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This probably has been said before but I could not find a topic on it. So we know that

Nalan'elin had Nightblood with him. We also know that Lift can see spren and perhaps Nightblood. Darkness is Nalan.

 When I was reading the interlude of Lift I came across a intriguing passage.

Sorry for quoting such a long passage. 


Darkness thrust something toward her. The little animal was like a cremling, but with wings. Bound wings, tied-up legs. It had a strange little face, not crabbish like a cremling. More like a tiny axehound, with a snout, mouth, and eyes. It seemed sickly, and its shimmering eyes were pained. How could she tell that? The creature sucked the awesome ness from Lift. She actually saw it go, a glistening whiteness that streamed from her to the little animal. It opened its mouth, drinking it in.


Your thoughts?

Edited by KaIadin StormbIessed
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Yeah that's a larkin, not Nightblood.  We see a preserved larkin early in WoR as a paperweight during one of the planning meetings Kaladin observes, and Rysn receives one at the end of her WoR interlude.


They also appear in the background of this image:



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Yeah that's a larkin, not Nightblood.  We see a preserved larkin early in WoR as a paperweight during one of the planning meetings Kaladin observes, and Rysn receives one at the end of her WoR interlude.

Huh. I never heard of a Larkin. You learn something everyday.  :huh:

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That's assuming that Lift always sees things in both the Physical and Cognitive Realm, as opposed to being able to just see and touch spren (and get the most ridiculously powerful method of storing Investiture we've seen).


Anyhow, I imagine that Cognitively, Nightblood looks like, well, Nightblood. Maybe with a big banner floating over its head reading 'Destroy Evil'. But there's no reason to imagine that it has a face or really 'looks' like much of anything in the other realms.

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That's assuming that Lift always sees things in both the Physical and Cognitive Realm, as opposed to being able to just see and touch spren (and get the most ridiculously powerful method of storing Investiture we've seen).


Anyhow, I imagine that Cognitively, Nightblood looks like, well, Nightblood. Maybe with a big banner floating over its head reading 'Destroy Evil'. But there's no reason to imagine that it has a face or really 'looks' like much of anything in the other realms.

Could be. I mean, Night blood knows he's a sword(I think), and I'm pretty sure he knows he needs a person to carry/weild him. His Cognitive Realm form might just be a sword, with his mind still in the sword, but with a "person" he moves and speaks through. That would be cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wait, what if Nightblood can eat stormlight too? In the warbreaker  it can eat color, and that is kinda similar to stormlight, right?  also, Nightblood was created to have sort of an artificial intelligence, which is almost human in thinking, but not quite. so, it knows that it was made to destroy evil, but it doesn't exactly know what evil is, so it just wants to kill everything. (artificial intelligence lacks human reasoning and emotions, and that is what makes it dangerous) so, that is why the user has to be extremely strong willed to resist the urge to kill everyone...does that make sense? 

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