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What color are Vin's eyes?


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I was talking to a friend about Cosmere characters, and their dahn/nahn if they were on Roshar, when I realized that I don't know what Vin's eyes look like. I can't remember any descriptions, and I leafed through TFE trying to find something. I also checked the coppermind, but I found jack.


Also, can anybody remember anyone's eye color from Mistborn, anywhere? If not, is it because everybody has the same eye color?

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I was talking to a friend about Cosmere characters, and their dahn/nahn if they were on Roshar, when I realized that I don't know what Vin's eyes look like. I can't remember any descriptions, and I leafed through TFE trying to find something. I also checked the coppermind, but I found jack.


Also, can anybody remember anyone's eye color from Mistborn, anywhere? If not, is it because everybody has the same eye color?

I feel like it's brown or black but I'm not sure, I'd recommend checking Elend's viewpoints from the other books, they're more likely to feature something like that.

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How did Kaladin ever meet Vin?

Well, not to reveal secret information but it happens in the sci-fi trilogy, when the Shards resurect all the former protagonists (or at least the dead ones) for an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.


Wayning aside, I'm pretty sure Kaladin has never meet Vin and is highly unlikely to ever do so, unless said undead protagonist battle actually takes place.

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Ohmystorms peter commented on my post(play it cool).
Thanks for commenting on my thread. I made a very fangirlish noise when I saw you had.

So, can we make the assumption that Scadrial doesn't have any major differences in eye color. If so, then would it be because Ati and Leras didn't make it a gene, or is it deeper rooted in something else?(Nailed it now he won't think you're a nerd or something.)

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Yep, this is all we know. The default assumption from this is that they're dark brown. As far as I know, Scadrial doesn't have any weird eye colors like Roshar does.

Thanks for clarification Peter...it's nice to know I didn't overlook anything on my light speed book scan...

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