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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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1 minute ago, Slowswift said:

Nope. :P It's about a murder aboard an underwater train.

I should probably clarify my earlier post, huh?

Huh, that does sound interesting but now I kind of want a story about magic flags that gain their powers (and maybe sentience/sapience as well) from heraldry. :mellow: 

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Do you want something really random? Behold!

One of the most popular threads on subreddit populated entirely by bots: https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditsimulator/comments/3as5dl/_/

It's short and glorious. My favorite: 


Getting up every hour trying to shift your back into a cup would work well. I would very much like to know where you got that idea from. If you play a wind instrument, jog in place for a couple minutes of cold water to it when youve made it.

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5 minutes ago, Quiver said:

I've had to read BBC'S debate covered, so maybe this is biased, but:

How is Trump even still an option here?

I was thinking about if their roles were reversed.

Surely if Trump was a woman, spouting absolute nonsense, contradicting her own spokespeople, lying about what she has and hasn't done, hating men, hiding her tax returns etc etc. surely, surely she'd be laughed out of the running?

And if Hillary was a guy responsible for Benghazi and dodgy emails and and doing a lot of other messed up stuff, 'he' would just be any other politician with questionable morals who would be elected to leadership anyway because there's no such thing as an honest politician?

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

I was thinking about if their roles were reversed.

Surely if Trump was a woman, spouting absolute nonsense, contradicting her own spokespeople, lying about what she has and hasn't done, hating men, hiding her tax returns etc etc. surely, surely she'd be laughed out of the running?

And if Hillary was a guy responsible for Benghazi and dodgy emails and and doing a lot of other messed up stuff, 'he' would just be any other politician with questionable morals who would be elected to leadership anyway because there's no such thing as an honest politician?

I sincerely doubt that Hillary's crimes would be overlooked if she was male. To be honest, as I see it they're overlooked too much now as it is- if anyone else in the government had done what she'd done, accidental or not, they'd at least lose their security clearance and most would lose their jobs.

In conclusion, both Hillary and Trump are terrible people who should not be possible presidential candidates, but here we are.

I'm going to go hide under a rock for the next four years. Who's with me? :lol:

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2 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

I sincerely doubt that Hillary's crimes would be overlooked if she was male. To be honest, as I see it they're overlooked too much now as it is- if anyone else in the government had done what she'd done, accidental or not, they'd at least lose their security clearance and most would lose their jobs.

In conclusion, both Hillary and Trump are terrible people who should not be possible presidential candidates, but here we are.

I'm going to go hide under a rock for the next four years. Who's with me? :lol:

How about this rock? 




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8 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

I sincerely doubt that Hillary's crimes would be overlooked if she was male. To be honest, as I see it they're overlooked too much now as it is- if anyone else in the government had done what she'd done, accidental or not, they'd at least lose their security clearance and most would lose their jobs.

In conclusion, both Hillary and Trump are terrible people who should not be possible presidential candidates, but here we are.

I'm going to go hide under a rock for the next four years. Who's with me? :lol:

Dibs on this rock :ph34r:




Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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14 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

@Darkness Ascendant

You think davinci or michaelangelo never made a mistake with charcoal? They would never have gotten to where they are if they had t made mistakes along the way, but the paintings/ sculptures still turned out fine. Look at the monalisa. He painted that on top of another painting! Regardless, my point is, we don't care if you make mistakes. We are all here simply waiting, whether it's for friendship, beauty, or a (semi) holy short story currently being written by an aquaintance.# kindofmagicrocks!

Right now, we're waiting for you. We have respect and admiration for you and your creations. Nothing can truly be terrible in the light of that, right? Just show us your masterpiece and whatever good comes of it will come.

All my regards and good intentions,


Thanks Shadow. I will post when I am bothered taking a photo. I'm not all too miffed about the mistakes. It's just that I didn't honeslty give it my best shot :/ The hierophant looks good tho @bleeder

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