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Long Game 22: Corenne al'Daishar -  Return to Glory, or, The Return of the Blood Battle
Wheel of Time Elimination

Mayor Twim Calberen awoke from the horrible nightmare he had been having, dispelling horrible images of war and death, betrayal and blood. Light blind me, but that dream felt so real!

He stood up and looked around his room, the same office he had used for the last dozen years or so, ever since becoming the Mayor of the quaint little village of Drell’s Crossing. He stood up, wincing at the aches and cracking joints that accompanied his morning routine as he stretched the wariness out of his bones before walking over to his desk. He forgot to put out his candle out before retiring the night before, he noticed, as he moved the fine sea folk porcelain dish holding the melted glob of wax off of the letter he had been reading. That was probably why he had nightmares, considering.


His cousin had written him recently, telling of news and tales, all mostly old and almost guaranteed rumour. False dragons walking the earth? War, famine and disease? The Dead rising from the grave? Next the fool would start talking about the approach of Tarmon Gai’don! Surely his cousin’s talk of weird dreams and repeating nightmares had gotten the fancy into his head, and that would explain the dreams from the night before. Although this Hinterstap didn’t sound like a village Twim Calberen wanted to be visiting anytime soon!


He idly traced his finger over the final sentence his cousin had written him. Corenne al’Daishar. Mayor Twim was rusty on his Old Tongue, but he was certain that translated to “Return to Glory”. Either that, or “The Return of Bloody Battles”, which didn’t sound nearly as promising.


Still, with an uneasy feeling and a dark feeling of dread slowly settling over him, Twim Calberen decided to greet the day with a smile, as sometimes that’s what being Mayor was all about. It was time to say hello to all the wonderful citizens of his lovely town, Drell’s Crossing.




It's that time again! This is going to be a rerun of LG6, with just a few slightly tweaked rules, so read carefully! Also, if enough players sign-up, I'll also add in the Warder Role down below! (Highlighted in Orange). I will let you know before the game begins if any Warders are included or not!

Villager:A regular, vanilla character. Who needs powers to be a hero? Each night you get to give a player a Dragon’s Fang*

Darkfriend: A group of dedicated servants of evil. You and your small group have been given orders to infiltrate and destroy this town from the inside out. You get to conspire in a secret Doc with the other Darkfriends and the Forsaken. **They also have special rules if Corrupted.


Forsaken: The Leader of the Darkfriends.Get to conspire with them in a Doc. When Viewed shows up as a 'Villager', or they can perform an additional Night Kill for the Darkfriends. If they perform the extra night kill, their actions can be Tracked the next day and any Viewings on them the night they perform the kill will reveal them as 'Forsaken'. Can not be Corrupted by Padan Fain.


Wisdom: Has honed the powers of saving people to almost an instinct. Can target somebody once per night and protect them from one Kill. Can not target self. Can not save from lynch.


Wolfbrother: You feel the call of the Moon and your nocturnal brethren. Can target somebody to Hunt and Kill once per night.


Viewer: Can see images and auras around people. Once per night can target somebody and find out their Role and Alignment


Thief-taker: You can smell evil and find out past crimes. During the Day Cycle, you can target somebody and at the beginning of the next Night Cycle, you will find out who, if anybody, they targeted the Night Before.


Whitecloak: As a Child of the Light, it is your duty to root out criminals. Once per Day, during the Day Cycle, you can choose a player to Detain during the Night. This prevents any Night Actions performed against the target, and prevents the target from performing any Night Actions. Can not target self.


Dreamwalker: You have mastered the World of Dreams. At night you can flee to The World of Dreams and can’t be targeted that Night. Except if the Forsaken targets you for a kill, you, then they can still kill you. Players are allowed to send PMs during the Night Cycle while you live. When there are no living Dreamwalkers, messages can’t be sent.

Aiel-blooded: You may not look it, but you have hardened Aiel blood in your veins. You can survive one lynching or Night kill. The fact you survived an attack or lynching be revealed in the write-up, but not your alignment or role.


Ta'veren: The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. Except when you're involved, as people have always told you how the Pattern of the Wheel seems to bend around you, either forcing you or those near you to take different actions and choices they wouldn't have otherwise. Once per night you can target a player and re-direct their actions to another player of your choice (Not yourself)

Channeler: A wildling user of the One Power. You can chose one of your Weaves to cast per Night Cycle. Once you use all 5 weaves you becomes Burned Out and show up as a regular Villager. You can only use each Weave once.
Air- Hands of Air protect a target from Night Kill. Not yourself
Fire – Hurl a Fireball at target, performing a Night Kill.
Water –  Cast Mask of Mirrors on a target at night, making them Untargetable for the Night.
Earth – Use Earth to harden your skin, allowing you to negate any one possible Night Kill against you. Can also be used to Survive a lynch. (You send the order in during the Day cycle you’re getting lynched, if so)
Spirit – Lash out at somebody with a weave of Spirit, Role-Blocking their Night Action.

Channelers also start the game Bonded to a Warder. You know who the Warder is, but not their Alignment. You can PM with your Warder for the duration of the game, regardless of the Dreamwalker being alive or not.
*If your Warder dies, you die two full cycles after that. But you can reuse any Weaves you used once before again.

Warder*: Warders start off the game paired with a Channeler. They know the identity of the Channeler, but not their Alignment. The Channeler and Warder can PM together throughout the duration of the game, regardless of a Dreamwalker being alive or not. If your Channeler would die, you sacrifice yourself in their place and die instead. Doesn’t save from a lynch. IF your Channeler is lynched, you have 2 Cycles left to live, and get to make 1 kill to avenge them.


Padan Fain: You carry with you the Taint of Shadar Logath. You can Corrupt up to X number of players throughout the game. (X based off of number of players) Corrupted players have their own Doc to communicate in. Padan Fain can not Corrupt the Forsaken, if they target them the action will appear to be Role-blocked.


Fain also shows up as a regular villager when scanned. He’s tricky like that.

**Darkfriends that get Corrupted are capable of winning as either a Darkfriend or a Corrupted.

Town Mayor: During the day, the town can hold public elections to elect a Town Mayor. The Mayor has influence throughout the town, so therefore they can either have their Vote count for double, OR, they can cancel out somebody else’s vote for that cycle. This power can be used the Cycle you get elected.


Dragon's Fang: At night, Villagers without any special Roles get to help the village hunt down any possible darkfriends. Once a Night, they can submit a player they want to give a Dragon’s Fang. The player with the most votes for a Dragon Fang gets revealed in the Day write-up, and has an automatic vote placed against them for the lynch that Day.



Villagers win if they eliminate all of the Darkfriends and Corrupted. Darkfriends win if they outnumber the other players. The Corrupted and Padan Fain win if they outnumber the other players.


General Mafia Rules in effect. Each player is assigned a Role and Alignment at the beginning of the Game, and then they can post Votes in the thread during the Day Cycle, and send in any Role Actions whenever appropriate. The player with the most Votes tallied against them is Lynched at the end of the Day Cycle, Mayor votes and Dragon Fangs are included.


Day Cycles will be 48hours long, and Night Cycles will last 24 hours, or end whenever all Night Actions are sent in. If you chose not to use an Action for the Night, still send a PM declaring your action to be “None”.


How Write-ups will work: Votes will be posted publicly in the thread with a list of who voted for whom, etc.


Night event write-ups will work like this:
-Wolfbrother kills will be obvious. (Wolves swarm the victim)
-When Padan Fain converts somebody, it will be mentioned in the write-up, denoted with the appearance of the evil white fog, Mashadar.**
-Darkfriend and Forsaken kills appear the same
-Wisdom healing somebody is only mentioned if they actually save the Target from Death
-Whitecloak, If somebody is Detained, it is shown in the write-up, but not who was Detained or who Detained somebody
-Channelers Fireball will be revealed in the write-up if used, and the other powers depending on if they interacted with any other Roles. (If Hands of air actually save somebody, Earth Skin will be written up the same way as Aiel-Blooded, Spirit and Water Actions won’t be revealed in write-up)
-If your Action gets Role-blocked or doesn’t go through, it won’t be revealed in the write-up and you will just be informed your Action was ‘unsuccessful”.
-If a Channeler gets roleblocked, then it counts as the weave never being used, and you can still use it later. (Unless Two Channelers use Spirit on each other, then they’re both used up)
- Dreamwalkers detained by a Whitecloak can still be targeted by Forsaken for a kill

Quick Links to the Beginning of Each Turn

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Player List:

  1. Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
  2. Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius
  3. Elbereth - Lomion
  4. Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
  5. Nyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
  6. AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
  7. Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols
  8. Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
  9. Phattemer - Ana-alline
  10. Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
  11. Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother
  12. The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
  13. Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
  14. ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei
  15. Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow
  16. Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
  17. WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
  18. Bugsy - The aging town librarian
  19. Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law
  20. TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
  21. GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman
  22. ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
  23. RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
  24. IrulelikeStink - ???
  25. jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
  26. OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger
  27. Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer

- Darkfriends and Corrupted win conditions state they must outnumber all other teams in order to win, so a tie between the two would keep the game running until one side has superior numbers.

- Padan Fain does count as a Corrupted, for all necessary win-cons.

- You do not get notified if you are being detained until the Night cycle write-up, when all actions go through.

- A Dreamwalker who has been Detained during the night but doesn't go to the World of Dreams can not be targeted by the Forsaken for a kill.

- Viewers do get results on whether a player is a Corrupted or not. But Corruption goes through on the Stack after Viewing, so you wouldn't know if that player was converted that night you targeted them or not. ;)

 The Stack would look like the following:
Whitecloak > Roleblocks/Dreamwalking > Redirects > Viewing > Protection > Corruption > Kills


Keep 'em coming! And I also encourage as much RP as possible between characters and players! The more you build your character, the better the write-ups, and the more fun we all have! Let's see how much we can build this village up before we tear it all down! ;)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Sure, why not. I'll sign up as Eryn, a Cairhienin "Maiden of the Sword." She's staying at the village's inn after getting separated from her "society" while traveling and then getting lost in the woods. It's hard to follow in the footsteps of the Aiel when you have no sense of direction!

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Time to pull yet another name out of my "Big Box of Welsh names" (a.k.a behindthename.com :P)


I'll sign up as Llewella Rhysdaughter, a travelling scholar of Andoran descent, come to Drell's Crossing to study a particularly interesting lead regarding the town's role during early White Tower history.


Anyone up for doing some RP this game?

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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time! Which also happens to be one of my favorite series ever written, all 14 books, including the 3 that Brandon Sanderson wrote to finish the series! And I'll also encourage as much RP as possible from all the players! The more you do, the better my write-ups will become!

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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time! Which also happens to be one of my favorite series ever written, all 14 books, including the 3 that Brandon Sanderson wrote to finish the series! And I'll also encourage as much RP as possible from all the players! The more you do, the better my write-ups will become!


How much... how to put it... destruction, can we cause?

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I'll join as Ana-Alline. Also, since both the dark friends and the corrupted only need to outnumber the other players, could they win with each other if a darkfriend was corrupted and there were equal numbers of uncorrupted darkfriends and non-darkfriend corrupted?

So there would be 2 corrupted, 1 both, and 2 darkfriends. Since both teams have 3, do they both win?

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Keland is the half-brother to the town fool, Witless. In an alternate universe, Witless was once an Aiel-Blooded Mayor, but that's just not his destiny in this universe. Keland is the innkeeper of The Golden Dagger, the town inn, and while he runs a pretty tight establishment, he usually lets his (half) brother sleep in the stable loft when there aren't many guests. He's a good brother like that.

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A man selling dirt. What has the world come too? Wait! Even worse, two people actually bought a bag each! This man has to be insane, but I will find out myself. Lorien walked up to the man and asked about the dirt and how much it cost.

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