, easy going, secretive, and generous.

If you're the youngest child, then you're more likely to be a risk taker, outgoing, competitive, and bored easily.

If you're an only child, then you're more likely to be close to your parents, dependable, demanding, and sensitive 

If you were orphaned at birth and raised by your aunt and/or uncle, then you're more likely to be whiny, have a good relationship with a mysterious old man, gifted with supernatural powers, and the chosen one.


Edited by The Honor Spren
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If you are a female orphan, expect a handsome and mysterious love interest to show up shortly after you discover your powers. 

If you are a male orphan, your love interest won't show up until your heroic quest has been going on for a while. Expect your best friend's little sister to suddenly develop a personality (that just so happens to be everything you want in a girl) around the time you enter your sixth year at school. 

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So the person that my work hired to be the aquatics director, my boss, is now no longer the aquatics director. I don't know if he got fired or quit, I just got a text from his assistant saying that we again don't have a director. 

So on the one hand, I've outlasted two bosses and gotten a raise. On the other hand, we lifeguards are pretty much back to having to be our own bosses with little management support. I'm really not sure what to think or feel. I'm kind of hoping that while we don't have a manager Corporate will stop breathing down our necks a bit, because its been getting ridiculous. I just want to be able to lifeguard in peace without having random fake drowning drills and not being allowed to sit with crossed legs. 

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32 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Did you know? Your birth order affects your personality!

If you're the first child, then you're more likely to be a natural leader, a high achiever, bossy and a follower of the rules.

If you're the middle child, then you're more likely to be flexible, easy going, secretive, and generous.

If you're the youngest child, then you're more likely to be a risk taker, outgoing, competitive, and bored easily.

If you're an only child, then you're more likely to be close to your parents, dependable, demanding, and sensitive 

If you were orphaned at birth and raised by your aunt and/or uncle, then you're more likely to be whiny, have a good relationship with a mysterious old man, gifted with supernatural powers, and the chosen one.


That... actually applies to my life. Make of that what you will.

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49 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

@Leftmaybe you should volunteer to be the next director? :)

Me and another guard have joked about doing it together, because as far as we can tell it's not the hardest job. I doubt we minors with no college would be allowed to have the position, but it would be cool!  

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17 minutes ago, Oversleep said:


i just realized something (I have recently read first Alcatraz book). See, Alcatraz breaks things, right?


He tecnically doesn't, as the "you" he adresses during the book is not actually the reader in the real world but another fictional person existing within the same fictional world as Alcatraz and reading a fictional book with text that just happens to be identical to the real book you are reading right now. (I know, sementics but they seem to be in the spirit of the book. :P )

Edited by Edgedancer
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