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Game: Scenes that Brandon will most likely write about


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The rules are pretty simple: Player 1 gives some character, place, leitmotiv about that Brandon will likely write in the future (In the best-case about somebody/something from an ongoing series). Player 2 describes in short a scene that will likely happen with them. Then he/she gives some character/place etc. for player three...




Player 1:



Player 2:
Kaladin lashing a spear with a multiple simple lashing into something very big and hard to kill. Most likely it won't work, but it will give him all the neccessary edge later.


So, I start:

Waxillium Ladrian

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Wax arguing with Marasi that no matter how badly she wants to investigate, it feels like a really, really bad idea to approach the bald guy with the black sword that leaks smoke.



...ok, fine.


Slightly more realistically,


Wax and Sazed have another 'out of body' power session discussion about some new revelation Wax has made regarding the outside threat to Scadrial.  This discussion leads to a revelation about the possibility of actually moving to those other worlds, and/or time bubbling to the future.


Next up,


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Kelsier meets with his parents and struggles to tell them what happened to Tien. They try to comfort him, he tries to comfort them and everyone (including the readers) cries, because this scene is harrowing.



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Kelsier meets with his parents and struggles to tell them what happened to Tien. They try to comfort him, he tries to comfort them and everyone (including the readers) cries, because this scene is harrowing.


That's Kaladin.

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Gah, I keep on mistaking those two names. Why do we have to have two leading men with psychological problems and names starting with "K"?  <_<


Aaanyway... Vasher/Zahel. Encountering Szeth, he coldly states "it's my sword" and proceeds to wreck Szeth, or at least try to, to get Nightblood back. 



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Kelsier arguing with Sazed about some unimportant things (maybe Sazed trying to convince Kelsier with some Religion :P )


I just want to say, if this happens, Kelsier will probably say something like "I am a religion" and then sunglasses will appear on his face and Sazed will explode for no reason.

Mraize: Mraize will pull some sort of magical item out of his collection and use it to wreck Voidbringers unexpectedly.


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I just want to say, if this happens, Kelsier will probably say something like "I am a religion" and then sunglasses will appear on his face and Sazed will explode for no reason.



Well, that would be great, but probably Sazed would just teach Kelsier things about himself, as he is now "God". But in the end, the church of the survivor is way cooler then just praying to a shard.


Marsh: In the lost metal, he and Kel will fight and one of them dies, Marsh fighting for Harmony, and Kelsier... well for whatever reason / side. He's Kel and doesn't need good reasons (would be epic, 2 brothers fighting, both are now fullborn, but I'd hate to see that fight happen).



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Hoid worldhops to Scadrial, snatches Wayne from his sleep and worldhops to Roshar. 


Cue Mission Impossible music. Wayne dumps a water tower on top of the Radiants when Hoid finishes telling some elaborate joke to Dalinar.



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Harmony tells Wax more about the organization attacking Scadrial that makes a lot more sense to people who are Cosmere-aware, and Wax takes that information and uses it as the basis for a battle plan.

Amaram (no, you can't kill him. Think of him as Nighthound)

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Harmony tells Wax more about the organization attacking Scadrial that makes a lot more sense to people who are Cosmere-aware, and Wax takes that information and uses it as the basis for a battle plan.

Amaram (no, you can't kill him. Think of him as Nighthound)

Amaram gets told off by Talenalat for bringing the voidbringers back (or trying to).


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Ialai corners Adolin and threatens to reveal his part in Sadeas' murder to Dalinar unless Adolin does her a favour. And then another. And another. 


Siri (yes, I am re-reading Warbreaker...)

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