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WoB from the Denver Signing


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So I made a theory about the cause of the cause of the Recreance, here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53011-bavadin-breaker-of-the-oathpact-and-cause-of-the-recreance/


At the Denver signing, I asked Brandon this: (paraphrased)


ME: Could Honor and Autonomy be considered opposites, like, Autonomy freeing from Honor's oaths?


BRANDON: Yes, you could definitely think of it that way. Those two are more likely to be opposed than some others.


While this doesn't confirm my theory, it is noteworthy that these two oppose each other. 

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On the other hand, he didn't say they were the most opposite to each other. Only that there are those who would be less opposite.

He also said before that not all shards have complete opposites, so it might be the closest they have for an opposing shards (for Honor at least, for Autonomy there is possibly Dominion which sound like an even better fitting opposing shard).

(Also, in my opinion, even Preservation and Ruin, which are the closest shards we know of to be opposites to each other aren't a perfect match (a duel shard of Ruin and Cultivation would be the best opposition to Preservation)).

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I would also say that Odium and Honor seem to be opposed, too. Honor=binding things together/Odium=breaking things apart.


But the more I think about Shards, the more I like that not all of them have perfect opposites. It really makes for more conflict opportunities as he expands things.

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I don't know if Odium is about breaking things apart, at least not natively. The way I see it, hate is a connecting emotion - you can't hate (in) the void, you need a subject to hate, and that forms a connection. It's not a good connection, but it is there.

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So basically, in the end Honor and Odium are actually both related to binding people . . . one of the constructive sort and one of the negative sort.

Cultivation is, on the other hand, singled out as relating more to "change", where Ruin is the negative and Preservation is the complete absence of.

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It's a restrictive - binding, if you will - categorization of these Shards, but not an invalid one, I think.

Intents are much more varied in nature, I'd agree, but I just intended to categorize them from one perspective. There are plenty of other ways.

Same with grouping types of people really. It's never truly accurate, just there to analyze a particular characteristic. You have to read all classifications to get a good picture of a guy.

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