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You know you spend too much time on the Shard when.....

Curious Anamaximder

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Look again.  It's 12,000, not 21,000.  That's right.  Kobold King has a 2:1 rep-to-post ratio.


(He's kind of a legend around these parts.)




* makes witty one-liner *


* rides off into the sunset *


* rides back into frame because he forgot his hat *


* rides back off into the sunset *

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Actually, it's closer to a 2.021:1 ratio.


Oooh, the pendanticism is strong with this one.  :lol:


* makes witty one-liner *


* rides off into the sunset *


* rides back into frame because he forgot his hat *


* rides back off into the sunset *


I'm picturing your deer-horned ponyself riding one of those cartoony pump-action train cars.

Edited by Kaymyth
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* makes witty one-liner *

* rides off into the sunset *

* rides back into frame because he forgot his hat *

* rides back off into the sunset *

The newcomer sees this hat-wearing pony ride off into the sunset, stunned.

"You must be new 'round here, kid," a voice sounds behind him. He spins to see Mistrunner sitting on the porch, chewing on a piece of straw.

"He's a legend. King of Kobolds, but here we just call him Kobold."

"How... he's a pony! How can he be riding a horse?"

"Like I said, he's a legend. He's got a 2:1 rep/post ratio and the highest rep count in the county- probably of the whole territory."

"And who're they?" Newcomer asks as several others, some ponies, some not, make their way into view.

"Those? Them's the sherif and deputies. Likes of Delightful- she does hugs and Forum Big Sistering- and Kaymyth- she's the mother figure of all Shard Territory. And there's the sparkly glitter goddess of pugs and and RPs, but I think she's indisposed over yonder in Oregon Territory."

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The newcomer sees this hat-wearing pony ride off into the sunset, stunned.

"You must be new 'round here, kid," a voice sounds behind him. He spins to see Mistrunner sitting on the porch, chewing on a piece of straw.

"He's a legend. King of Kobolds, but here we just call him Kobold."

"How... he's a pony! How can he be riding a horse?"

"Like I said, he's a legend. He's got a 2:1 rep/post ratio and the highest rep count in the county- probably of the whole territory."

"And who're they?" Newcomer asks as several others, some ponies, some not, make their way into view.

"Those? Them's the sherif and deputies. Likes of Delightful- she does hugs and Forum Big Sistering- and Kaymyth- she's the mother figure of all Shard Territory. And there's the sparkly glitter goddess of pugs and and RPs, but I think she's indisposed over yonder in Oregon Territory."

I have no idea what I just read, but it was hilarious.

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When half of your open tabs are for various parts of the Shard. Bonus points if you permanently have Theoryland open. Also, how do you use sprenmoticons? You might spend too much time on the Shard if you can answer that question without looking up either sprenmoticons or how to put them into posts.

Edited by Stormgate
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When you feel like talking to all the bots that spam, before the mods get to them.



I love it when they almost make a topic that's somewhat legible but don't quite make it.




It's like we're watching the derpy preschool days of the world's worst artificial intelligence. :P

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