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You Know You're Addicted To 17th Shard When...


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You know you're addicted to the 17th Shard when you create a topic called "You Know You're Addicted To 17th Shard When…" 

You know you're addicted to the 17th Shard when you check unread posts more often than Facebook.


Edited by Jondesu
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1 hour ago, Sunbird said:

When your phone's Internet browser automatically opens to the Shard because that's like the only site you visit on your mobile.

I open my browser more often with my home screen shortcut for the Shard than I do with the actual Safari icon.


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17 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

I open my browser more often with my home screen shortcut for the Shard than I do with the actual Safari icon.


I think I'll replace my default Chrome launcher with a link directly to the Shard... that's a good idea :D

You also know you're addicted, when you're supposed to work, but post in this thread instead.

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When you wake up at 3am for no reason, and force your drooping eyelids to stay up long enough to check the Shard before going back to sleep.


When you're on the website so often you get dreams about it.

Edited by Daniyah
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4 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

When "This website is currently offline" gives you a small panic....and when retrying for a live version doesn't work and you feel like your best friend has moved away. 

That is a wonderful description.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When you have vague memories of the original forum look after the move from TWG.... 
Vague memories, but no pictures :( 

Also - when you have a final exam in 9.5 hours but are here instead of studying. 

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when you go on 17th shard so much that the librarians have practically reserved a seat for you at there computers

(when you then realize that that was them trying to hynoptise you)

when the library computers all have 17th shard on the top hit. on all 15 of them

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