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Roban: Check meta´s post earlier, the one where he sais why he was late. He sais votes after a the time stated there wont count sicne its after deadline(I dont actually know if you were after that, since I dont know what time est is, but it seems likely since you were among the last..

Edited by dyring
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Storm it! (Whoops, wrong planet.) Survivor's scars! I wasn't able to get on today and vote. It looks like it wouldn't have done much anyways but I still regret not voting. I agree with Kukri, Peng. Send it to three people you trust at least somewhat.

'Maxill had found a bottle of the strong stuff that rolled under a table he had been hiding under and drank it. He passed out for much of the day and woke only as the sun was setting and everyone had decided to kill the doctor. "Well, he didn't do much anyways," Maxill said as he decided to go back to sleep the massive headache away.

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'Maxill had found a bottle of the strong stuff that rolled under a table he had been hiding under and drank it. He passed out for much of the day and woke only as the sun was setting and everyone had decided to kill the doctor. 

The more days go by, the more it's starting to look like our characters would be more effective at snooping out the inquisitor if our chosen meeting place wasn't a bar... no offense to our gracious patron of course.

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The more days go by, the more it's starting to look like our characters would be more effective at snooping out the inquisitor if our chosen meeting place wasn't a bar... no offense to our gracious patron of course.

How true. I mean, who is rolling bottles of strong stuff on the ground? People like Maxill who are young and not used to drinking that get massive hangovers. ;)

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Want to be clear that this is Meta's list, but with my thoughts on it. Also, it's sooo much easier too think when you have a list in front of you.

A list? Barty, I'm touched.

Shut up. ... Sorry about that.


The Players

1. Gamma Fiend- Gamon (Casanova

2. Bartbug - Barty Spiked (Madman)

3. Windrunner - Windrunner (Fall Guy)

4. WeiryWriter - Weiry (Lookout) Lurcher

5. Awesomeness Summoned - Wes (pickpocket) I'd vote for him.

6. 213 - Digits (Doctor) Regular Crew Member

7. Simmingly - Shimble Leice (Minor Noble) Coinshot

8. PorridgeBrick - Ridge (Rigger)

9. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist)

10. Serendipity - Seran (Reformed Assassin)

11. Kurkistan - Kurki (Knife Guy/Jaist)

12. Aether - Aether (Priest of the Survivor)

13. LoganMathewJohnson - Mathieu (Faux Noble) I'd vote for him.

14. AonarFaileas - Aonar (Ex Hazekiller)

15. Princess - Cessie (Noble Woman)

16. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Ex Terris Steward) I'd vote for him.

17. Dyring - Dyring (Innkeeper Front)

18. Edgedancer - Eddy (Bouncer)

19. Lord Claincy Ffnord - Ffnord (Stealth Expert) Regular Crew Member

20. Quiver - Lord Ollivier (Obligator)

21. Mailliw73 - Maxill (Young Recruit)

22. Robot Aztec - Roban (Bartender)

23. Little Wilson - Wilson (Messenger)

24. JasonPenguin - Peng (Orphan) Ha. It's kind of funny, how Ping is the mistborn, but he's also an orphan. I feel kind of VINdicated.

25. Sivertongue - Shiv (Cutpurse)

26. Leonardus - Lam (Body Sweeper) Regular Crew Member

27. Grayv - Grave (Twixt)

28. Luckcat - Lucy (Paranoid Urchin) I'd kill Lucy, not sure why.

29. Aspren - Aspren (Supplies Manager)

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"As noted, my main suspects (I suspect everyone, but the main ones;)







And to a lesser degree, the rest of the 7.


I used to suspect Gamon. Less so now, but still a tad over the rest.


And stop whining about the booze!"


As the shadows grows longer, dyring goes out and the effects of his earlier hammering is seen. A big planked shield, tall enough that it is only just possible to get in through the door, and covering a good portion of the wall, he, under much grumbling and swearing, positions it infront of the section of the wall that have continuously been desecrated by the messages.



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The events of the second day have truly, and deeply, humbled this simple servant. My vote shall continue to be cast along with that of Lord Peng, I think. If our esteemed leader, or the group as a whole, decides that I should pay for my mistakes with my life then I shall not offer up any resistance.

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It's night time. No voting happening now.

And we really shouldn't voice suspicions and stuff at night, I think. It only gives the Inquisitors potential fodder to play off of it and give them more info and insight on what to do for the night. (I know they did stuff like that last game)

Let's just hang tight, chill, have some drinks, and not go wandering out alone into the mists, m'kay?

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If this were a real life situation I would simply say that everyone stay in the same room, and if someone wants to go to the bathroom they go in groups of three (preferabily as assigned by our esteemed Mistborn).  As it is...


As soon as they returned from Digit's home, Cessies sank into a chair.  She couldn't stop hearing the quiet "No" that Peng had said, as he killed the poor man.  As the mists gathered outside, she dropped her head into her hands.  What may have been a few minutes or a few hours later she heard the name of her Terrisman coming up.  Looking over, she saw a group of people discussing who they suspected.  She wanted to object -- after all, he had been with her home for as long as she could remember -- but she feared that doing so would draw more attention to herself, and at this point it seemed as though anyone who stood out would be killed.  "Besides," she thought, dropping her head back into her hands, "How well do I really know the man?  I've ignored him most of my life.  He was just another of the servants, carrying out Mama or Pappa's orders."

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Let's just hang tight, chill, have some drinks, and not go wandering out alone into the mists, m'kay?

"I'll second that. Another round of... well... whatever drinks we happen to have left, for everybody!" ;)


Dyring must have been stocking up for a while; the way some people have been drinking, I would have thought that we should have run out before the end of last night. :P


It feels weird being near the top of several people's "to kill' list. Especially when I tried to save one of them. I don't think that anyone should be voicing suspicions right now though, particularly you, Peng. 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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In order to further our investigations, I would like to commission from our newly formed List-makers Guild a list, bearing the following specifications:

1. That it chronicle the voting for the second day of our endeavor, on which the nobleman Shimble Leice, may he rest in peace, was murdered so savagely.

2. That it include all votes or suspicions levied on that day on the part of the seven who advocated his death, including any that were taken back or never became formal votes.

3. That the votes be ordered in the order they were given, including whether they came before or after a deadlock was made between Wes and Shimble.

4. That any justifications or reasonings for their votes, or lack thereof, be noted for those seven who voted for Shimble, including those given after his death.

As compensation for this undertaking, I am willing to pay in whichever currency the List-makers prefer, such as, but not limited to, Up Votes, Internets, Awesome Points, atium, Rosharan spheres, Breaths, boxings, or Sodium.

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In order to further our investigations, I would like to commission from our newly formed List-makers Guild a list, bearing the following specifications:

1. That it chronicle the voting for the second day of our endeavor, on which the nobleman Shimble Leice, may he rest in peace, was murdered so savagely.

2. That it include all votes or suspicions levied on that day on the part of the seven who advocated his death, including any that were taken back or never became formal votes.

3. That the votes be ordered in the order they were given, including whether they came before or after a deadlock was made between Wes and Shimble.

4. That any justifications or reasonings for their votes, or lack thereof, be noted for those seven who voted for Shimble, including those given after his death.

As compensation for this undertaking, I am willing to pay in whichever currency the List-makers prefer, such as, but not limited to, Up Votes, Internets, Awesome Points, atium, Rosharan spheres, Breaths, boxings, or Sodium.

I can do this. I actually had, more or less, but it got lost in an unfortunate page refreshing. I shall take a look tomorrow. I shall take my payment in Sodium.

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Definitely the best list I've seen. (sorry, Aether) Upvote for you. Even if it is a list about suspicion on me.

I find it interesting that immediately after Peng says that he suspects Eddy, Wes, and Ridge, Ridge and Wes decide to make their own suspicion lists. Just throwing that out there.

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That's a very nice list, Wilson. So far as I can tell, you didn't miss anything. 


Just for future reference though, I happen to be a he, not a she.  ;) (I know it's not always easy to tell over a forum, but it's a little odd reading stuff about myself that's using the wrong gender pronoun. :P)

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Excellent list! Now we, as the readers, just need to decide, as Aether would say -- "what kind of particular truth your list is telling."

Edit: I wish I could upvote seven times for the Chandrian reference... just for Kvothe's sake. :D

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Just for future reference though, I happen to be a he, not a she.  ;) (I know it's not always easy to tell over a forum, but it's a little odd reading stuff about myself that's using the wrong gender pronoun. :P)

Ah. Well. I shall fix that. Sorry. Normally I default to "he" even though I'm female. I can't even remember how I thought you were as well. Huh. And I know exactly what you mean about wrong gender pronouns. I get it all the time. :)

EDIT to keep from double posting

Excellent list! Now we, as the readers, just need to decide, as Aether would say -- "what kind of particular truth your list is telling."

I know I said I'd practice that, but....this one was a little on the lengthy side for me to really put it my all. So I kind of just told it how it was. Honesty and all that. Figured it was best, especially since I'm one of the accused.

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