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Agent Carter


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There's no Agent Carter thread yet? For shame! The new season started tonight, and while I'm still at work and have therefore not seen it yet, I plan to watch it when I get home and come back to discuss. So start discussing, or I'll be forced to come back and double post. And we all know that double posting is bad form and generally frowned upon, so please don't force me into such an indignity!

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Noooooo! DVR scheduling conflicts have stymied my plans to watch Agent Carter! I guess that I'll be waiting until tomorrow to watch it On Demand. It's Flash and the Legends of Tomorrow preview special for me tonight. Which isn't so bad, I guess. I've got The Expanse, too, but I'd better wait to watch that with my girlfriend.

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I love the beginning of the second season every bit as much as I thought I would. Jarvis is even more delightful than he was in the first season, and his wife is even more so. Peggy's fighting style seems to have moved a little away from the "slam people around" we saw in the first season, which I am a little regretful of - I liked her... directness there, but it's not a big deal. 


I did like the opening shot a lot. Dressing... Dorothy? up the way Peggy dressed in the first season, the contrast of her colorful hat and suit, walking opposite to the flow of the grey-clad crowd of men, it's good imagery. 

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I had time to watch the first episode before work, and I have to say, it's great. I love the way they set up several mysteries and fed just enough information to us for each one to pace the story properly. The episode's resolution felt satisfying, even though everything that was resolved raised new questions. I think the key is that questions are answered, making it a more rewarding viewing experience than a show that just stacks mystery atop mystery. That's not to say that I can't appreciate a mystery. For example, I thought that the first episode of Colony was great, and there's little in the way of answers on that show. Still, it's more fun when we know a little about what's going on.


I have to agree that the Jarvis couple are excellent. I suspected that they were going to try to make Mrs. Jarvis' character different than what one would expect, but she was still a nice surprise. So far, my favorite Mr. Jarvis bit is his dismay over Bernard the flamingo. Also, Dottie as a deranged Black Widow is pretty awesome. Showing up dressed as Agent Carter was great. You know she did it on purpose, but you're left to wonder if she's doing it to taunt Peggy or because she's feels a creepy lunatic's affection/obsession for her (I suspect that it's both at the same time).


This season looks like it's going to be just as great as the last one.

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I loved the first season, and really enjoyed the first two episodes of the new seasons. I'm really excited to see where they take it.


OK, am I the only one who's actually getting aggravated at this shoehorned love triangle thing?  If they take the obvious route and make Violet secretly evil, I am going to be so disappointed.

I don't think this will be the case. I think Sousa will get married and the whole event will dispel the rumors that Sousa is the man Peggy marries.

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So I thought Sousa kissed the 'gatekeeper' woman but then he's going out with Violet? I sort of assumed she was a sister or something and I currently have no idea what's going on.

I didn't expect to like Mrs Jarvis but she is *fabulous*. It's so nice for Peggy to have a friend.

Also this is totally non plot related but I really like the lipstick shades going on.

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