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Wayne and Marasi


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Although, it may be a case of opposites attracting. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Steris would be better for Wayne, her being very organized and trying to prepare for chaos, while he will be the cause of such chaos. MeLaan and Wayne is just too much. They're almost too much alike. They could be great friends and I think they might, but I don't think there's something there.

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"Opposites attract" is not a hard and fast rule, and I don't think its even the norm.


People often do fall in love with someone extremely different from themselves, but, I think, love usually forms much more quickly and lastingly when the two people involved share something in common, whether that be an interest or a facet of their personality.


I could see stopping crime to be a common interest for Marasi and Wayne, but I can't think of anything Steris and Wayne have in common. Plus, they already don't really like each other, which can be difficult to overcome.

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I wonder what gender, if any, MeLaan identifies as...

I hate to be the guy who insists on assigning genders to characters that shouldn't have them, but the Kendra having genders is foreshadowing of their true nature as ex-humans. Also MeLaan identifies as female as far as I know.
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Pretty sure in the annotations Brandon discusses that the Kandra do have a sense of their own genders, but that it is less rigid and defined than that of humans, since they are shapeshifters.


I couldn't find it with a cursory check of a few TenSoon chapters, but in the annotations Brandon does always describe the different Kandra with male and female pronouns (TenSoon is always "he", MeLaan is always "she").

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I hate to be the guy who insists on assigning genders to characters that shouldn't have them, but the Kendra having genders is foreshadowing of their true nature as ex-humans. Also MeLaan identifies as female as far as I know.


On the contrary, I think that the kandra's fluid gender will take more importance than their human past lives. Mostly due to this recent WoB.



Questioner: How come you don’t have any LGBT characters in your books?

Brandon: I do!  This one [shadows of Self] actually has one.  Ranette is lesbian.  Let’s see, transgender is awkward because I have the kandra who are kind of no-gender and both, that doesn’t really count, but it’s kind of me testing the waters and seeing whether I can write someone who has fluid gender and not be offensive with it, does that make sense?  So keep an eye on what I do with the kandra through the books.  The other gay person is Drehy from Bridge 4, he’s based on my good friend Ryan who is gay, and so you will see his husband appear in the series eventually as well, but we really haven’t talked about that one yet, there really hasn’t been anything but Ranette we’ve talked about and it becomes more and more obvious as we talk about it in the books.

( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r4u4t0SH_O-uEkaMwE9Iqjbrzem2e9xXRjFLvGWd7HI/edit )

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Kandra don't have a gender,I believe. They aren't even like "Left hand of darkness" where everyone switched back and forth depending on the time and circumstances. They adopt a gender from the bones they use or the needs of circumstance.

If you don't procreate, gender has no function. Kandra mimic gender related characteristics in their dealings with humans because that is how humans relate to other humans.

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Kandra don't have a gender,I believe. They aren't even like "Left hand of darkness" where everyone switched back and forth depending on the time and circumstances. They adopt a gender from the bones they use or the needs of circumstance.

Perhaps, but from the TenSoon PoV chapters it seems the kandra society does have gender identity as a concept, perhaps as something they inherited or imitated from human society.

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How do Kandra decide gender? Is it just intellectual? Or are there subtle physical differences?
Kandra have a specific gender that is associated with scent- you can tell if a kandra is a boy or girl depending on how they smell. There is more to it than that. They also know who they are attracted to.


Kandra do have a gender, and apparently gender-specific sexuality (not that this would preclude the possibility of bisexuality).

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That said, I wouldn't be surprised if there were anomalous (is that the right word?) Kandra who *don't* have a fixed gender.


I wholly understand Brandon's reluctance to incorporate LGBT characters without having confidence that he would not accidentally cause offence.


My own writing (If you can call a few mothballing chapters writing) is unlikely to involve any overtly LBG Characters for the same reasons.

As for a transgender  character, although this has become far less complicated to me since my brother started studying chemistry (Hormones are apparently interesting). It never bothered me - but it did baffle me somewhat, until I had an actual physical explanation.


Since the Kandra apparently have the ability to alter their own body chemistry, they might have more control over their Gender Identity then we would. 

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I would be interested in seeing the kandra develop somewhat like the changelings in Dungeons and Dragons Eberron. If I recall correctly, they are born with a rough gender, but over time since they do not have any traits of their own they form 4 or 5 "personalities" based on people they see, clothing they gather and what they need at the time. Over time they revisit these personalities enough that it becomes incorporated into their identities that all 5 are themselves, but at the same time not. So eventually they see themselves only as a gender when they are that particular personality. So male or female would depend on the day you ask lol. To elaborate a bit more, kind of like making up a character, and pretending to be that character so much, that it becomes real, and by becoming real it becomes you. 

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Do we have conflicting WOB? In reply #15 he is quoted as saying they don't have gender. At any rate, we can conclude, "it's complicated".


 I think the distinction here is based on the difference between gender and sex. Kandra do have two biological sexes analogous to the human male and female distinctions. What Kandra do not have, though, is a concept of gender (like the concept of man and woman). They do not have cultural constructs of gendered traits (masculine vs feminine) based on those sexes, probably because of their shapeshifter nature.


So Kandra do have something like the male and female sexes, but they do not distinguish amongst themselves in the same way humans do with man vs woman or masculine vs feminine, except apparently when it relates to sexuality (do they prefer the "male" Kandra or the "female" Kandra)..

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So there would be no gay kandra?


Well, it depends on the kandra, like everything else about identity, I'd assume.  Kandra are (by virtue of their biology) basically genderfluid, but MeLaan defaults to female and TenSoon defaults to male, so far as we're aware.  We don't know which gender they're attracted to, but it's not out of the question that there'd be a kandra who defaults to one gender and is attracted to the same gender.  

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How do we even know that kandra are attracted to anything.

They depend on mistwraiths to reproduce so I don't think they have sex in general. Like the spikes of an inquisitor makes there body reform, blessings could make a mistwraith an asexual kandra.

And I believe that at least during the first era love and attraction would be considerd to be human therefore caotic and not fitting a kandra.

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