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Daredevil Season Two


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So I don't even know where to begin with this. I LOVED the first season of Daredevil. Jessica Jones was alright, but it just didn't even come close to Daredevil, for me at least. There was a new "Coming Soon" video posted for it. It isn't exactly a trailer, but it sets the mood for the next season. And oh man, it gave me the chills. Here it is.



Seriously, I thought this was awesome. And it's releasing in the middle of March! That's way earlier than I would have thought. Anyways, they seem to be hyping up Punisher a lot. If you look closely at the wall, you can see the Punisher Skull faded behind all of the characters. So what do you guys think of this little snippet? I'm hoping we get a trailer sometime soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm super excited about the new season. Season one was out-of-hand good, and this season looks like it's going to be even better. Elektra and Punisher are both characters that I never was super into, but given the quality of Marvel Netflix's work, I am really excited about their inclusion. After all, I was never super into Jessica Jones, either (by virtue of me having never read a single comic with her in it), but I ended up really enjoying that show. Basically, if Marvel Netflix says they're going to put a character in their shows, I get excited, even if they're not my favorite, I've never heard of them, or even if I actively dislike the character (that hasn't happened yet, but I imagine that I would still get excited).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Everyone's freaking out about Punisher, and, yeah, he does look cool, but I have to say, that single second of Elektra was more exciting than the whole rest of the trailer, to me. It's a real testament to Marvel Netflix's storytelling capabilities that they could communicate so much about the character with a single line. 


Also, I am really liking how Daredevil's suit is looking for this season. It looked a little off to me in the one episode that he had it in the first season, but they've clearly straightened out those issues. The battle-damaged black faceplate looks really cool, and the more traditional, all-red costume is looking good as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm only five episodes in, so I can't speak for the season as a whole, but I'm loving it so far. 


However, I didn't really enjoy the episode that set up Matt's and Elektra's relationship. It wasn't bad, but the entire episode was just way to romance-y. Elektra is alright, but so far I am enjoying The Punisher way more.

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I've seen only first 4 or 5 episodes and I just love Punisher in this series. Jon Bernthal fits this role perfectly, gives the character a good mix of insanity, determination and focus. The whole character and his morality is very interesting.


Thanks to those small moments that show his human side, I wasn't able to condemn him for what he was doing. That scene, when he's buying some police radio from that shady guy, we could see him thinking "you're a bad person, but I'll let you live", but then this guy tries to sell him porn with a 12 years old... any man who had a daughter would be tempted to do exactly what Punisher did. The fact that he took care of a wounded dog which was used for dog fights made me instantly like him two times more. 


When he told those Irish mobsters where he had their money so they wouldn't hurt that dog... after that scene, he can go and kill half New York, I don't care, I'm still his fan :P


Now, the last episode I saw ended with the kiss and Electra waiting for Matt in his apartment... I wonder where this will go now...

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Last third of the season didn't feel quite as strong, but that's saying as much, it's still great. 

The reason I don't believe it felt as strong is probably because it's setting up for season 3 way too heavily. 

The mysterious pit, Hand resurrection, and other stuff is all hinted at, but never really explained or mentioned again after their scenes. I'm really hoping that season 3 (or maybe Defenders season 1) focuses more on the Hand.

I guess I want season 3 to be more heavy-Hand-ed.



Edited by KalaDellexe
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I think that Punisher stole this season from Daredevil. Every episode about him > episodes with Electra. It was amazing.


My only, but I think quite big, complaint is about Electra. I really didn't get that whole Black Sky thing. So suddenly some Evil Ninjas tell her that she belongs to them, that she's Black Sky and she's instantly "OMG I'm Black Sky, they want me, I'm totally what they say I am." But what is that exactly? Who the hell knows  :angry: I get it, that it's sometimes good to leave things unexplained, but when they have 3 episodes about the fact that she is some mysterious Black Sky, and she's super important etc, and they don't explain what's so special about her it's just purely irritating. From what I've seen she's just a rich chick who can fight pretty well. That's all. Nothing more special. Black Widow Bis. Jessica Jones would beat her to a pulp if she could grab/punch her. Daredevil fought better than her. Nobu fought better than her. Why is she so special?! She liked killing people. That's all that's different about her from what I've seen.


Now, in contrast, Punisher was super fun, easy to understand and identify with. A strong character who knows what he's doing and why, no comic book knowledge required to get him. I only wish he showed up sooner in the last episode and simply shoot all those ninjas that Daredevil fought. Punisher has the perfect "no chulldung" attitude, that Daredevil is sometimes missing.


I liked the cameo of Jessica Jones employer, that woman owning law company that employed Foggy. It is all coming nicely together :) I hope Karen Page finds some happiness in the next season, she deserves it.

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I think that Punisher stole this season from Daredevil. Every episode about him > episodes with Electra. It was amazing.


My only, but I think quite big, complaint is about Electra. I really didn't get that whole Black Sky thing. So suddenly some Evil Ninjas tell her that she belongs to them, that she's Black Sky and she's instantly "OMG I'm Black Sky, they want me, I'm totally what they say I am." But what is that exactly? Who the hell knows  :angry: I get it, that it's sometimes good to leave things unexplained, but when they have 3 episodes about the fact that she is some mysterious Black Sky, and she's super important etc, and they don't explain what's so special about her it's just purely irritating. From what I've seen she's just a rich chick who can fight pretty well. That's all. Nothing more special. Black Widow Bis. Jessica Jones would beat her to a pulp if she could grab/punch her. Daredevil fought better than her. Nobu fought better than her. Why is she so special?! She liked killing people. That's all that's different about her from what I've seen.


Now, in contrast, Punisher was super fun, easy to understand and identify with. A strong character who knows what he's doing and why, no comic book knowledge required to get him. I only wish he showed up sooner in the last episode and simply shoot all those ninjas that Daredevil fought. Punisher has the perfect "no chulldung" attitude, that Daredevil is sometimes missing.


I liked the cameo of Jessica Jones employer, that woman owning law company that employed Foggy. It is all coming nicely together :) I hope Karen Page finds some happiness in the next season, she deserves it.

I'll second this.  Helps that Berenthal was pretty great in the role.  I liked Electra, but she was all tied up with the more mystical aspects, and I don't know that they handled those quite as well as the street level stuff.  still, between both seasons of Daredevil and the one season of Jessica Jones, I am definitely excited for the eventual Defenders series.

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