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Sanderson Twitter Chat tomorrow!


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I think I'll try and choose one question to ask him...


A question I have been meaning to ask for a while but that has been lower on my list than others is "Is Aslydin a Feruchemist" feel free to use it if you want.

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This is the worst. I have a million questions regarding Secret History, and I know it would be bad form to ask them because of how spoilery the novella is...

I know what you mean.... Due to the horror that is snow I had to re-buy The Emperor's Soul, I asked a pretty juicy Secret History question in my inscription.
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I'll have to miss the actual festivities, but I hope that there is going to be archiving of the answers. From a different thread:


  * What would Hoid think of Ym's religion?




  * Has Harmony actually ever talked to another Shard (not Ruin/Preservation)?


  * Are there svarkiss in Bands of Mourning?


  * Did Sazed taking up Ruin and Preservation help or hurt Hoid's plans? (I expect a RAFO here, but...)


  * Are Khriss and Baon part of the same "team" now, or are they working on independent "projects"?


  * Is Cultivation more difficult for Odium to deal with than Honor? Why?


EDIT: a general "What's up with Yolen?" might also be warranted.


Finally, are we allowed to ask Aether of Night/White Sand-the draft questions? Because I want to know where Hoid is in both (there is only a passing mention in one WoBs about White Sand), and how many Shards are on Aether's world.

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I don't use Twitter but if somebody could ask:


Will Kaladin be the only person to break Roshar's orbit?

or ask for any hint of a reason as to WHY Kaladin will break Roshar's orbit, I would be most appreciative.


I don't know how to word it to where he'll understand that I mean without being in a space ship.

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Just in case I don't wake up in time for this, here's a question I'd like to ask:

During WoA, did Sazed ever think of experimenting with Aluminum and Duralumin Feruchemy? Also, did he ever do Feruchemical research on malatium? Or was he simply too focused on religions to think about such things?

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Finally, are we allowed to ask Aether of Night/White Sand-the draft questions? Because I want to know where Hoid is in both (there is only a passing mention in one WoBs about White Sand), and how many Shards are on Aether's world.


I'm not sure whether they'll be allowed.  As for where Hoid is in White Sand, he doesn't actually show up on-screen.  Ais references him as part of a past case he worked.  As for how many shards there are on the Aether world, I'm pretty sure he's said there are only two, and that they were reworked into Ruin and Preservation.


I don't use Twitter but if somebody could ask:


Will Kaladin be the only person to break Roshar's orbit?

or ask for any hint of a reason as to WHY Kaladin will break Roshar's orbit, I would be most appreciative.


I don't know how to word it to where he'll understand that I mean without being in a space ship.


I don't think it's confirmed that he will break orbit?  Just that they had done the math on what it would take, and I took that more as a thought experiment.  I sincerely doubt they would have mentioned it if it had any bearing on future plot events.


Just in case I don't wake up in time for this, here's a question I'd like to ask:

During WoA, did Sazed ever think of experimenting with Aluminum and Duralumin Feruchemy? Also, did he ever do Feruchemical research on malatium? Or was he simply too focused on religions to think about such things?


Brandon has said that Sazed did experiment with malatium but "didn't get far".

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So, for those that don't keep an eye on Brandon's Twitter feed, apparently he's due to make a 'Twitter Chat' 4pm (ET Time Zone/UTC-5) on the 4th of February (tomorrow at the time of this post). Hope to see you all there!


If you have no idea what to ask him, I would recommend checking out the Ultimate List of Questions to ask Brandon.




To get your question answered, you must use the hashtag #SandersonChat.


EDIT: I didn't see that the topic already existed here. Unofficially closing this topic in favour of that one.

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I don't think it's confirmed that he will break orbit?  Just that they had done the math on what it would take, and I took that more as a thought experiment.  I sincerely doubt they would have mentioned it if it had any bearing on future plot events.


True but maybe by asking for more information about it, we can pull some reveal or knowledge out through trickery. The simple fact that they even did that makes me really hyped for some reason and it's one of the few specific things I yearn to learn more about. Don't stomp on my inner-child's fascination. :(

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Okay, so for an actual 'real' question then, could somebody ask:


"What were the largest amount of Shards held at one time?" (Barring Adonalsium itself, if that would technically count.)


"Did any of the original Shardholders hold more than one Shard at one time?"

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I asked 3 questions from the ultimate list of questions, I'll keep you updated as I get answers.

1: Did any of Tindwyl's daughters survive the Catacendre, and if so, did Sazed ever talk to them, before or after his Ascencion?

A: Yes, and RAFO.

2: Did Elend and Vin ever consider parenthood?

A: Not a priority at all, considering their situation. Neither really gave it much thought

3: Can you tell us anything about Night's Sorrow?

A: Almost nobody has ever seen Night's Sorrow.

Edited by Mailliw73
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I asked two questions:


1)Q: Is "Galladon" Galladon's true name ?

   A: It is his birth name, if that's what you're asking.
yes,I had this crazy idea about "people need to have an Aon in the name to be chosen by the Shaod" and Galladon hasn't it
Ah, that's an excellent guess. But no, that isn't the case. It's more about Connection
I was wrong but at least it  seems a good question (link)

2) Q:Does the Divine Breath's Healing works with someone without a Breath (like a Drab or someone not from Nhaltis) ?
A: (He doesn't answer yet)

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I just got my second Brandon-confirmed theory!  I'm so proud!


Q: Are either the blue-skinned Natans or blue-veined Babatharnams human-Aimian hybrids?

A: Yes.


Now I'm VERY curious about whether there is a connection between the Scouring of Aimia, the Shattering of the Plains, and the formation of the Purelake.

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He also confirmed that Book 4's main character is Eshonai for SA.


Szeth had been confirmed several times over for book 3's main character and he still got pushed away. I wouldn't put much faith into this until Brandon actively starts to write it. 

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Szeth had been confirmed several times over for book 3's main character and he still got pushed away. I wouldn't put much faith into this until Brandon actively starts to write it. 


I think close to finish the outline is more like it.

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I'm not sure whether they'll be allowed.  As for where Hoid is in White Sand, he doesn't actually show up on-screen.  Ais references him as part of a past case he worked.  As for how many shards there are on the Aether world, I'm pretty sure he's said there are only two, and that they were reworked into Ruin and Preservation.



White Sand: yes, I have seen that WoB. That lead me on a wild goose chase, but I could not find the appropriate passage. Ais has way too much screen time.


Aether: I have seen Ruin referenced in WoBs, but I have not seen the Preservation reference. My understanding of the Aether world


  is that the non-Ruin Shard on it has a rather complex "structure".  It also sounds *nothing* like Preservation.


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Found this question of ChrisWhite

Q: Could a sentient invested object take up a shard?

A: Highly unlikely, probably impossible--but impossibility is hard to judge


While I am on board the 'Let Nightblood take up Odium and put context to "the weight of God’s own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that gave it context" ' ship it does take a hit here. While I thought that it's the end game of SA if it was the answer we were getting would be  more coy or RAFOing answer.

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Not sure if this was officially asked before, but i got one of my questions answered.


Q: If someone was taping gold, would spiking a separate ability out of them kill them? Or would it work at all?

A: It IS possible to spike someone without killing them.  But they'd never be the same.  It would be worse than being a drab.

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