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Mistings with jobs!!!


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How about a Pulser Paramedic? They'd be the first on the scene and could slow time for critical patients, allowing additional help to arrive or to reduce the time they need to spend in transit to the hospital. Since in many cases (heart attack, bad wounds) every second counts, being able to reduce the time spent waiting for proper treatment could save lives.

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On 6/16/2016 at 10:38 AM, FeatherWriter said:

Alright, I'll throw my personal favorite into the ring: Connector Diplomat. Store some Feruchemical connection, travel to far off lands, tap and instantly become a fluent speaker who's great at meeting people. Honestly, the ability to speak a land's language as though you'd grown up there yourself is the most interesting ability to me. 

That reminds me...when someone taps connection, do you have to "direct" it in a way? ...say you store/compound a TON of connection. Would you have to designate a spiritual connection formed by tapping as a connection to something? Say...you store up connection to a friend or acquaintance. Could you then tap that connection, designate that connection as a connection to...say...Roshar (because  you're suddenly a worldhopper...for reasons...), and immediately speak the language of the place you're in? Or do you need to store specific connection to a place to tap connection to another place?

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/8/2016 at 0:01 PM, Irkutsk said:

Cadmium as a night guard, or any other job that requires a lot of waiting. You could speed through it in an instant.

Also, tapping bronze for the same job. 

On 2/8/2016 at 0:01 PM, Irkutsk said:

I wonder if it would be illegal to hire a rioter to riot hunger in passerby near your restaurant... It seems like there is a lot of potential for shady business practices with Zinc and Brass.

Yes. Allomantic Agreement of '94.

On 2/17/2016 at 0:59 AM, hoidhunter said:

This is a little bit of an aside...but I would love to see some type of sporting event where each team is composed of one of each type of misting.

The Allolympics?

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On 2/12/2016 at 2:47 PM, hwiles said:

KidWayne:  Love the addition, you're almost certainly right that this would only work once, so let's make it count:


I left out some back-of-the-envelope calculations before-



  • 1 nugget of bendalloy compresses 2 minutes into approximately 15 seconds according the the coppermind
  • In BoM Wayne makes a bubble with a radius of 5ft
  • We have WoBs that multiple overlapping bubbles multiply the temporal effects and cadmium bubbles exactly cancel out bendalloy bubbles
  • Thus, cadmium slows time down for the user by roughly a factor of 8


  • Let's say 1 nugget of bendalloy is about 1 cubic centimeter (which seems pretty big to me) that should be about 8 grams
  • I don't know how fast mistings use cadmium, let's just say it's the same rate as bendalloy for simplicity
  • Thus bendalloy, and therefore cadmium, get burned at about 4 grams/minute (as felt by the user)
  • If we have people squat on the ground closely packed they'll each take up something like 2 square feet
  • For simplicity, let's say all Pulsers' bubbles are roughly the same size
  • All Pulsers have $5,000 in liquid assets they're willing to put toward this cause
  • Cadmium costs $2 per kilogram



A bunch of 18 year old pulsers sit tightly packed in a circle with a radius of 2.5ft, so if any one of them puts up a bubble all of the others will be in it.  They pool their money into a brokerage account, let's say that, long-term, they can expect something like 8% average annual return (which I think sounds reasonable?).  They realize they IRS will be coming after them once they're 70.5, so to avoid the worst legal problems they agree to stop time traveling after 52 years.




pi()*2.5= 19.6 Let's call that 20 square feet of sitting space for our pulsers, giving us room for 10 of them

10^8 = 100,000,000

our pulsers can therefore slow time for themselves by a factor of a billion

525,600 minutes in a year * 52 years = rounds to 27,000,000 minutes they need to pass

27,000,000/100,000,000 = 0.27 minutes = 16 seconds

4 grams of cadmium /minute = 0.067 grams/second

Each pulser only needs about 1 grams of cadmium


So 10 pulsers pulsing together for 16 seconds jumps them 52 years into the future. Neat.  Now, how much money do they make?


Total = Starting capital * (1+ average yearly return) ^ years passed

Total = $50,000 * (1.08)^52 = $2,700,000 or $270,000 per person (before any taxes or fees of course)

Total expenses = $2/1000 grams * 1 gram = $0.02 (lol)




10 pulsers crammed next to each other can jump 52 years forward by turning on their bubbles for about 16 seconds and make a lot of money.



Edit:  Embarrassingly bad math earlier, think it's fixed now, but again, these are back of the envelope calculations, so it's meant to be a little hand-wavy

One thing you forgot about. It's not something mathematical. It is the fact that there are still things you can do in those 50 years. I had this idea while reading your post and it legitimately made me laugh out loud. You basically set yourselves up in a museum in the meantime. I am sure there are plenty of people who would pay good money to see people that were last aware of what has been going on years ago. It would be like paying to see Captain America while he is still in ice. At a conservative estimate, you should be able to make, say, $10 a day on average from the outset (simplified, I know, but math is hard). So if we add in daily contributions to the account in the form of $10, then your final value after 52 years of 8% interest from $5000 a person compounded annually comes out to $194,790 made honestly with your $10/day, while your total account balance per person is $2,620,812 plus change. That is almost as much as all 10 people get in your example.

On the other hand, I can see your value as a museum attraction fluctuating a lot over time. You would probably experience a huge burst at first as everyone comes to see the idiots, but then nobody would be interested any more for a few years. Over time though, a small interest would build up again because now you are a lot further behind the times. I could see an anniversary thing going on every year (preferably before the compound date, I'm not sure how that would work) where some people come to see you. Around the 50 year anniversary, people would start coming in droves again because of how much sheer time you have been out. You would be truly fascinating. I would pay 10 bucks right now to go see someone who experienced the last 50 years in a few seconds. This means that your principle would effectively be much larger, but you would get much lower payments until the very end where they matter a lot less.

To make people more amenable to seeing it, you could pass it off as a scientific inquiry. Think of the applications for linguistics and anthropology! This would let you get away with this investing scheme more easily. If you want to let it a solid couple minutes instead (and reduce the margin of error) you could bring a scientist in place of one of your pulsers.

To go back to the original topic, tin born (either type, though Feruchemical tin might be better) could be quality inspectors. They can look for minute problems that would escape the normal eye. A low Feruchemical zinc tap would also help you process what you are seeing to make you better at finding problems.

If we include other planets in this, making another Nightblood-esque object that isn't so... broken would be really cool. Say, for example, the plow that never stops plowing.

While it might not be a terribly powerful method, using those Aon plates that emit light that are all over Elantris, you could put them face down on a solar panel. Then you can stack those up and put them literally anywhere, even underground.

As a therapist, you could tap Connection to a person to get a better understanding of them.

If you upgrade the primer cube tech and use zinc/brass on it, you could have a long lasting short range emotional boost. This could treat all kinds of mental disorders.

I just realized something else as well, could you use zinc to flare determination in someone, then have them store it kinda like compounding?

Pewter/Cadmium Twinborn would make excellent free divers.

Feruchemical chromium would be excellent for investors. Put up a paper full of different stocks, and tap luck while throwing a dart at the paper.

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37 minutes ago, Clattanoia said:

Not sure if anyone else put this but what about a chromium Twinborn as a blackjack or poker dealer or something make the casino loads of money and get famous as the one dealer who can't be beaten and just hide the metal minds

I'm not sure it works like that - I mean, aren't the players playing against each other? Could somebody explain?

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18 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

I'm not sure it works like that - I mean, aren't the players playing against each other? Could somebody explain?

Usual blackjack in a casino has the house play as well, with a set of rules dictating how it acts. Poker would be against other gamblers only and not the house so it wouldn't work there, as far as I'm aware.

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21 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

I'm not sure it works like that - I mean, aren't the players playing against each other? Could somebody explain?

I don't know. I don't gamble or play anything like that I just know stuff from the internet and I think it's like that. but I do know that in one casino card game (I think it's poker but I'm not sure that's right) that the dealer puts out a set of cards that the players use for things like straights, and pairs, and things.

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1 hour ago, Clattanoia said:

I don't know. I don't gamble or play anything like that I just know stuff from the internet and I think it's like that. but I do know that in one casino card game (I think it's poker but I'm not sure that's right) that the dealer puts out a set of cards that the players use for things like straights, and pairs, and things.

You're thinking of Texas Hold'em, it's a popular version of poker in upscale casinos.  By the way, welcome to the forums!  I'd definitely like to see a chromium twinborn Mat Cauthon-ing their way across the Cosmere (Wheel of Time reference, sorry).

If I was perpetually lucky I don't think I'd commit myself to a single job, I'd just wander around enjoying how everything miraculously worked out for me.  You're never going to find a winning lottery ticket while wandering down a dark alley alone after bumping into Ironeyes and Vasher who, for seemingly no reason, decided to share their knowledge of Hemalurgy and Awakening with you after gifting you with a set of spikes and a few hundred Breaths if you're stuck inside all day working.  :ph34r:

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6 hours ago, hwiles said:

You're thinking of Texas Hold'em, it's a popular version of poker in upscale casinos.  By the way, welcome to the forums!  I'd definitely like to see a chromium twinborn Mat Cauthon-ing their way across the Cosmere (Wheel of Time reference, sorry).

If I was perpetually lucky I don't think I'd commit myself to a single job, I'd just wander around enjoying how everything miraculously worked out for me.  You're never going to find a winning lottery ticket while wandering down a dark alley alone after bumping into Ironeyes and Vasher who, for seemingly no reason, decided to share their knowledge of Hemalurgy and Awakening with you after gifting you with a set of spikes and a few hundred Breaths if you're stuck inside all day working.  :ph34r:

If you're exceptionally, magically, lucky, then why wouldn't you? :-P


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On September 1, 2016 at 10:22 PM, hwiles said:

You're thinking of Texas Hold'em, it's a popular version of poker in upscale casinos.  By the way, welcome to the forums!  I'd definitely like to see a chromium twinborn Mat Cauthon-ing their way across the Cosmere (Wheel of Time reference, sorry).

If I was perpetually lucky I don't think I'd commit myself to a single job, I'd just wander around enjoying how everything miraculously worked out for me.  You're never going to find a winning lottery ticket while wandering down a dark alley alone after bumping into Ironeyes and Vasher who, for seemingly no reason, decided to share their knowledge of Hemalurgy and Awakening with you after gifting you with a set of spikes and a few hundred Breaths if you're stuck inside all day working.  :ph34r:

Thanks for the card game insight :). Also yeah you're kinda right with the whole not sticking with one job. Also I thought of this just recently for chromium compounders be a police officer who specializes in taking down allomancers (being a leecher and all) and just so insanely lucky that you never get hit by bullets

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/16/2016 at 11:38 AM, FeatherWriter said:

Alright, I'll throw my personal favorite into the ring: Connector Diplomat. Store some Feruchemical connection, travel to far off lands, tap and instantly become a fluent speaker who's great at meeting people. Honestly, the ability to speak a land's language as though you'd grown up there yourself is the most interesting ability to me. That's my dream, honestly. Gimme. 

Other cool misting jobs: I was once in a modern-day Scadrial RP where there was a Pulser who worked on a bomb squad. He went in, popped up a bubble and then set to work diffusing the bomb. Gave everyone on the outside time to evacuate or go get more help in case he couldn't do it himself. That's probably one of my favorite Pulser jobs I've seen.

These are both really cool ideas! 


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  • 4 months later...

I was a swimmer in high school, and I always wished I was a gasper (cadmium ferring). A quirk of swimming technique is that breathing slows you down, so for sprinting races we sometimes hyperventilate to oxygenate our blood and reduce the need to breath. Now if I could use cadmium for that instead, I'd drop some serious time. 

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This makes me wonder how Elendel´s University treat ferring, with misting there are no problem,althoug maybe tineyes could copy in a exam, but for zinc or copper ferring would be easy to pass the exams.

I imagine the other students jealous of the zinc/copper ferring, and they: "Some people are smarter, other are stronger, I can store mental speed/memories, is part of me."

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44 minutes ago, Idealistic Mistborn said:

This makes me wonder how Elendel´s University treat ferring, with misting there are no problem,althoug maybe tineyes could copy in a exam, but for zinc or copper ferring would be easy to pass the exams.

I imagine the other students jealous of the zinc/copper ferring, and they: "Some people are smarter, other are stronger, I can store mental speed/memories, is part of me."

For school sports such as swimming, wrestling, track, etc., metalminds (Zinc, all of the physical ones, including Gold and Cadmium, and Chromium mostly, although others might be confiscated if someone managed to use them to cheat before.) would be confiscated, and there'd probably be a Leecher who drains any Allomancers.

On the academic side of things, Mental Metalminds (Excluding Brass and including Electrum, because Brandon's un-retconnable mistake complicated things a bit.) would probably be allowed for minor assignments and tests, but confiscated for major tests...or not, as they would probably be viewed as perfectly okay. 

Aside from that...I personally think that a Steel/Zinc combination would be awesome for a messenger or freerunner (freeflier?), as they'd be able to calculate proper trajectory, speed, velocity, torque, etc., to fly through the air extremely quickly and efficiently. And I have an idea in my head for a kind of piano, with a lot of metal keys, with individual keyboards spread in a spherical arrangement, which someone could play with the use of Steelpushes. Steel/Tin pianists, anyone?

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So...just get a copper misting or two to stand near an external wall of the classroom, then swallow your metalminds and go nuts.

Or get a couple hemalurgic copper spikes. Or empty your coppermind right before they take it from you. Use a speed bubble to look over your neighbors shoulder covertly or use tin, or tap fortune when you need to guess. Academic integrity on Scadrial is going to be hard to demonstrate, my theory is that they're going to have to take a more...practical approach. It won't be fair, it'll just be less broken that a typical academic system applied to super humans

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59 minutes ago, hwiles said:

So...just get a copper misting or two to stand near an external wall of the classroom, then swallow your metalminds and go nuts.

Or get a couple hemalurgic copper spikes. Or empty your coppermind right before they take it from you. Use a speed bubble to look over your neighbors shoulder covertly or use tin, or tap fortune when you need to guess. Academic integrity on Scadrial is going to be hard to demonstrate, my theory is that they're going to have to take a more...practical approach. It won't be fair, it'll just be less broken that a typical academic system applied to super humans

Once they develop surgical techniques advanced enough to safely implant metal into human bodies (I'm thinking like the titanium pins and screws used in restorative surgery), it'll become impossible to tell if someone has a metalmind/hemalurgic spike. If they can pay for the operation, that is. 

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