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Calamity Tour - Philly, PA


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Some questions that I want to ask Sanderson, but since I am living in Germany, have little chance to ever ask:

What is the percentage of lighteyes in Alethkar and Jah Keved and what is the percentage of parshmen?
Is aon Ati "hope" related to Ati?
Could you create a stamp to forge Sel itself and alter the course of history?
On which side of the Aequator is Elendel? - It seems to be to the south, but what is then in the north?
What is West of Arelon?
What is this Island or peninsula bordering svorden and why is it not conquered by Fjordell?
Who is Senna? (RAFO-triggering)
How did Nazh and Khriss acquired immortality? (RAFO-triggering)
Where, geographically, had the Oathpact been broken?
How did ascended Rashek separate Nobles and Skaa?
How many people are living on Roshar - especially Alethkar?
If you measure a Seon, could you still use it for coversation or would it be locked like a firespren?
Would it have healed Elantris by adding a line on the northeastern corner? Why does eacha Aon need only one chasm line and Not a number corresponding to that of Aon Aons in it?


I would appreciate it very much if some of them would get asked.

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Just saw Brandon there.  I had a few questions.  It went like this:


Brandon: Hey! I've seen you before.


Me: Yeah, I've been to a few of these.


Brandon: Well thanks for coming back.


Me: So, we're told that anyone pierced by metal is vulnerable to the influence of Ruin, and later Harmony.  But the only times we actually see someone being influenced is when it's not just any metal, but an active Hemalurgical spike.


Brandon: Yeah.  It's that anyone pierced can't be trusted.


Me: Because it might be a spike?


Brandon: Yeah.


Me: So then why does the Path say everyone should wear a prayer earring? They can't all be spikes...


Brandon: That's to create a tradition.  Like how Christians wear crosses.


Me: Got it.  So... the unknown spike?


Brandon: Yeah?


Me: Raysium?


Brandon: *grinning* That's a good question.  You know I can't answer that.  *hands me a RAFO card*


Me: Fair enough.  And I just have to ask.  How do you write Wayne?  The guy's obviously a little bit crazy, but the perspective stuff, when we see it from his POV, it actually makes sense.  How do you get your head right for that?


Brandon: I put on his hat. *I laugh, as that's just too perfect* Seriously, though, that's the one part of my writing process I really can't articulate: how I write a character.  I just sort of have to figure out how they think.  Sorry.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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I just got back from the signing and it was a blast. I got  a few questions answered. These answers are from my best memory but Oudeis has a recording so if anything is off we can change it later, but here is the gist.


Q. Did the KR create the shattered plains? ( pet theory of mine)



Q. As of WoR are there 2 groups of Skybreakers running around?

A. The only group of skybreakers is Nale's.


Q. Could a thunderclast exist outside of a desolation.

A. In theory it could, but is highly unlikely.


Q. Would a room full of stormlight lamps heal someone?

A. For a normal person it would have no more of a healing effect than us going out into the normal sun.


Got to meet a bunch of cool sharders and get a group picture taken. Always a good time.

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I asked two questions, but I don't remember them verbatim. Luckily, someone was recording so it should be posted soon. The thing that stood out to me was that Brandon said Allomantic Pewter roughly doubles a person's strength. I was surprised because this was significantly below what I was expecting.

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Hey everyone! Great to meet other Sharders, as ever. I do have the audio transcript; unfortunately, apparently he spoke at some point with someone about someone personally, and he's asked me to go through and clip out that audio before I post it. I believe he said it was pretty close to the end, so hopefully I'll be able to get that up before too very long, and can beg for transcription help.


Him asking me not to post that audio prompted me to stop the recording, so there are a couple of questions asked I didn't get. I remember mine; it's a paraphrase, but his answer was reasonably direct.


I asked, if Shai bonded a Shardblade, could one of her Essence Marks (like Shai-Zan) summon it? He said, she'd have to make an essence mark where her history "split off" more recently than she got the Blade. I asked as a follow-up, what if it was Shai-Zan who bonded it, and he said then only Shai-Zan could summon the Blade, Shai couldn't. I did not at the time think to ask, could she Forge a plausible history where Shai-Zan ALSO bonded the same Blade.


The signing was SUPER AWESOME. Seeing all the fans. Seeing the costumes. Meeting The Man. He had a seriously sore throat but powered through. If you're going to a future signing, the "reading" is different than the one from last tour, and personally I find it REALLY fascinating. I expect I will not be alone in this.


One of my favorite moments: I was dressed as a Mistborn. I saw a guy standing in line in a similar costume. So I grabbed a few clips from my mistsash and threw them at him. He turned around and laughed when he realized what I was doing, and threw some dollar coins (boxings?) at me. We did this for a while before my buddy tricked the other guy into borrowing his sword, not realizing it was Nightblood.


Beyond that, it was hanging out with people, walking to Wawa, discussing deeply realmatic things.


@Art: If you're who I think you are, my buddy was talking the entire drive home about how much he loves his Nightblood drawing. He's certain he's got the only copy of Alcatraz in the world with Nightblood drawn in it by Alcatraz's illustrator in the presence of Brandon himself.

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What a fun singing indeed. Met several nice Sharders and I was the one that tricked the other Mistborn with Nightblood. Sorry to see the demise of that Mistborn, but with Boxings being pushed I thought Oudeis needed some support with Nightblood.

A non recorded question that I asked involved what happens to Hoed who go through the Shardpool. Brandon basically confirmed that the Dor would rip them apart because it takes them into the Cognitive realm.

I asked other questions that were recorded as well and I'll post the paraphrased answers later and update them with the verbatim. One of these that I found interesting though was when I asked if Vathi is in any other published works outside of Sixth of the Dusk and Brandon had to think about it for a while before saying No. Maybe he plans on her being in other works soon?!

@Art thanks for drawing the obviously "canon" Nightblood in my copy of Alcatraz! Brandon jokingly confirmed that it's now the canon image of Nightblood, face and all! ;)

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(left to right - Oudeis, myself, some random dude, Macros, Titan Arum)


I had an awesome time! I really hope I get to make it down to DC at some point and hang out with you guys again sometime.

​I got to ask some of my own questions and some from Oudeis' question cards (by the way, the question cards were an awesome idea, props for making that happen, Oudeis)

​My theory that Mistcloaks were inspired by some ancient worldhopping Nalthian is dead.


Confirmed that a Parshendi heartbeat is "very, very similar" to a human one.


There are shades of animals on Threnody


The way vension on Threnody is butchered basically amounts to "very, very carefully"


​Cognitive shadows travelling to Threnody would not automatically turn into shades


One of the Aviar talents has to do with navigation


but the biggest shocker of the night for me was a RAFO:

​Did Theopolis turn into a shade?  RAFO!!!!!

​Oudeis should have all of these on the transcript, so I'm just paraphrasing for now.

​@art-zealot thanks so much for the shardblade drawing in my Alcatraz book! I love it!

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My questions were the following:

Q: If the power of Adonalsium was intentionally shattered (perhaps to keep it safe), why did some of the shards stay together in one place (like on Sel, Scadrial, and Roshar)? Wouldn't it have been safer to split up?

Brandon: The relationships of the holders of the shards influenced where they went (after the Shattering) more than anything.

Follow Up Q: So friends or lovers stayed together?

Brandon: Well, sure, but the relationships could have been more than just that, but it could have been like a business partnership or something.

Follow Up Q: So have any other shards intentionally allied themselves to one another for various reasons (since the Shattering)?

Brandon: RAFO!

Follow Up Q: What can you tell me about Skai/Dominion's relationship with Aona/Devotion and why they decided to stay together in going to Sel?

Brandon: RAFO!

Q: Have any other shards ever bonded together like Harmony (Preservation and Ruin)?

Brandon: RAFO. You get a card! =)

Q: I have a feeling that the threat of Odium is really a red herring to a greater evil in the Cosmere, perhaps one we're starting to see in BoM?

Brandon: (Smiling with a pause) You'll just have to RAFO!


This was such a cool experience and I'm so amazed that an author would take this kind of time to ask we his fans for questions about his work. I love that even when he wouldn't really answer my questions he still acknowledged my interest with a RAFO card, which I think is the ultimate way to respect fans while still protecting the secrets!

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So This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rulesyeahdiomedes over on tumblr went to this signing:



  • I asked what kind of a limit there was on how fast a Steel Ferring could go. He said that there is a hard limit, but he didn’t know it off the top of his head and he’d have to run the numbers, but that the body can adapt to what feruchemy does, to a certain point.
  • I also asked about whether allomantic power in people is weaker in Wax and Wayne’s time than it was during the Final Empire or right after Sazed’s Ascension, since we know that the power got watered down from the original people that Rashek gave the Lerasium to. Brandon said that, yes, it is a bit weaker, but by Wax and Wayne’s time it’s sort of evened out, which I took to mean that no one is gonna be noticeably stronger or weaker than anyone else.
  • And my last question was about Kandra names, and how they all have two parts. TenSoon, MeLaan, VenDel. I asked whether that was a purely Kandra thing, or if it came from the First Generation and the Terris culture of their time. That one got a RAFO, which is really intriguing.
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Oh hey, I found the right thread. Had a great time at the signing yesterday! It was great meeting a few of you and discussing the Cosmere at Wawa. That was a surreal experience. 


Thanks for convincing me to stop lurking and actually make an account here!


My question was if he could confirm that the Ones Above in Sixth of the Dusk were Scadrians using the connection medallions from Bands of Mourning. He said something along the lines of "People have asked similar questions - I haven't announced it." (I'm sure the exact wording for the answer will show up in the transcription for the event). I joked that it was better than a Read and Find Out and he said it basically was and gave me a RAFO card. So that's something, haha.

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Yeah, there were a decent number of Sharders there, which was nice, and Oudeis had the foresight to print up a ton of question cards - basically index cards with different Cosmere questions printed on them. After we got our books signed, we went back through the line socializing with the people who were waiting. Whenever we heard someone lamenting that they could never think of good questions to ask, Oudeis offered to let them peruse the cards and find a question or two that they liked. It was a really good idea.

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Added the (incomplete) transcript and the audio to the OP. Please help transcribe! The transcription is a very rough one of the first part of the audio. My main concern was getting something up, and listening through until I got to the part Mr. Sanderson asked me to remove.

Edited by Oudeis
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Questions that I asked with their paraphrased answers:

Q: Have we seen Vathi in any of your published works besides Sixth of the Dusk?
A: Uhhhh....long pause as he thinks about it...No

Q: If someone on Nalthis had an Aviar like Kokerlii, would an Awakener's life sense work or would the person be perceived as Drab?
A: Life sense would not work

Q: Drehy is frequently described as being long-limbed and lanky, which reminds me of eunuch Terrismen. Was Drehy born on Roshar?
A: Drehy is based after a friend who is also lanky and long-limbed. It's an inside joke.

Q: Where is Gretgor, the first Wyrn's sword
A: He's enshrined in Fjordell...at the palace, maybe
(Note, I find it interesting that he used a male pronoun for the sword)

Questions not on the recording:

Q: If a Hoed goes through the pool in the mountains, what happens to them when they enter the Cognitive realm?
A: He asked us (a group of Sharders) what we though. He basically confirmed that the Dor rips them apart unless they have other ways to get past it.

Q: Asked about a character in the Oathbringer Dalinar flashback...which he answered in the affirmative. I'll post the real Q and A after the book tour.


I also asked Hayley Lazo, the illustrator for the Alcatraz series, to draw her version of Nightblood in my copy of Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians. She happily obliged (thanks again, @art!). Afterwards I asked Brandon if this could be considered the new "canon" version of Nightblood which he jokingly said "Yes, with the face included!" So, for your viewing pleasure here's what Nightblood really  looks like  ;) :


Edited by Titan Arum
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Q: I have a feeling that the threat of Odium is really a red herring to a greater evil in the Cosmere, perhaps one we're starting to see in BoM?



My sense of it was precisely the opposite.  (See my question that he RAFO'd for my personal theory on the subject.)


Also of interest, and I haven't seen anyone report it on here.  I overheard someone a few places ahead of me in line ask Brandon about the overall chronology, and he said that the Wax and Wayne books were occurring after the Stormlight books.

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THAT IS THE PERSON I'M STUCK ON. He asked first if the guy at the end of Bands of Mourning was (something) and I cannot for the LIFE of me hear what he's saying. You don't by ANY chance have any idea what he said, do you? It was something from Roshar, based on the follow-up, and from what I can determine it sounds like he's saying "piano man tablet". What red-eyed human thing from Stormlight Archive sounds like "piano man tablet"?


Also, sounds like I'll be transcribing you next.

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My sense of it was precisely the opposite.  (See my question that he RAFO'd for my personal theory on the subject.)


Also of interest, and I haven't seen anyone report it on here.  I overheard someone a few places ahead of me in line ask Brandon about the overall chronology, and he said that the Wax and Wayne books were occurring after the Stormlight books.

It's something like Wax and Wayne books take place during the mid-series SA gap now, instead of the modern series.


Chronology is all screwy and seems to change yearly or so now.

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