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Question on Feruchemy


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Say someone could compound Cadmium, and therefore not ever have to breathe EVER...would their lungs eventually atrophy, or does THE REQUIRED SECONDARY POWERS of tapping Breath maintain the lungs?...same question with Bendalloy and the stomach.


I suspect that tapping the power would compensate for any entropy. We saw in Well of Ascension that Sazed's organs compensated for its unnatural bulk while tapping Strength. I don't think it is too far of a stretch to think a Gasper's lungs would compensate similarly while compounding.

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I don't think lungs can athrophize, even if they are never used. muscles do because the body is made to save energy and dismantles them if it feels it won't need them, but there is no mechanism to lose the lungs. the lungs muscles could be lost, though. maybe. but it's unlikely one would never breath, even with cadmium, because breathing is done unconsciously.

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I don't think lungs can athrophize, even if they are never used. muscles do because the body is made to save energy and dismantles them if it feels it won't need them, but there is no mechanism to lose the lungs. the lungs muscles could be lost, though. maybe. but it's unlikely one would never breath, even with cadmium, because breathing is done unconsciously.

...thanks for clearing that up. Although, after a while, the body could shut down the lungs if the brain recognizes that "Hey, continually tapping breath? Well, I don't need these anymore."

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...thanks for clearing that up. Although, after a while, the body could shut down the lungs if the brain recognizes that "Hey, continually tapping breath? Well, I don't need these anymore."

There isn't anything for the brain to shut down.  All breathing is just the result of air pressure and the diaphragm letting the lungs expand.


Like king of nowhere said, the diaphragm might eventually atrophy though.

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