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[Calamity Spoiler] Post-Reckoners


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I don't know if people have already heard about this but during the Calamity signing Brandon mentioned that there is going to be another series in the Reckonerverse that is currently being called “Apocalypse Guard” and it will take place in the alternate reality that Megan see's in Calamity. Its going to be about a team that travels to parallel universes to prevent world-ending events.


The release of the first book is currently planned for between Stormlight​ 3 and 4.


I'm super ex​cited for this series!


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I don't know if people have already heard about this but during the Calamity signing Brandon mentioned that there is going to be another series in the Reckonerverse that is currently being called “Apocalypse Guard” and it will take place in the alternate reality that Megan see's in Calamity. Its going to be about a team that travels to parallel universes to prevent world-ending events.


The release of the first book is currently planned for between Stormlight​ 3 and 4.


I'm super ex​cited for this series!

Ah, so it will be the YA series that replaced Dark One. Sounds fun!

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So the setting is Invocation-verse rather than Calamity-verse? But the main characters are from somewhere else?


Yeah, it sounded like the original setting would be Invocation-verse but they would travel to other alternate realities (including possibly Calamity-verse). He didn't say who the main characters will be, but hinted that they might be from Invocation-verse.


I personally hope David and the other Reckoners will still be in it and possibly be main characters.

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One of the signing reports mentions Brandon commenting that Mizzy is the likely PoV.


From what I've read from the various signings this isn't really the case.

The next series, Apocalypse Guard, will take place in one of the alternate universes (the Reckoners Quantum Multiverse is what Brandon calls it). It will give us more insight in Calamity's species and interdimensional travel, Core Possibilities and all such things...

Mizzy would be the protagonist of a possible Second Reckoners Trilogy. Brandon isn't even sure he will do it but it could contain things like Abraham's backstory and background on other cities, as both are things he has recently RAFO'd because he only wants to canonize them when he actually writes it.


So nope Mizzy isn't really the protagonist of Apocalypse Guard and I really doubt the ties to the Reckoners Universe will be that strong, except for the obvious Calamity tie-in.

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From what I've read from the various signings this isn't really the case.

The next series, Apocalypse Guard, will take place in one of the alternate universes (the Reckoners Quantum Multiverse is what Brandon calls it). It will give us more insight in Calamity's species and interdimensional travel, Core Possibilities and all such things...

Mizzy would be the protagonist of a possible Second Reckoners Trilogy. Brandon isn't even sure he will do it but it could contain things like Abraham's backstory and background on other cities, as both are things he has recently RAFO'd because he only wants to canonize them when he actually writes it.


So nope Mizzy isn't really the protagonist of Apocalypse Guard and I really doubt the ties to the Reckoners Universe will be that strong, except for the obvious Calamity tie-in.


Thanks for the details!

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