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Dual-Wielding Shardblades

Ecthelion III

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Funnily enough, if Glys and Renarin are far enough in their bond that Glys could manifest as a blade, Renarin might be one of the only people on Roshar who has the opportunity to dual wield. Though, I assume the screams would keep him from wanting to attempt such a thing.

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Probably the benefit of dual-wielding Shardblades are really limitated.

In whatever case you VS a not Shardbearer... the Second Blade is an useless upgrade. and aganist a full shardbearer He probably manage to use his single Blade with more efficience (or everybody on Roshar would use a dual-sword swordstyle). Probably aganist a Shardbearer without Plate a dual Shardblades would be useful to exploit some blind spot and vin... but in the end it's a little gain for invest a treasure as a Shardblade.

Of course before I talked only of Duel.  In the warfare instead,have two people with a Shardblade on the battlefield, overcome every benefit of a Dual ShardBlades

Edited by Yata
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Same reason no one dual wields normal swords: it's not very good. Even if you did use the swords well one handed, you can't swing both at the same time, or anything.

Of course, shardblades are a bit different from normal swords, but I can't really see any situation where an extra sword would give more benefit than an empty shardplate hand or a shield.

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Personally, I do not see any reason that a Radiant Spren could not manifest as two separate blades, to those who prefer it.

On the same token, I wonder what other weapons they can become.

And does anyone know if an exepsionally broken person could bond two spren? Or have multiple bonds piked into them?

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12 hours ago, Eki said:

Same reason no one dual wields normal swords: it's not very good. Even if you did use the swords well one handed, you can't swing both at the same time, or anything.

Of course, shardblades are a bit different from normal swords, but I can't really see any situation where an extra sword would give more benefit than an empty shardplate hand or a shield.

Can't stress this enough.  There is no evidence that "Florentine" style fencing ever actually existing as a serious combat style. 

Dual-Wielding swords has been popularized in Fiction, and is used in some less serious martial arts.  There are vno records of well trained combatants choosing to duel-wield with serious intent.  It has almost no advantage.  It gives up reach to two-handed weapons, and gives up defense to shields or proper off hand weapons.  

You actually have less effective reach with two one handed swords than a single one handed sword, much less a sword designed to be used two handed.  

That said - Combat with a shard blade is very different than traditional fencing.  When you can be reasonably sure (excepting other shard bearers) that your swings are never going to be interrupted - many "not-normal" things become possible.  If there was a time when dual wielding might make sense, a single shard bearer in the midst of a large number of enemies - where collateral damage is unlikely - might be it.

This probably doesn't come up very often though.  Certainly not enough to justify taking a shard blade away from someone else in your house.

They style very often described strikes me as "hand and a half".  The shard wielders often switch between one handed and two handed fighting as the cause dictates.  As an amateur  "sword fighter" / reenactor - this seems right to me.  This seems like what I would do with a shard blade.  


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Agreed. The closest I've ever heard of to serious dual-wielding is what the Scots used to do in battle several hundred years ago. They would hold a huge sword in one hand, and the other hand would hold a dagger, with a shield strapped to that arm. That being said, though, it doesn't give them a huge advantage. It's more to give them a slight edge in battle, and to maximize their use of defensive and offensive weaponry. With a Shardblade and Shardplate, you have all the advantage you could ever wish for, short of being a Windrunner.

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On 6/19/2016 at 5:47 AM, Darkness Ascendant said:

The only way I believe you could dual wield two shard-blades is if your as big as a full sized Koloss. In that case the Shardblades would seem like Shard-daggers to you :) 

Even this is less effective.  Dual-Daggers is almost never done.  Its much more useful to have one free hand to grapple.

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Obviously Kaladin just needs ask Syl how she feels about double-bladed lightsabers Shardsabers. (Yes I know that's not really dual wielding, but I'm not sure if a Spren can actually pull off two seperate swords)

Actually, thinking about Star Wars now makes me want to see a Shardwhip.

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5 hours ago, Espella said:

Obviously Kaladin just needs ask Syl how she feels about double-bladed lightsabers Shardsabers. (Yes I know that's not really dual wielding, but I'm not sure if a Spren can actually pull off two seperate swords)

Don't we have a WoB saying that Shardweapons can't have multiple parts? So no Shardcrossbows. That would also rule out chains and being two seperate Sabres.

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One thing I'd like to add is having a second blade could be an absolute game-changer in a one-on-one fight between two shardbearers if your opponent didn't know you had it.  

1. Start summoning second blade

2. Drop first blade on 8th heartbeat

3. Lunge/swing at opponent with empty fist on 9th heartbeat

4. Opponent, thinking you'll be unarmed for several more seconds either goes on the offensive, or only steps back enough to dodge a punch so they can give a counter-swing

5. 6ft of shardblade they didn't see coming plunges into their chest plate

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2 minutes ago, hwiles said:

One thing I'd like to add is having a second blade could be an absolute game-changer in a one-on-one fight between two shardbearers if your opponent didn't know you had it.  

1. Start summoning second blade

2. Drop first blade on 8th heartbeat

3. Lunge/swing at opponent with empty fist on 9th heartbeat

4. Opponent, thinking you'll be unarmed for several more seconds either goes on the offensive, or only steps back enough to dodge a punch so they can give a counter-swing

5. 6ft of shardblade they didn't see coming plunges into their chest plate

Radiants can probably do this same trick, since there probably aren't too many people who know that they can summon instantaneously. Not that Surgebinders really need more advantages in battle against regular people...

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4 minutes ago, FeatherWriter said:

Radiants can probably do this same trick, since there probably aren't too many people who know that they can summon instantaneously. Not that Surgebinders really need more advantages in battle against regular people...



I believe Kaladin does exactly that to great effect when he's fighting Szeth near the end of WoR.

I'd hope their opponent would stop and reflect for a moment about why exactly they think fighting a Radiant is a good idea before it came to that, :D

however, I happen to be a big fan of these types of Vasher-style tricks.  It might be fighting dirty, but they're fun every once in a while.

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Two shardblades aren't that good. But a shardblade in a good hand and nightblood in the other???

The biggest problem about dual wielding is coordination, and nightblood can move independently from your will.

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I had tested different weapon -pairings, and found out that dual -wielding is good in one specific case: londsword and short sword generally beat a spear. Somehow the short sword is better than a shield in this pairing, not quite sure why. Also, while dual-wielding - which in all other pairings I tested is not a very good idea - it's generally better to use weapons with different reach, for the case your enemy slips through the effective range of the longsword, making over-ranged shardblades even less effective in dual-wielding 

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15 minutes ago, Alfa said:

I had tested different weapon -pairings, and found out that dual -wielding is good in one specific case: londsword and short sword generally beat a spear. Somehow the short sword is better than a shield in this pairing, not quite sure why. Also, while dual-wielding - which in all other pairings I tested is not a very good idea - it's generally better to use weapons with different reach, for the case your enemy slips through the effective range of the longsword, making over-ranged shardblades even less effective in dual-wielding 

What about an axe and a Broadsword? One for hacking and slashing, the other for parrying and stabbing. And together for blocking, or locking a weapon inside the gap the axe and sword would make when crossed together, so you can then pull on the weapon (say a spear), from the owner's hand and essentially disarm them?

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1 hour ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

What about an axe and a Broadsword? One for hacking and slashing, the other for parrying and stabbing. And together for blocking, or locking a weapon inside the gap the axe and sword would make when crossed together, so you can then pull on the weapon (say a spear), from the owner's hand and essentially disarm them?

Never tested anything heavier than a bastarda, especially not an axe - too dangerous. May be, but IMO the broadsword would be a bit unwieldy in this combination; probably the combination short-sword (most underrated weapoin ever) and hatchet would work better.

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51 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

If we are talking about living spren blades, couldn't the spren just transform into a shorter blade if the enemy gets past the blades reach?

This was my suggestion if you have two living blades:

On 6/17/2016 at 11:00 AM, CaptainRyan said:

If a KR could somehow end up with two live "blades" (i.e. two Nahel bonds - which I think Brandon has suggested is extremely rare but possible) then using a Shardweapon and a Shardshield would be pretty op


Sword and shield seems to be the strongest "dual-wield" pairing imo.

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