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[Bands Spoiler] Identity of the One-Eye Spike Man


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If we're looking for all possibilities, remember that scarring oneself is a sign of devotion to the the Survivor.

We don't know when this tradition started, but perhaps if it was fairly early Kelsier could have possessed the body of a zealot willing to give up control over his own body in service of the Survivor.

That is an excellent and awesome point. It would solve the issue as to why does the body he inhabits have scars. upvote!

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1. It cannot be the Lord Ruler--the removal of his bracers caused massive aging and death. Also he wasn't exactly charitable..

2. Could be Kelsier, it is obvious given the clues: the scars, "Survive", etc. The only issue is p 325--was Kelsier ever king? However, if a part of cognitive Kelsier was with Spook while he was the Lord Mistborn then that could be technically true.

3. Spook: Unlikely he was never god (p325).


As far as number 2 is concerned, I think we can all agree that Kelsier would have no problem lying about who or what he is. The King and God thing could just be Kelsier being Kelsier and lying to reach his goals.

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I think it's Kell mostly for meta reasons: these books are also intended for normal people, remember. People who haven't known for three books that Kell was a Cognitive Shadow and thus been half-expecting a return appearance at some point. People who this will be a huge twist to, instead of "oh *that's* what Kell's been doing". People who need all those clues to remember who that guy was again. It only seems so obvious it must be a red herring to us, because we're obsessive. (Same/similar deal for why I think Trell is Odium.)

Also, I've been advocating a kandra-possession Kell theory since around AoL, link's in my sig (though it doesn't account for the spike, I may need to rework it.)

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Or, we're thinking about this all wrong, and Spikey is not a person, but an ideal, spiritual reference, or an organization's logo.   Just think of the Chaos we would cause if we sent 50 US Quarters (one with each state stamped on it).   Would they try and melt it down to see what metal it really was?  Or would they try and figure out what all the symbols meant.    


Also, I don't think we should completely eliminate Marsh for this reason.  

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Or, we're thinking about this all wrong, and Spikey is not a person, but an ideal, spiritual reference, or an organization's logo.   Just think of the Chaos we would cause if we sent 50 US Quarters (one with each state stamped on it).   Would they try and melt it down to see what metal it really was?  Or would they try and figure out what all the symbols meant.    


Also, I don't think we should completely eliminate Marsh for this reason.  

Sure it could be a spiritual reference, except for the fact that Wax uses the copper mind and sees the way a person with one normal eye and one spiked eye would see, as well as noticed the scars on his arms. I am still against it being Marsh as he gets a spike back in the eye that was missing it. He had a lot of feruchemical abilities. If he could have healed his eye after the spike was torn out, then why didn't he then? For that matter, why heal the eye, save the southerners, and then ram a new spike into the healed eye so he can say hi to Marasi later with two spiked eyes? 

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Are we saying that Sovereign made the bands?


So if that is being stipulated, then if we're saying that sovereign is kelsier, did he get all of his feruchemy via hemalurgy then?


What feruchemy has been used by the bands? what i remember is gold, zinc and nicrosil, at least, probably more i've missed as well


then how long would it have taken to put that much of each attribute into the bands?


And what would make kelsier do that, if it was him?


this is just my thought processes with this and questions that came along the way

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Kelsier would make the bands so he could send the Southerners on a worldwide scavenger hunt. Then he drops the rumors of the Lord Ruler's bands in North Scadrial to get them in on it. He uses a pre-existing myth, and alters it, as that is easier than creating a new one. For whatever reason he does not want the North Scadrians to know he is back.

It's easier for Kell to fill the Bands since he would be compounding. There are other tricks as well; he might burn tin and store the enhanced sense. Burn pewter and store the excess strength and health, etc.

As for how he became a feruchemist, I have a few theories. 1) Holding Preservation may have made Kell a stronger allomancer. I believe Rashek became an Allomancer due to holding Preservation. If Kelsier held Ruin, or part of Ruin at some point he could have become a Feruchemist. I admit this is unlikely though.

2)More likely, Kell tapped a Harmonium metal mind. Similar to burning Lerasium, this would make him a Feruchemist, if my theory is correct. I think this is more likely.

3) Kell found a way to alter his sDNA while a cognitive shade to make him a Feruchemist.

On a side note, both Atium and Lerasium enact spiritual effects. I suspect Kell's spike is made of Atium, and will be explained in part in 'The Lost Metal.' I would also not be surprised if Kelsier is using Ati or Leras' body. (With Ati's being more likely to me; I doubt Kell would have an issue using an enemy's body.)

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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