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The Plan for Words of Radiance


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Hello fellow wiki editors! With new Words of Radiance sample chapters, we definitely need to get Words of Radiance policies in place, so we're all on the same page. I think having some structure and planning will be very beneficial for this huge project for the wiki. After all, we really haven't dealt with sequels to this degree, since we existed after the first Mistborn trilogy was completed. With Words of Radiance, we have some complications, because we have a bunch of Complete articles that will obviously not be complete anymore. We definitely need a way to disseminate knowledge that is finished from Way of Kings and the work we need to do in Words of Radiance, so we need a really solid plan. Not only that, we need a plan for dealing with direct sequels that will be easily expandable for later books and series. Things are going to get a bit complex, so let's start laying the groundwork now.

I've spoken with Windy and Joe about the Words of Radiance plan (though they don't remember it at all :P) and I want to know what you think. Here's what I'm thinking.

As usual, we will need the Spoiler tag on articles that contain content from Words of Radiance (I will be adding this to some recent articles after I'm done typing this up). We will need a list of articles on new subjects that Words of Radiance reveals--obviously there will be a lot of new characters, places, and other things revealed here. Next we need a list of terms mentioned in Words of Radiance that need updating due to new information in Words of Radiance. You will not need to worry about creating this list; it will be provided very shortly after release, if not same day.

We'll need to use our Project: Stormlight spreadsheet a massive deal in this process. We should add a new column in that spreadsheet for "Requires updating". From there, we can use this spreadsheet to look at what articles are complete from knowledge in book one, and ones that need updating. I would like it to be a big priority for us to quickly update current complete articles to include WoR content. If we dally too much on updating them, the "complete" tag loses meaning. Hopefully, many of these will be easy to update.

I think it would be best if we added two temporary categories for articles: one will be Category:Words of Radiance, which will be a temporary category that consists of any article that has WoR content (I just think a list like this will be really, really helpful for the initial months). That category will be removed whenever we find its use to be over--after all, we don't want a category like this for each book and have them be permanent--that would be silly if Kaladin had ten categories of just book names, not to mention superfluous. We just need this category for use in initial editing work on WoR. Nextly and more importantly, we need Category:Articles that need updates, for the old terms that are mentioned in WoR. Once we have a relatively complete list of those old terms, it should be an easy matter to add this tag to those articles. We would need a header template like Spoilers for this, something that says "This articles requires updates from Words of Radiance! In its current state, it doesn't include this new content yet."

I've adapted the Spoiler tag and created the Update tag to automatically put things in these categories. So when you put {{spoilers| for [[Words of Radiance]]}}, it goes in Category: Words of Radiance, and {{update| from [[Words of Radiance]]}} puts it in the articles that need updating.

Once we have all read Words of Radiance, it might be a good idea for editors to "call" what articles they want to update. We already do this--people who do a major revision of an article are kind of like that article's patron. For example, Weiry would be the patron to the Elantris article, Windy about Lift, Cem for Kaladin and Jasnah. So we could use this topic to call out what they would prefer to work on.

There will be a lot of activity on the week of the release, and I highly, highly recommend not looking at the Recent Changes on the wiki at all until we have all read the book. Even the list of old terms mentioned are possible spoilers, you know?

The tl;dr version:

--We add two new categories, "Words of Radiance" and "Articles that need updating", which I've already done!

--When Words of Radiance comes out, there will be a list of new terms and old articles that need updating. We will need to add these two templates to things. For updates, use {{update| from [[Words of Radiance]]}}, and when you put anything that has WoR content in it, use {{spoilers| for [[Words of Radiance]]}}. I will be adding the update tag to many of these articles, so you don't really need to worry about it much.

--Windy will focus on new articles and terms, but I think otherwise, we should all make it a priority to work on current exemplary and complete articles and get them up-to-date before moving to other things.

--People can use this topic to declare what articles they want to work on.

I've always wanted to do a big, substantial revision to Vorinism. So with that in mind, and me making some assumptions about people wanting to update their own articles... :P

Articles that have been claimed

Vorinism - Chaos

Odium - Chaos

Cultivation - Chaos

Hoid - Windy

Glyphs - Windy

Purelake - Windy

Spren - Weiry

Fabrials - Weiry

Artifabrian - Weiry

Kaladin - Cem

Jasnah - Cem

This is just looking at the exemplary articles. If you have any other big articles you intend to work on, let me know and I'll add you to the list.

How does all this sound?

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This looks great!


And yah, I totally place Spren and fabrial stuff in a state of eternal dibs.  I'm thinking on whether I want to do any others, Surgebinding maybe?  I've been thinking about working on it for a while, but I've been putting it off until after WoR...

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@Chaos: I'd be happy to help updating some of the Stormlight articles as a first step towards having a bigger presence on the Coppermind. Since I'm really not that familiar with what is needed, though, would you mind just assigning me a handful of articles for me to update for the release?

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We don't really do "assigning" articles. I mean, we don't really want to force articles onto people. Ideally what we're doing here is staking a claim on a concept that we've worked on before, are knowledgeable about, and interested in. If you don't really know what you want to work on, it's easier just to wait until the book comes out so you can see what needs doing.

That being said, if you *really* want us to tell you a few articles we need done, we can do that.

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Now that I have a presence in on the Forum and Coppermind as a book is released - and not long afterwards - I will likely take part in whatever catches my interest that still hasn't been dealt with. That said, I'd still like to have a few tasks assigned, so that I will know what to look for when I start taking notes already on the first read-through.

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I'll take it!


I will not update it until the book is released, though. I realise that we already have a short PoV chapter, but it feels silly to do much before we have the whole stream of events of the Words of Radiance.


Are all of the Exemplary articles claimed, now? I noticed Dalinar's article wasn't mentioned in the OP. I'll take it if no one else has.

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Go for it.

Feel free to look through the list of Complete articles and see if any catch your eyes.

I'm glad all the Exemplary articles are claimed, though, that will make things a lot easier.

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i will be more active again and would take the summary's (both WoK and WoR) though it would be nice if somebody could look over them because of my dislexia and me beeing German ;)

More chances to put my English degree to use? I'm all over that.

Plus, I'm not sure I'd have time to really go all-out on fixing the in-depth articles, but I do want to help with this. And I've actually worked on the summaries before. Granted, that was a while ago, but still. Editing is pretty easy. :)

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  • 1 month later...

The Google doc of terms: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArA-Cqh9fdz5dHduX3N5WEN4MmNEMUxyQU9zeGM4YUE&usp=sharing

It does not contain Parshendi forms (those should be in one article), and some of the Old Articles may not actually have new information on minor things.

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About 100 pages away from finishing the book, so I'll take a look at what's left and maybe do some good work over the weekend. There is so much new stuff in this book, something's bound to be left. The Orders, maybe? I should check if anyone called dibs... 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll help if I can, but my strength is more in quotations rather than in interpretations.  (I'm not much of a theorist.)  I just submitted my list of quotes from TWoK for approval.  I have far more from WoR to submit and will do so in the coming days.  Again, if I can help, I'd like to do so.  I'd very much like to redeem myself if I might do so.

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