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Long Game 1: In the Wake of the Koloss


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Yay werewolves (/mafia if you really have to call it that :P)


Clancy is the village storyteller. (Hey, you said similar to our usernames :) )


But wait, how does a village in the final empire have a dedicated storyteller? He used to be a traveler, defying the lord Rulers will by travelling between plantations and villages telling tales of other parts of the empire. After the fall of the lord Ruler and with the rampaging kollos hordes it became too dangerous to continue traveling alone.

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Could be fun to try ;), havent done it before thou


Every town cherishes a meetingplace where one can have a drink and talk with ones mates. Dyring prides himself on his establishment, finest for a days ride.


Also the only inn for a days ride, wich is likely a requirement for above claim.

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Sounds like a fun game, and if there's one person who needs fun in his life it's Quinn. The town crier, what he has been reporting has been getting more and more depressing. Deaths, mistsickness, the threat of invasion, not to mention the gossip and backbiting that always bubbles beneath the surface in times of stress. It's no wonder that when he isn't performing his duties, he is wrapped in a cloak in the tavern, nursing drinks.

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First of all, Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year treats you even better than the last one did. It should, we'll all be able to read WoR sometime this year!


Second, thanks to everyone who has already signed up. In the idea of keeping things moving, I've decided that I would like to start the game this weekend. That will give me some time to iron out the kinks, if there are any. So if you're not sure if you want to join, you have till I get the write up in on Saturday to decide! And I wouldn't wait till Saturday. I have no idea when I'll post it, just that it'll be sometime on Saturday. While I was hoping for around 16 people so we could have at least one of each of the basic metals, it shouldn't be unbalancing if I have to cut a few for this game. 




Also, I have a few additional concepts about the game I wanted to let people know about. This should help with clarify a few things at least.


I've decided that the day/night cycle will be 48 hours long. If everyone gets their night orders in before that time, I may cut it off early, but unless the entire group decides, the day cycle will always be 48 hours long from the time I post the night results. If this isn't enough time, or if it seems like too much time, we can adjust it as the game goes on.


I forgot to add this rule because it's fairly self explanatory, but after you die, you can't give out any in game information you have. You're dead and the dead don't speak. As an example, if you're the Seeker and you find out one of the other players is Spiked, but you die before the night is over, you can't tell anyone. For those that die, I'm planning on setting up an open Google Doc as a kind of spiritual realm where you all can talk over things without disrupting the game.


Speaking of disrupting the game, All out of character discussions will be colored in blue once the game starts. This is for things that are unrelated to the game (for example, if you just have to mention that you got your copy of WoR or something). That said, players are more than free to argue out of character and use their knowledge of the basic game mechanics to identify suspects, detect lies and get others to vote to kill someone. Those types of arguments are game related and thus don't have to be in blue. As example, if two people are claiming to be a Mistborn, one of them is lying and there may be ways to prove it.


Something else worth mentioning is this game isn't fair at all - it's very likely someone will get killed in the first night by no fault of his own. But these things don't take a ton of time and you can always join the next game.


That's all I've got for you guys for now. I'll start planning things with the group that we have so far and adjust accordingly when/if we get some additional players! Again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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Mat, the Wanderer, is new to town. Nobody knows who he is, or where he's from, but he has joined the game.

If anyone wanted to know information about what was going on in Luthadel or the rest of the Empire, Mat will tell them- for enough coin.


EDIT: Yeah, I haven't ever done one of these either. But it's worth a shot!!

Edited by loganmathewjohnson
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Porridge the Bricklayer has come to town. His name's not actually Porridge, but he's so utterly bland and forgettable that no one bothers to remember his real name. He'd make the perfect spy, if anyone would pay attention to him enough to think of recruiting him.

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Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm excited to get started! It's technically Saturday where I am and I did say that it could happen at any time on Saturday! So let's begin!

Quick note: Thanks again to everyone who signed up! Since we have 16 players, that means we have at least one of every Role! That means that PMs are allowable until the Tineye dies and I will make mention of that within my write up when/if that ever happens. 

List of Players

213 - Dr. Digits (Doctor)  Deceased Village Tineye

Edgedancer - Edgar (Blacksmith) Deceased Village Seeker

Mailliw73 - Maill (Cobbler)

Aether - Aether (Scholar) Deceased Spiked Smoker

Lord Claincy Ffnord - Clancy (Storyteller)

Gamma Fiend - Gambles (Town Drunk)

Kurkistan - Kukri (Knife Guy) Deceased Village Coinshot

Bartbug - Beetle (Urchin)

Dyring - Dyring (Inn Keeper) Deceased Village Thug

Little Wilson - Wilson (Messenger)

Darnam - Darnam (Mortician)

LoganMathewJohnson - Mat (Wanderer)

Grayv - Grayv (Drunken Veteran) Deceased Village Smoker

JasonPenguin - Jason (Beggar) Deceased Village Villager

PorridgeBrick - Porridge (Bricklayer) Deceased Village Rioter

Quiver - Quinn (Town Crier) Deceased Village Lurcher


Night 1

Grayv stood on top of the small wall surrounding the town, facing south. He couldn’t see them yet, but if the scouts were right, they were on their way. Koloss. A small band in comparison to to some of the huge groups he had seen in his day, but more than enough to overrun the town if they weren’t prepared. His eye twitched and he reached for bottle that never strayed too far from his hand. That was the problem, every time they began preparations, it seemed something went wrong. When they repaired some of the damaged sections of the wall, they awoke the next day to find the mortar refused to hold. The glue on the fletchings were the same. Then there was the fire that destroyed a lot of their supplies. Grayv didn’t know what it all meant, but he knew a disaster in the making when he saw it and this one was shaping up to be a doozy….


Aether sat studying the recent delays in the war effort. Something didn’t make sense. Porridge had used the exact same mortar for other repairs around the town and it held fine. The glue stuck on anything except weapons; he had tested it himself. His fingers still had tiny bits of feather stuck to them because of the adhesive. No, this was too systematic, too controlled. His eyes grew wide as an idea came to him….


Quinn sat in Dyring’s Inn, drowning his sorrows in drink. If Beetle and Mat had both heard the same thing, then he had the biggest news this little town had ever heard and yet, he didn’t feel like sharing it.

“News flash, everyone,” he mumbled into his drink. “We’re all going to die!”

Just as he raised his mug to his lips, the door slammed open. In the fading light of day, Aether stood in the doorway, out of breath and with bits of feather stuck all over him. The mists were already starting to curl around his feet. Aether took a minute to catch his breath and then said one word to the waiting crowd.



Night One begins! I’ve sent everyone a PM with their alignment and roles. Good luck everyone! 

If you have a role that has night time actions, send me a PM with what you would like to do. You can decide not to use your action if you want, but then please send me a PM telling me that you don’t plan to use it.

Edited by Metacognition
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By all means, discuss, RP, debate, etc. Have fun, the game has begun. But, no votes for who gets killed will be counted until after I post the Night results and Day 1 starts.


If everyone gets their night orders in early, I'll probably do the write up early, but I want to make sure I give everyone plenty of time. I don't think everyone checks in everyday and it would suck for them to miss out (or get killed) without having the opportunity to defend themselves. If everything is going smoothly and everyone thinks 48 hours is too long of a wait, I have no problem shortening the time between turns to 24 hours. Right now it's wait and see what works for everyone, but that doesn't mean you can't start now! :)

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Aether, town scholar:


Saboteurs, I tell you! The mortar used on the wall has been tampered with. The accident was not, uh, accidental! I believe there is reason to assume that last weeks fire was not random at all. People, we have an enemy amongst us!


EDIT: I propose adding similar tags to mine ahead of all in-game posts, to make it easier to keep track of who's who.

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